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Indie Game Development Discussion Thread | Of Being Professionally Poor

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Thanks for the info, guys.

I didn't mean for my comment to come off as a diss, I'm just very much more on the programming side of things personality-wise than the art, sound, etc. so I don't think that picking something that is more shallow on that side of things is the right option for me. I feel like in a lot of ways I'm going to be as interested in learning the programming side of things as I am about getting the whole game done. I have other writer or artist friends that GameMaker would be perfect for, it just doesn't appeal to me personally so much.

I mention being a beginner programmer; that's because despite getting a programming heavy degree in college (MIS) and doing some refresher stuff in recent years my actual job has always been more of a go-between for the hardcore programmers and the administration so I just don't have much hands on experience outside of things like SQL Server and using VBA in Excel and Access. Programming and interaction between the various gaming systems is still very much my main interest in game design.
The programming language in Game Maker (GML) is decent in my opinion, and is used to glue everything together. You don't need to do art besides basic sprites and backgrounds, and you'd have to do something about art even if you wrote a game from scratch. Everything else should be stuff like entities, objects, and GML scripting in Game Maker.

Check out a few tutorial videos or guides that use GML, and you should see that there's plenty of programming if you want it.
Thanks for the info, guys.

I didn't mean for my comment to come off as a diss, I'm just very much more on the programming side of things personality-wise than the art, sound, etc. so I don't think that picking something that is more shallow on that side of things is the right option for me. I feel like in a lot of ways I'm going to be as interested in learning the programming side of things as I am about getting the whole game done. I have other writer or artist friends that GameMaker would be perfect for, it just doesn't appeal to me personally so much.

I mention being a beginner programmer; that's because despite getting a programming heavy degree in college (MIS) and doing some refresher stuff in recent years my actual job has always been more of a go-between for the hardcore programmers and the administration so I just don't have much hands on experience outside of things like SQL Server and using VBA in Excel and Access. Programming and interaction between the various gaming systems is still very much my main interest in game design.

The think is, you can learn a lot about how to program a game engine using game maker. Once you use it it'll all click and you'll say "aha".

The other side is that while you might be a good programmer, programming is a really small part of making a game. For most other games, especially those who follow a more traditional structure, it'd be very painful to build your own tools instead of using something else.

If you really want to make a game, your changes of actually finishing it using game maker skyrocket by thousands.


Thanks for the info, guys.

I didn't mean for my comment to come off as a diss, I'm just very much more on the programming side of things personality-wise than the art, sound, etc. so I don't think that picking something that is more shallow on that side of things is the right option for me. I feel like in a lot of ways I'm going to be as interested in learning the programming side of things as I am about getting the whole game done. I have other writer or artist friends that GameMaker would be perfect for, it just doesn't appeal to me personally so much.

I mention being a beginner programmer; that's because despite getting a programming heavy degree in college (MIS) and doing some refresher stuff in recent years my actual job has always been more of a go-between for the hardcore programmers and the administration so I just don't have much hands on experience outside of things like SQL Server and using VBA in Excel and Access. Programming and interaction between the various gaming systems is still very much my main interest in game design.

I used to use Game Maker because it was fast to use, but I found myself increasingly constricted by GML. I knew how to accomplish what I wanted, and the language was holding me back. If you feel that way when using Game Maker, then by all means drop it, but do try it first.


343i Lead Esports Producer
You could have asked! :)

Yea I should have. It didn't even cross my mind. I actually made an image over 12,000 pixels wide and tried to load it in. Actually, 2 images that wide lol. Cut them both to 2560 just to see how the camera movement and scrolling look.

I'm getting side tracked though, I've got to work on the combat loop. Have a weird bug where when the player falls on the enemy, the button become unresponsive and collisions don't work. I probably just have it switching to a state it shouldn't be or something. Shouldn't be a big deal to fix.


Largest Texture2D in XNA is apparently 4k by 4k. Found that out the hard way today.

If I recall correctly, you start running into texture dimension limits for low-end graphics cards around 4k to 8k pixels. My ATI 5850 can't do higher than 16384x16384 dimension textures according to OpenGL.

What I did pretty early on in my engine was create the concept of "graphics" and "textures". A "texture" is a single texture, with limited size, but graphics can be formed of arbitrary numbers of textures. Of course in most cases you presumably don't need images that big anyway in 2D games.

HOWEVER, I don't know whether XNA actually has an arbitrary texture restriction or whether it's to be safe due to graphics card support.


