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Indie Game Development Discussion Thread | Of Being Professionally Poor

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y'all should be ashamed
Playstation Mobile has officially gone out of beta and is now live for anyone to dev for:


Playstation Mobile has officially gone out of beta and is now live for anyone to dev for:



An important bit, I think a license is only required to SELL your game. You don't need to pay a think to download the SDK and deploy to your devices.

EDIT: I think not, you can download the SDK but it seems you need a license to deploy acoording to the page. Don't have a windows machine with me so I can't test it.


Interesting. Looks good and music sounds good as well. But if it's pixel art,
I would eagerly keep away any compression or filtered scaling of any video or
screenshot, it just kills all the work of the artist. Show me the raw pixels
and not any filtered crap. ;) Isn't it possible to upload a sixty-second
uncompressed footage of your game and screenshots without any filtering
applied? Just use raw pixel doubling if in need for scaling, it even preserve
the brightness of the picture.

Here's a little preview of what I'll be submitting to the GITHUB game off:

Cool. Don't know, but I think it has potential.

... I would like to know what you guys would like to see in a first person shooter? ...
I have thought about it for a second. I don't know.
And I don't know if it's such a good point to ask people what they want to see
in a first person shooter. If I would do an FPS, I would rather come up with
something new to really surprise people. Drawing stuff from Killzone and Halo
lowers just my enthusiasm about your game, not because these games are bad
games, nope, because I don't want to see a mashup of such games. It really
gets boring that way. Don't get me wrong, your game might be awesome
nevertheless. Since you are the creative director, show me something new,
show me ten things that will pwn away all the people.
Where are the screenshots? :)


343i Lead Esports Producer
An important bit, I think a license is only required to SELL your game. You don't need to pay a think to download the SDK and deploy to your devices.

EDIT: I think not, you can download the SDK but it seems you need a license to deploy acoording to the page. Don't have a windows machine with me so I can't test it.

So it's like XNA in that regard then. Tools are free but if you want to deploy to the 360 you need that membership pass.

Ranger X

Interesting stuff, I figured that was it. :)

I wasn't complaining, just making an observation and just asking about it.

Back on the topic of indie games, the game I've been working on the past few months is up on Steam Greenlight.

I've been working on the code since the Summer, as I picked up where the previous programmer left off.

The game is called Famaze, and I am really happy to be working on it with some awesome people (Oryx is doing the art + Disasterpeace is doing the music). It's been in development for quite some time, and I think that everyone is ready to get it done.

Right now the code for the web and PC version is nearly done. I am working on wrapping up the iOS version as well. :)

Shooting for an early 2013 release and then an Android version down the line.



Looks interesting. I voted you up.


Good at being the bigger man

It took me 30 minutes to grow all those pumpkins :D. Also half of my money is gone... I could sell them for a profit, but I like the way they decorate my little house :)

The pumpkins are made without textures, just like most of the house and almost all objects in the game. Just colors, no shading at all.


Cool style Bamihap, that's an ipad game right?

We just added a new upgrade model to our game, now you can upgrade every aspect of the ship/weapons and abilities. We originally were just going to have one mode, but our greenlight comments pushed us to go for our initial vision. Designed these icons last night.


I can't wait to release this game and let everyone have fun with it, it's really shaping up


Bamihap, your game looks gorgeous. Completely consistent and charming. Looks like it could be an Animal Crossing type game, maybe? (have I said this before? I don't remember..)

ConvenientBox, I like the icons.


Good at being the bigger man
Bamihap, your game looks gorgeous. Completely consistent and charming. Looks like it could be an Animal Crossing type game, maybe? (have I said this before? I don't remember..)

ConvenientBox, I like the icons.

Yes, we're making the game very similar to Animal Crossing. It will be a free2play game with more hardcore mechanics from games like Harvest Moon.

