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Indie Game Development Discussion Thread | Of Being Professionally Poor

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Screenshot saturday! Triple Combo is fierce and does a lot of damage.
Got a nice post in the works - my college hosted an indie games festival (called Green Mountain Games Festival) showcasing student works and local developer works today and it was amazing!

Rami Ismail (Vlambeer) and Zoe Quinn (Depression Quest) were there to talk, and it was pretty awesome.

Pictures and a video to come with the next few days!
Depends what kind of game. If it's DOOM then no. If it's sidescrolling or top down then probably!

Thanks, though I mean between the two, which one should I go with?

I'm completely new to game design other than some miscellaneous classes I've taken 5 or more years ago.. Didn't really learn a thing, but I bet I could.

The game will be 2D. Originally wanted it to be limited visually to the look of an SNES game, but may end up going the painted route. 2D single screen gameplay.


Thanks, though I mean between the two, which one should I go with?

I'm completely new to game design other than some miscellaneous classes I've taken 5 or more years ago.. Didn't really learn a thing, but I bet I could.

The game will be 2D. Originally wanted it to be limited visually to the look of an SNES game, but may end up going the painted route. 2D single screen gameplay.
I like Game Maker for 2D single screen gameplay. It has nice scripting if you decide to get more complex, too. Feel free to try tutorials in both, in case one clicks for you more than the other.
Thanks. I got the free studio copy today.

Is that competent enough to make a fully featured 2D game or should I go ahead and cough up the bucks for the pro version?


Thanks. I got the free studio copy today.

Is that competent enough to make a fully featured 2D game or should I go ahead and cough up the bucks for the pro version?
You can do just fine with the free version. Start googling tutorials and get going! The sooner you try it the sooner you'll find out more, or have questions and we can answer them! :D


Thanks. I got the free studio copy today.

Is that competent enough to make a fully featured 2D game or should I go ahead and cough up the bucks for the pro version?

Depends on if you mean the Free version or the Standard version that's on sale (free) right now. The Free version limits how many objects, sprites and rooms you can have. Standard is perfectly fine.


Blah, I was hoping to have something together for screenshot Saturday, but my only means of capturing video leads to really choppy clips; even choppier GIFs. Although in all fairness, I'd just be exhibiting core/basic engine behaviors with placeholder art from other 2D games.



I'm back in business!
After the successful release of Snails, I've went on a break, but now I'm back at full force.
Snails was only released on Windows Phone, and there's no project at the moment to release it on other platforms. This time around, I'm going to aim iOS/Android from the start and reach a bigger market.

I'm developing a new engine based on the C# engine we built for Snails, but this time I'm using C++ to make it compatible with any platform. At this stage everything is working and I've already started developing a new game. This time is a much simpler project. Snails took 3 years to develop, this time I'm hoping to complete the project in under 3 months. Gameplay is almost all in place and soon I'll be starting the visuals.

I've integrated Box2D in the engine to get improved collision detection and physics.

Ho boy, I missed this thread...


My games wrapping up, I've spent longer working out how to do menus and stuff then actually making the main game. People can now toggle between what kind of visual look they want, spent time doing this because I know some people hate scanlines and all that.

I need a couple of people to test the game on different OS before I put it up on itch.io. If you're interested just send me a PM!
Here's some screenshots for a Saturday for Another Castle.
That Eyeball shot is terrifying.

That's awesome, really like how this sounds. Look forward to see the entirely finished game!


Oh boy stupid Unity, did a number1 > number2 check and everytime it was true when it shouldn't.
I printed out the numbers and sure enough they were the same. I was like wtf. It wasn't until I printed out the difference when Unity decided to showed me they aren't really the same o_O


Oh boy stupid Unity, did a number1 > number2 check and everytime it was true when it shouldn't.
I printed out the numbers and sure enough they were the same. I was like wtf. It wasn't until I printed out the difference when Unity decided to showed me they aren't really the same o_O

I had a weird thing earlier. Out of nowhere one of my colliders stopped registering for no good reason. Looked for literally a few hours of code and couldn't find the issue. Deleted the collider and made a new one - nothing else changed. Works. I have no clue why. Literally all i did was delete the collider and re-attach a new one to the same dimensions. Nothing else changed. Nothing.

I'll add yours and mine to my list of "huh... really..." Unity moments. Shit had me fucking strung out like I was on withdrawal earlier ready to set fire to things.