Sidhe / PikPok
We put our latest Inside PikPok up, this time Animation


On a related but different note, I'm considering offering any GAFfers releasing iPhone or Android games a free of charge banner promotion at launch on our user network to help you guys get off to a good start (a gentle nudge to help stack the odds in an otherwise hostile environment). Such a promotion would be (relatively) no strings attached.

If this seems like something people here would like to take up, let me know and I'll try to formalise my thoughts and wrap a process around it.


343i Lead Esports Producer
If I recall correctly, you start running into texture dimension limits for low-end graphics cards around 4k to 8k pixels. My ATI 5850 can't do higher than 16384x16384 dimension textures according to OpenGL.

What I did pretty early on in my engine was create the concept of "graphics" and "textures". A "texture" is a single texture, with limited size, but graphics can be formed of arbitrary numbers of textures. Of course in most cases you presumably don't need images that big anyway in 2D games.

HOWEVER, I don't know whether XNA actually has an arbitrary texture restriction or whether it's to be safe due to graphics card support.

Ok so essentially the enviroments and levels are just made of smaller "textures" rather than one huge image. Also, I'm deploying straight to my 360 so that's probably why the limit is that low.
We put our latest Inside PikPok up, this time Animation


On a related but different note, I'm considering offering any GAFfers releasing iPhone or Android games a free of charge banner promotion at launch on our user network to help you guys get off to a good start (a gentle nudge to help stack the odds in an otherwise hostile environment). Such a promotion would be (relatively) no strings attached.

If this seems like something people here would like to take up, let me know and I'll try to formalise my thoughts and wrap a process around it.

i'd certainly be interested in this. of course, our game won't be releasing until summer 2013, but still... that would be great!

on a somewhat related note, does anyone have advice and/or links for making headway on the ios app store? i'm not that knowledgeable about it, but our game will be coming out for ios in addition to xblig. i'm interested in learning the best avenues available to an indie studio to make noise in that marketplace. thanks in advance!

Tashi said:
Largest Texture2D in XNA is apparently 4k by 4k. Found that out the hard way today.


it depends on which profile you are using. the reach profile supports max of 2k by 2k texture. the hi-def supports 4k by 4k. here's a link that explains all of the differences in a nice table:



relies on auto-aim

A vid of my new game. The one that was supposed to be done in just 7 days...yeah.
Looking really really great. Already love how combat looks. Not sure if I'm a fan of buying fuel.
Plus you seem good at it!
We put our latest Inside PikPok up, this time Animation


On a related but different note, I'm considering offering any GAFfers releasing iPhone or Android games a free of charge banner promotion at launch on our user network to help you guys get off to a good start (a gentle nudge to help stack the odds in an otherwise hostile environment). Such a promotion would be (relatively) no strings attached.

If this seems like something people here would like to take up, let me know and I'll try to formalise my thoughts and wrap a process around it.
Sounds like a great opportunity, thank you.
I just read through the first 20 pages of this thread even though I haven't slept yet and have to get up in about 4 hours. I got caught up in all this inspiring stuff, but alas I think its about that time.

This is a cool story btw:
Today is one of the easiest times to get into the industry. Indie games make it possible for anyone to jump in, I love it.

Although the early 90s was also really easy. I look back to the career of Tommy Tallarico. He travelled to california with no money when he was 21. Got a job selling keyboards at a music store. One day he was wearing a videogame t-shirt. An executive from Virgin Games happened to walk in and notice that, and offered him a job as a videogame tester. This was in the days when videogames weren't as mainstream, and no one had video game shirts back then. Then he begged and begged to give it a shot as a game composer instead of a tester. He was given that shot, and then he kept going from there. Now look at him lol. Of course not everyone was as lucky as him, but I couldn't see that happening today.

The early 2000s seemed the hardest. Games had grown to a level where game budgets were skyrocketing. Indie games also weren't around back then. At least there was no way to share the games properly. Now we have XBLA, Playstation Mobile, Steam Greenlight, iOS etc.


I finally started work on a muliplayer game in Unity. After a bit of a learning curve on the specifics of its Network class, I now have players successfully joining into my game and interacting. Physics, collisions and everything else are working quite smoothly.

Here's a quick video I recorded with me and someone else messing around. Note: might be a bit loud, headphone users.

It's a long way away from where I'm going to end up with this game, as I'm not intending the game to be a weird bad Tribes clone with balls. The idea behind the game is to make a moba-like game, and combine it with an MMO inspired quest system. The 'challenge' I'm setting myself is to try and make the MMO quest structure interesting, by taking advantage of how boring it is.

