Nice! That's quite some work spent. That C/C++/SDL thing is a solid one,
indeed! :+ Is Box2D free of any license issues? One more question (if you
don't mind); are you using TTF fonts in-game? If yes, what's the font rendering
engine behind? Or are you using a font editor converting TTF fonts to bitmaps
and using those in-game?
I'm using btimap fonts. I usually want to add outlines, color effects etc to my fonts, and I can't do that with TTF fonts, besides bitmap fonts are faster to draw and look better. However scaling is a downside.
I usually use illustrator do draw the fonts "ABCDEF" etc, and then export to a PNG and add effects in photoshop. Then I use the font editor to define the rectangle for each char and export to a XML file with the font definition. Then I use that XML in-game to load and create the font.
This process needs to be improved because it takes some time to create a font. But it works, and for now it gets the job done.
Edit: Box2D is free