I had a weird thing earlier. Out of nowhere one of my colliders stopped registering for no good reason. Looked for literally a few hours of code and couldn't find the issue. Deleted the collider and made a new one - nothing else changed. Works. I have no clue why. Literally all i did was delete the collider and re-attach a new one to the same dimensions. Nothing else changed. Nothing.

I'll add yours and mine to my list of "huh... really..." Unity moments. Shit had me fucking strung out like I was on withdrawal earlier ready to set fire to things.

This is the sort of thing that terrifies me about jumping into Unity. At least with XNA if something didn't work, I could usually narrow it down to some problem in my code.


This is the sort of thing that terrifies me about jumping into Unity. At least with XNA if something didn't work, I could usually narrow it down to some problem in my code.
Pshhh, things magically started working for me in XNA all the time.


So I went out and bought a kinect for cheap just so I can make animations for my characters in Unity. I've tested it and having a mini mocap studio in my apartment is fun! :-D


So I'm pretty much finished with the Alpha for the KS, and want to know if any of you guys want to try out the game and see if there's any bugs. PM me if you want a copy of the game.


This is the sort of thing that terrifies me about jumping into Unity. At least with XNA if something didn't work, I could usually narrow it down to some problem in my code.
Every IDE has its quirks, bugs and issues. Not even limited to programming. Can be any tool from Photoshop to Maya to audio programs like Pro Tools, Logic, etc. Dont even get me started on Logic, FML. Everything has its bugs. Some big, some small. I spent hours once in Reaktor building an instrument in standalone, brought it in to Logic... Nope. Nope. Nope nope nope. Stand alone? Yep. As a plugin? Nope. You just gotta take a deep breath and roll with it sometimes.
So I went out and bought a kinect for cheap just so I can make animations for my characters in Unity. I've tested it and having a mini mocap studio in my apartment is fun! :-D

wondering what do you use to convert the kinect capture to 3d mocap? I am also interested to do something similar in the future


Sorry for the late reply. I agree. We like taking baby steps especially during our POC phase as it allows us time to test add, remove and change functionality a little bit at a time without getting ahead of ourselves or too deep into one system that we need to change due to unknown unknowns. ...
No problem, as you please! Btw; how many are 'we'?

... The alternative is failure. I dont think we need to make a big splash, just a little one so we are aiming for a niche but strong demographic that I consider myself a part of having grown up with these types of games. Its a situation where if we dont do it justice our heads will roll by the community that is engaged in these types of games. Its a double edged sword. There will be interest from that niche demographic that fuels our passion but holy shit if we can't knock it out of the park. ...
That's what I'm after as well ;), making a game for a niche demographic, a
game I can't make today on a global scale, but locally I already evaluate/
develop some of its core components from scratch which will find use in some
other games of mine way before. What I like about making games for a niche
demographic is that people in there appreciate the fine details much more.

... If we can pull it off we put our names on it that we can make great gameplay, even if its just for a small group. We've been flowcharting the basics all week and going through the gameplay motions with pen, paper and my most amazing C++ console window representation since that takes no time to create. That's still good tho since the classes and methods (functions but w/e) are an easy port to C# and unity with CTRL-C and CTRL-V (forward thinking and syntax). So far so good tho. ...
Are you guys working full-time on that game?

... But yeah, failure. I know there is more than one "shot" to make an impact but I'm the type that goes on a warpath whenever I put my head to something I am passionate about. Its one of the reasons I do so many PoCs - the more I do, the more I learn from them and my mistakes. Then unknown unknowns become known unknowns and eventually known. Its fun and frustrating at the same time but stomping a bug and leaping hurdles is such a great sense of accomplishment that it drives me more. I collect their souls!
copy *.*


I had a weird thing earlier. Out of nowhere one of my colliders stopped registering for no good reason. Looked for literally a few hours of code and couldn't find the issue. Deleted the collider and made a new one - nothing else changed. Works. I have no clue why. Literally all i did was delete the collider and re-attach a new one to the same dimensions. Nothing else changed. Nothing.

I'll add yours and mine to my list of "huh... really..." Unity moments. Shit had me fucking strung out like I was on withdrawal earlier ready to set fire to things.

It was really weird, both numbers should have been 1.8, Debug.Log(number1...number2) showed them as 1.8.
Even Debug.Log(number1.toString("F16")) showed them as 1.8 with a lot of zeros after the decimal point because I wanted to be sure that this isn't a rounding error.
When I printed out the diffference I got 0.2E-07, thanks for letting me know Unity.

If anything it teaches me to use the actual debugger and not clutter the console with debug messages. But I use Visual Studio and apparently I have to use Mono IDE to debug aka too much hassle ._.