There is a huge amount of people who want Animal Crossing on iOS, Android, PC & Mac. Nintendo isn't going to do it. So we're going to deliver a similar experience. It's really exciting, since there is no real competition on the platform.


An important bit, I think a license is only required to SELL your game. You don't need to pay a think to download the SDK and deploy to your devices.

EDIT: I think not, you can download the SDK but it seems you need a license to deploy acoording to the page. Don't have a windows machine with me so I can't test it.

Just got approved and yeah it's $99 to test on vita - and because the graphics card on my laptop doesn't support OpenGL 2.0 ES I can't test things in the simulator so have to use the vita to test code I'll need to get a license.

Hopefully it will force me to actually finish something though :)


So the project me and others have been working on for quite a while now has just launched:


It feels weird posting this in the indie games thread because it's such a big client thing, but at the same time the team actually puttings this together consists of nothing but awesome indie devs.

All the in-game characters and effects are my work.


Playstation Mobile has officially gone out of beta and is now live for anyone to dev for:



I know the program is called Playstation Mobile but does it allow you to make games for the PS3 Playstation store as well? There are some parts of the site that make it sound like you can.

If not, does anyone know what the process for this is? Anything I find on the web is really old and some things i've read lead me to believe that it's easier now than back in 2007 or so.
So the project me and others have been working on for quite a while now has just launched:


It feels weird posting this in the indie games thread because it's such a big client thing, but at the same time the team actually puttings this together consists of nothing but awesome indie devs.

All the in-game characters and effects are my work.

This is still rad, I love the simplicity of your styles and pallets.

Gah, I want that super power!

I understand, you need to feed yourself. But hey, it's still nifty!


If anyone is interested in Steam Greenlight, the (donated to Child's Play) submission fee is currently on sale for $50 instead of $100. Grab it now, submit a game down the road, pay half price!

*edit* It was maybe a bug, and went back to $100 maybe 10 minutes after I bought it. :p
So the project me and others have been working on for quite a while now has just launched:


It feels weird posting this in the indie games thread because it's such a big client thing, but at the same time the team actually puttings this together consists of nothing but awesome indie devs.

All the in-game characters and effects are my work.

Amazing, I saw it on Adam's twitter earlier. It's really fun, great job!

qq more

So the project me and others have been working on for quite a while now has just launched:


It feels weird posting this in the indie games thread because it's such a big client thing, but at the same time the team actually puttings this together consists of nothing but awesome indie devs.

All the in-game characters and effects are my work.

Someone showed me this earlier and I had no idea you worked on that. Awesome game.


If anyone is interested in Steam Greenlight, the (donated to Child's Play) submission fee is currently on sale for $50 instead of $100. Grab it now, submit a game down the road, pay half price!

*edit* It was maybe a bug, and went back to $100 maybe 10 minutes after I bought it. :p

FML. I was so happy for a second. Especially when we pay 15€ more here.


So the project me and others have been working on for quite a while now has just launched:


It feels weird posting this in the indie games thread because it's such a big client thing, but at the same time the team actually puttings this together consists of nothing but awesome indie devs.

All the in-game characters and effects are my work.

Ha, I just beat Ohio!

Really funny stuff. Love the bear!


So the project me and others have been working on for quite a while now has just launched:


It feels weird posting this in the indie games thread because it's such a big client thing, but at the same time the team actually puttings this together consists of nothing but awesome indie devs.

All the in-game characters and effects are my work.

This was amazing. As a game designer, I'm kinda jealous tbh. Nice work.

Besides yourself, who else helped make this game, if you are at liberty to say (and if you want to, of course) ?


Our team:

Adam Saltsman - Programming/Game Design
Sven Ruthner (also known as Ptoing) - Background artist and cutscene artist, helps me with character designs too
Jukio Kallio (also known as Kozilek) - Music
Robin Arnott - Sound Design
Me - In-game character + effects art and animation

And then there's Wieden+Kennedy, Powerhouse Animation, Driftlab and of course Old Spice taking care of things on the website, marketing, voicing and cutscene-animation side.

