I have a quick question....
I have Twitter (and Facebook for that matter), and I'm wondering what is the point of it and what would be the best way to use it?...
I've only just started to get the ball rolling on my social media stuff, but I'm happy to share my thoughts so far.
Comparing yourself to Nintendo or Sony is probably not the best way to start. Those companies have to protect their corporate image fiercely. When they post something informal, it usually makes headlines.
In order to best succeed in the small space, I think its best to use your weaknesses as strengths. So, if you're small, that can mean you don't have to protect a corporate image. Posting updates, screenshots and music snips are all great ways to keep people informed and interested. However, don't be afraid to post a picture of your messy desk with your game running on your PC with a caption like "Hard days work, but finally got [feature] working!". It helps the kind people who would want to follow a small indie developer relate to you.
Your personality, or character, is something you can promote that Nintendo or Sony can't, because they're a large faceless corporation. Also, post often. I try and post something new at least once a week. I'd like to post more often, but some weeks having something interesting to talk about isn't easy.
...Anyway, any criticism is welcome; I'm still very much a beginner. Thanks!
I think both versions are great, in different ways. The first feels a little more lighthearted, and I love the crisp sound of the instruments. I get so used to the beep beep beep of electronic music that its nice to hear something different. The second has just the mildest hint of something darker, and feels a lot more electronic, with a nice melody.
I find that music needs to "fit in", and at the same time it really defines the feeling of a game. Without knowing about the game the pieces of music are for - or what you're intending them to do emotionally - its hard to offer more than that. They sound great in any case!