Every IDE has its quirks, bugs and issues. Not even limited to programming. Can be any tool from Photoshop to Maya to audio programs like Pro Tools, Logic, etc. Dont even get me started on Logic, FML. Everything has its bugs. Some big, some small. I spent hours once in Reaktor building an instrument in standalone, brought it in to Logic... Nope. Nope. Nope nope nope. Stand alone? Yep. As a plugin? Nope. You just gotta take a deep breath and roll with it sometimes.

Yeah, I figured there's be some weirdness. The worst kinds of bugs are those that aren't consistent, like the example where removing then re-adding an element suddenly made it work. I can deal with something that's broken but can be reproduced. Oh well... game development :)


No problem, as you please! Btw; how many are 'we'?

That's what I'm after as well ;), making a game for a niche demographic, a
game I can't make today on a global scale, but locally I already evaluate/
develop some of its core components from scratch which will find use in some
other games of mine way before. What I like about making games for a niche
demographic is that people in there appreciate the fine details much more.

Are you guys working full-time on that game?

copy *.*
We are 3. One of us is a 3D animator and designer who also rigs and sets up 2D and 3D cutscenes. My other friend is a software engineer turned game programmer, outside of my many changes during POCs he loves doing it. I also design, am doing all sprite work for Strafe, I program basic and core systems (I leave gameplay programming to my friend but we defer to each other for almost everything), I work sound FX (both design and Foley) and also have the availability to dive into analog audio for composition with a few friends who pull strings with the Chicago Symphony orchestra (these strings are few so I dont pull them unless I REALLY friggin need them and more for sampling than complete compositions). We all work on this part-time outside of our day jobs but since I have a huge workload that extends beyond development I burn the candle in the middle sometimes, too. I just cross my fingers and hope that we nail everything as best we can.

There will be stuff for Gaffers after we Kickstart our mini game for about 3k. Just enough for a few Unity licenses we need, the rest I am covering on my own. So its noodles for me for a while ha! Not sure if our mini Ninja Gaiden styled game can get 3k since its not a graphical showstopper but the gameplay is there. We can only voice our passion about making games and our first foray into development with Strafe.

I'm nervous, that's for sure.
I am always a bit too late for #screenshotsaturday so i guess monday will have to-do.

Tweaking my visual style for my game and starting first run of particle effects (shields for bases e.t.c)

I am using games like reprisal and rymdkapsel as inspiration for art styles, i just love there minimalistic style



Unity is good. Its just hard to plug things in sometimes. I don't think the 2d is good enough yet though. If you want to do 2d skeletal animation then the 3d is better for it.


Unity is good. Its just hard to plug things in sometimes. I don't think the 2d is good enough yet though. If you want to do 2d skeletal animation then the 3d is better for it.
Its all on a dope sheet, child objects, etc. There's nothing complicated about 2D skeletal in Unity. Even their example project uses it. Not sure how much easier it can get just slapping a dope sheet down and keyframing. Then again Ive never tried any 2d tools for Unity so I have no comparison.


I heard somewhere that this thread occasionally enjoys unreasonably large animated gifs.


Working a lot on some cosmetic type stuff in preparation for the new video. Here we see glowing things that glow.
My niece was over and super interested in what making a game looks like.

She saw me answering emails and writing kickstarter updates and asked me to "make the game". I said, unfortunately a lot of paper work goes along with this thing.

So my kickstarter for Treachery in Beatdown City just hit $10K, which is awesome.

I am exporting a gameplay video right now that's a half hour long. Might be overkill, we'll see.
Thanks! do you know of any non Unity tool there?

I do not, sorry. Worst case is you could use that and Unity to get your animations, then extract the animations out to whatever you're using. The Store page says it supports Blender and Maya, so the animations should still work. (In theory...)


I heard somewhere that this thread occasionally enjoys unreasonably large animated gifs.


Working a lot on some cosmetic type stuff in preparation for the new video. Here we see glowing things that glow.
I want this inside me. I want to bear its children. HURRYAP!


Neo Member
I wish I could share more stuff with everyone. We're going to be unveiling our first trailer in April, so I kind of don't want to spoil any of the cool stuff coming up...

In other news, apparently it's okay to say we're in the ID@Xbox program! So, uh, we're in that. We got a couple free dev kits, which was awesome, though we're still waiting on the Unity beta to really mess with 'em. Anyone else in?