It's a huge, crazy collaboration, haha.
Due to memory constraints we had to do some asset remapping and remodeling in Arcadecraft. Here are a couple images showing the difference.



It is far more comfortable working within the new spec and it has been "fun" making room for more assets this way! There are more screens, info, and new features on the firebase website.


Talking about licenses... I might end up upgrading my 3.0 basic licence to 4.0, since the engine appears to run a lot better on middle-end Android devices.

However, I spotted they removed Android ARMv6 support for the Unity 4 beta (I haven't checked out the final release yet). Does anybody know how much that might impact the devices my game will be able to run on?

I'm currently working on the goal screen GUI, previously a mess of data and text which has a single font size, and trying to make it more interesting too look at and less cluttered, replacing some text with icons, if at all possible. For example, I'm planning to replace the "time" text with a chronometer, which will catch the player's attention more than before and will also be one less thing for me to localize for each language. I'll see if I can get it done by tomorrow.

All this graphics-related stuff is getting tiring now, but since it's what my teachers asked for, I'll have to work on it for my final exam in three or four weeks. Once I'm done with that, I'll get back to working on newer, better levels and other content for the game (finally!).


So the project me and others have been working on for quite a while now has just launched:


It feels weird posting this in the indie games thread because it's such a big client thing, but at the same time the team actually puttings this together consists of nothing but awesome indie devs.

All the in-game characters and effects are my work.
Lmao nice. The opening is awesome. Played very briefly but looks great. Its funny too. Surprised it kinda even runs on my original epic S1.


343i Lead Esports Producer
So the project me and others have been working on for quite a while now has just launched:


It feels weird posting this in the indie games thread because it's such a big client thing, but at the same time the team actually puttings this together consists of nothing but awesome indie devs.

All the in-game characters and effects are my work.

You guys did this?! Holy shit I saw it gaming side and had no clue. Hahaha so awesome.


Concepting for the various stuff about Mr. Wave is coming nicely.

I've laid out various worlds for the game (there are four in this one), and that said, the first world is called WOODLANDS

Enemies are based off of original ideas about various foods you can find in the wild or nearby trees: Apples, Acorns, Mushrooms, Pinecones (invincible enemies), Cherries, and Peaches.

Mr. Wave will gain three different abilities based on which enemy he eats:

  • A cherry bomb attack
  • Hot applesauce (acid throw)
  • Mushroom Shield (can block attacks and push enemies)

Looking forward to finishing the concept of the first world and get started with the level layouts. Exciting!


So I'm about to start my next Unity game, which I'm planning to make over the course of a year in my free time. I've decided to be sliiiightly more ambitious with the design and try to make a multiuser thing.

I've done multiuser programming (once) before, and have successfully made separate client and server applications. Specifically I did this in Actionscript 3 and make a very basic multiplayer flash game. I have the next three or so months free in my life, so I'm able to make time investments into learning how unity handles networking.

I was wondering if anyone here had any advice / resources / other useful things about Unity networking before I jump in. I haven't even started researching it, and I presume if it ends up too difficult in Unity I'll jump out and instead make a 2Dthing in C++ or AS3 with the same ideas.


So I want to get into Blender. Are there some books that you guys would recommend?
I don't know books, but I recommend online tutorials if you can find them, since you can follow along with videos. The Blender IRC channel can be very helpful too if you get stuck.


UI basic somewhat finished.


Life bar will be a graphic updated during the game as you take damage, the spaces on the left and right will be for virtual keypad on devices.

If you notice under Mr. Wave's name, you'll see I've added a clock display (which will be where you see what power you have scroll across it).

Very awesome idea if I say so myself.


I was thinking that I could create 2d characters without shadows added in for depth and handle the creation of depth through normal maps.


Without normal map.

With normal map.
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