My timeline for this game is either six or twelve months, as I'm going to be doing it in my free time. The end goal is to have about 12 players join a game, with gameplay that can last for about 30 minutes per round, and if I have time, learn how to animate models in Blender so it's not just A Game of Balls.

It should be fun. (the process, that is. Can't speak for the game.)



... Now, the viewport is 1280x720. Potentially the means I'll be dealing with enemy or obstacle locations in the million pixel range in the X coordinate. That just doesn't seem like the way it's commonly done to me. Or is it? I don't know. ...
You may perhaps be interested in an object's local-, global-, and viewport
coordinates and how to transform them into each other.

... I think the whole "floating point numbers aren't reliable" thing is the reason Unity has the Mathf.Approximate(float, float) method. Different processors are likely to handle floating point math differently, ...
"Are likely". True. But not if they follow a given standard, i.e. the IEEE 754
for floating-point computation. In this case they all behave the same,
otherwise it's a bug.

There are vendor specific feature that extends the standard, like Intel with
its 80bit extended double precision format. On a modern Pentium all floating-
point computations are converted to 80bit internally, which sound good, but
isn't if one doesn't pay attention. Why? Well, upon loading a 64bit float into
the FPU it gets extended to 80bits as stated earlier. If you now do some
computation on the extended 80bit float and later store the result back to
memory, while being converted back to a 64bit float again, you will get a
different result with respect to the plain native 64bit version.

However, that's not such a big issue for gaming. But there are two at least;

(a) "the whole 'floating point numbers aren't reliable' thing" stems from
truncating the standard to increase performance. If that's the case, you,
being the developer, have to take care of this to know all its limitations,
if you want to program a reliable game on the given hardware. For example,
even the Cell's SPEs do not support full IEEE 754 single-precision floating-
point numbers, which isn't necessary for gaming nevertheless. But you better
know about it.

(b) The other issue with floating-point numbers usually stems from performing
computations on too different scales, i.e. using bad coordinate systems. One
of the coolest things about floating-point computation is that the computer,
i.e. the FPU, adjust the radix point by itself, i.e. it rescales the
coordinate systems such that both numbers are aligned in scale/dimension/
magnitude. If the numbers are too far apart, one may lose significant figures
(precision) during computation leading to unstable results. However, the
floating radix has lead people to assume that one can throw numbers together
at will. And this, despite the spooky features some systems have, is by far
the biggest issue. You really have to take care of the range of your numbers
and the range of the numbers they get, for example, multiplied with. That's
why we are programmers to begin with. To take care about all these things. No
tool whatsoever can save one from such consideration, since every finite
number system resampling an infinite one poses such limits.

I need to implement text rendering for menu and HUD. Are bitmap fonts the way to do it? (C++, DirectX9)
Like razu said. And btw don't bloat your game with superficial libraries just
to render a font. I have written a little code fragment for you to render
bitmapped characters and strings (no error checking done, mind you!)

// blit a character to the screen
void blitChar(int x, int y, char c)
  char map[] = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789";
  int len = strlen(map);
  int i = 0;
  // find index of character c in map[]
  while(i < len)
    if(map[i] == c) 
  // blit bitmapped character to the screen                 
  bltBM(x, y,            // screen position
        bm,              // bitmap with characters, aligned with map[]                               
        i*char_width,    // char position in bitmap
// blit string to the screen
void bltStr(int x, int y, char *str)
  for(int i = 0; i < strlen(str); i++)
    bltChar(x + i*char_width, y, str[i]);

blitChar() uses an elegant character map, which saves us from holding a whole
ASCII character bitmap (which would be faster, since no additional translation
is needed). You can extend the character map with other symbols etc. Just draw
some more characters in the bitmap and extend the character map within the
code. Obviously, you need to replace the bltBM() function. Easy! The bltStr()
is pretty standard for rendering a string, but very slow in general. Ratering
bitmapped strings in scanline order, assuming a linear framebuffer, is much
faster. But you may perhaps never touch that ground while programming on a PC.
Windows 8 Game Competition Using Scirra's Construct2.



1st Prize: a Windows 8 tablet, a Windows Phone 8 Nokia Lumia 920 and Construct 2 Business license
2nd Prize: a Windows Phone 8 Nokia Lumia 920 and Construct 2 Business license
3rd, 4th and 5th: Xbox 360 games bundle and Construct 2 Personal license
6th-9th: Xbox 360 games bundle
10th: Xbox 360 games bundle and a flying monkey

Publish by December 14th.