Very awesome. I've been getting the bulk mails from them but nothing concrete. I feel your pain about not being able to share what's going on at work. That's been my life for over 5 years now!
It was really weird, both numbers should have been 1.8, Debug.Log(number1...number2) showed them as 1.8.
Even Debug.Log(number1.toString("F16")) showed them as 1.8 with a lot of zeros after the decimal point because I wanted to be sure that this isn't a rounding error.
When I printed out the diffference I got 0.2E-07, thanks for letting me know Unity.

If anything it teaches me to use the actual debugger and not clutter the console with debug messages. But I use Visual Studio and apparently I have to use Mono IDE to debug aka too much hassle ._.

Um, sounds like you're simply running into floating point accuracy problems, which is hardly Unity's fault. It's a side-effect of how floating point numbers are represented on a computer. Since binary can't handle fractional numbers, your variable values are actually close approximations of what they should really be (I'm sure that Wikipedia article explains it better than I can).

So for instance if you have:
x = 0.1f;
y = 0.1f;

It's possible (though very counter-intuitive) that in some cases, x == y will not be true - because, say, x is actually 0.0999999999999999, and y 0.100000000000001, or something.

In short, you shouldn't trust straight-up float comparisons in your code, and always plan for this accuracy issue. For a simple example, you could check for number1 > number2 + 0.0001 (or whatever precision you need) rather than simply number1 > number2, though the solution depends on what you're trying to achieve.

I heard somewhere that this thread occasionally enjoys unreasonably large animated gifs.

Indeed we do. That looks pretty amazing I have to say.

So my kickstarter for Treachery in Beatdown City just hit $10K, which is awesome.

Well, congrats but... not to be pessimistic, but you'll need a huge turnaround to reach your goal there. You reached $10K because there was a big $4K boost today, but that's from only 5 pledges, so most probably one very generous backer is responsible for most of it. You can't expect that every day unfortunately. What kind of marketing are you doing to draw attention to the campaign? Um, well I'm hardly an expert at running Kickstarters but... we have some people with experience around here, maybe they can give you some tips.


So I went out and bought a kinect for cheap just so I can make animations for my characters in Unity. I've tested it and having a mini mocap studio in my apartment is fun! :-D

whoa. i didnt know this was a thing. Now i want to buy a kinect and play around with this.

I heard somewhere that this thread occasionally enjoys unreasonably large animated gifs.


Working a lot on some cosmetic type stuff in preparation for the new video. Here we see glowing things that glow.

looking really good!


Neo Member
Unity. You will eventually go there so just start there and let 'er rip!

Topic/Off topic:
Anyone use Reason 7? I have an old version but the past decade I've been using Ableton, Logic and NI's Komplete (dat Reaktor) for audio production. Going over the additions to Reason made me feel all warm and fuzzy at how robust it has become. Pulled the trigger on the upgrade. Anyone have thoughts about the improvements? It'll be nice to bring Reason back into my toolchain again. New toys!

I use Sonar X2. I have Reaktor but basically I just modify the settings on included synths. Even with a computer science degree I find these programs to be extremely complicated.


Neo Member
I heard somewhere that this thread occasionally enjoys unreasonably large animated gifs.


Working a lot on some cosmetic type stuff in preparation for the new video. Here we see glowing things that glow.

The good thing about particle stuff like this is once you have the first one done, you can now change it slightly and get completely different looking effects. Can't wait to see the new video. Make sure you post it with all caps and stuff so we don't forget to vote!
I heard somewhere that this thread occasionally enjoys unreasonably large animated gifs.


Working a lot on some cosmetic type stuff in preparation for the new video. Here we see glowing things that glow.

That's beautiful man, can't wait!! are you using Unity or your own engine?


Um, sounds like you're simply running into floating point accuracy problems, which is hardly Unity's fault. It's a side-effect of how floating point numbers are represented on a computer. Since binary can't handle fractional numbers, your variable values are actually close approximations of what they should really be (I'm sure that Wikipedia article explains it better than I can).

So for instance if you have:
x = 0.1f;
y = 0.1f;

It's possible (though very counter-intuitive) that in some cases, x == y will not be true - because, say, x is actually 0.0999999999999999, and y 0.100000000000001, or something.

In short, you shouldn't trust straight-up float comparisons in your code, and always plan for this accuracy issue. For a simple example, you could check for number1 > number2 + 0.0001 (or whatever precision you need) rather than simply number1 > number2, though the solution depends on what you're trying to achieve.

Never check conditions using '==' between two floats. Most of times we learn this from the hard way. XD
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