Some Criterias

Games must be created with Construct 2
Implementation of key Windows 8 features including Snap View, Live Tiles and Share functionality
Games that are unique, creative and innovative
Games that are consumer friendly


Haha, I love the animation and sound when he opens his door/face.

Thanks man! I thought it was pretty cool in my head and I'm glad it turned out really well. :)

Windows 8 Game Competition Using Scirra's Construct2.



Publish by December 14th.

Some Criterias

Interesting! I might just try to push to finish the first world of my game just to meet this. It would give great publicity to my game!


Guys I really want to start developing in a semi professional way (more like a side project) some indie games, so I wanted to ask what tools would you guys recommend considering this:
- Mobile development/deploy is a priority.
- Coding isn't a problem and learning new stuff is welcome.
- The tool should be well documented and rock solid among platforms.
- The tool should also have a massive and active development community.

Naturally, I have checked the recommended tools in the OP, but I wanted to hear more opinions about it.

Currently, the Flash/AIR and Unity sound like the best choices. (Maybe Construct 2 if they sort out the nasty stuff I read about it)

For my current background all I can say is that I have 10+ years developing Mainframe and DB stuff for financial institutions. As you can imagine, most languages I'm used to are kind of useless outside of those places.


Guys I really want to start developing in a semi professional way (more like a side project) some indie games, so I wanted to ask what tools would you guys recommend considering this:
- Mobile development/deploy is a priority.
- Coding isn't a problem and learning new stuff is welcome.
- The tool should be well documented and rock solid among platforms.
- The tool should also have a massive and active development community.

Naturally, I have checked the recommended tools in the OP, but I wanted to hear more opinions about it.

Currently, the Flash/AIR and Unity sound like the best choices. (Maybe Construct 2 if they sort out the nasty stuff I read about it)

For my current background all I can say is that I have 10+ years developing Mainframe and DB stuff for financial institutions. As you can imagine, most languages I'm used to are kind useless outside of those places.

Unity is a full-fledged 3D game engine, whereas Flash is just a bare-bones environment which mostly requires external classes or libraries to work for games. Unity has some of that stuff built-in as part of its environment (asset importer, object inspector, scene editor, animation system, physics, etcetera), whereas you can get stuff like Flixel on top of Flash in order to get relatively simmilar benefits.

My biggest complaints about Flash are how badly it performs (or, at least, used to) compared to Unity, and how you're locked into a single language instead of three.

However, I can't say much else because I don't have nearly as much experience using Flash (I just made four mini-games and a weird application) as I do with Unity, despite not having many finished projects besides a single mobile game and a couple of basic games I made for some small competitions.


Thanks to everyone who responded to my text rendering question. I'll go with my initial plan - using BMFont to generate font bitmaps and implementing rendering myself.


Unity is a full-fledged 3D game engine, whereas Flash is just a bare-bones environment which mostly requires external classes or libraries to work for games. Unity has some of that stuff built-in as part of its environment (asset importer, object inspector, scene editor, animation system, physics, etcetera), whereas you can get stuff like Flixel on top of Flash in order to get relatively simmilar benefits.

My biggest complaints about Flash are how badly it performs (or, at least, used to) compared to Unity, and how you're locked into a single language instead of three.

However, I can't say much else because I don't have nearly as much experience using Flash (I just made four mini-games and a weird application) as I do with Unity, despite not having many finished projects besides a single mobile game and a couple of basic games I made for some small competitions.

Thanks for the answer and yeah, thinking about it, I don't want to mess with 3D stuff for now, everything I have in mind can be done in 2D.

Ugh, this is becoming more difficult than I expected. Small question, how easy is to find libraries/tools/etc. for Xcode?


Yesssssssssss I got the sucking animation working on both left and right, some kinks and bugs to work out of it, but it's mostly complete now. That means that all that's left is to create what happens when Mr. Wave sucks in an enemy! Amazing!

Ranger X

So I am about to show/demo my game in the wild for the first time tomorrow. It's like pre-alpha right now and there's only the tutorial mode that is near final (no sound integration yet). I am really curious about having some input from total random strangers, I'm going to some small friendly meeting of amateur devellopers here in Montreal tomorrow.

What do you guys think? Good to show or get opinions on early stuff? Would you rather wait? What do you generally make of this kind of matters?


Sidhe / PikPok
So I am about to show/demo my game in the wild for the first time tomorrow. It's like pre-alpha right now and there's only the tutorial mode that is near final (no sound integration yet). I am really curious about having some input from total random strangers, I'm going to some small friendly meeting of amateur devellopers here in Montreal tomorrow.

What do you guys think? Good to show or get opinions on early stuff? Would you rather wait? What do you generally make of this kind of matters?

Do it. You'll get invaluable feedback by getting fresh eyes on it, especially from a usability perspective which can help you work out how intuitive your game is. Other developers will be okay with it being rough around the edges.

I wouldn't be too scared about people stealing ideas in that sort of environment. Everybody is likely to have their own pet projects already they are invested in.


Do it. You'll get invaluable feedback by getting fresh eyes on it, especially from a usability perspective which can help you work out how intuitive your game is. Other developers will be okay with it being rough around the edges.

I wouldn't be too scared about people stealing ideas in that sort of environment. Everybody is likely to have their own pet projects already they are invested in.



I guess I really haven't worked on it much lately but I figure I would post a screenshot anyway.

I have put a custom GUI manager into place in addition to the normal GUI manager that draws the editor GUI. The custom GUI manager should eventually allow me to do things like toggle handles to resize widgets, and/or alignment snap lines, but also have a mode where I can toggle to preview what the final GUI would look like (presumably with buttons clickable etc.). The little region inside the edit area currently follows the mouse cursor around, and is clipped inside the edit area thanks to the scissor box I mentioned earlier.

I also had a brief moment of happiness because I made a note to add a method to copy some stuff from certain objects, only to discover that I had already added that into my engine design and it was already supported and made what I was working on now easier to do! Thanks, me in the past.
Hi guys, i have started doing prelim work on my next iphone game which is going to be a platformer.

Heavily influenced by New Super Mario Bros 2 in both movement and goals. Basically i plan on creating a coin collectathon.

Unlike most platformers i want to encourage people to keep returning and earning more coins. I have yet to decide on what the end prize/goal will be but i want it to be more meaningul then New Super Mario Bros 2 rewards.

Since the concept is COINS COINS and more COINS i wanted to create a main character who is rich and abit of a scrooge. Would love some feedback on his initial design.

I am going for a very scrooge mcduck style with the first level/tutorial starting out in his massive vault of money when suddenly it all gets stolen.

Do you think this design would work as a "Hero" for a platformer. Any suggestions to improve his design ?

I am pretty new to pixel art so i know i have lots to impove/learn.



Thanks to everyone who responded to my text rendering question. I'll go with my initial plan - using BMFont to generate font bitmaps and implementing rendering myself.
You may also be interested in the 8x8 ROM PixelFont Editor. It allows you to
edit and build your own 8x8 bitmap font. It's good if you one want to design
very small fonts. For example, my engine uses a 3x3 font (it can't get any
smaller). The tool also allows you to read off the hex values right away or
to save them as an ASM or a C include file. No need to load a bitmap. ;)

8x8 ROM PixelFont Editor


I swear the best thing about making a multiplayer game is watching people break it.

I let players spawn physics objects to see how many unity could handle flying around at once. Turns out, way more than I'll ever need. Hopefully.


So I am about to show/demo my game in the wild for the first time tomorrow. It's like pre-alpha right now and there's only the tutorial mode that is near final (no sound integration yet). I am really curious about having some input from total random strangers, I'm going to some small friendly meeting of amateur devellopers here in Montreal tomorrow.

What do you guys think? Good to show or get opinions on early stuff? Would you rather wait? What do you generally make of this kind of matters?

Best thing I did was go to an indie meet up and get people to play Chopper Mike.. Came away with a big list of things to do though!

Ranger X

Do you think this design would work as a "Hero" for a platformer. Any suggestions to improve his design ?

I am pretty new to pixel art so i know i have lots to impove/learn.


Its minimalist style is actually pretty cool but I wondered where he was looking for a good minute or two. Then I understood the black on the left is his hair and therefore the other black thing was the nose. In my book, great pixel art is one I can catch right away. There must be a way to make his face just as cool but instantly recogniseable.

You may also be interested in the 8x8 ROM PixelFont Editor. It allows you to
edit and build your own 8x8 bitmap font. It's good if you one want to design
very small fonts. For example, my engine uses a 3x3 font (it can't get any
smaller). The tool also allows you to read off the hex values right away or
to save them as an ASM or a C include file. No need to load a bitmap. ;)

8x8 ROM PixelFont Editor

OMG thanks for this. I was looking for something like that.

Its minimalist style is actually pretty cool but I wondered where he was looking for a good minute or two. Then I understood the black on the left is his hair and therefore the other black thing was the nose. In my book, great pixel art is one I can catch right away. There must be a way to make his face just as cool but instantly recogniseable.

OMG thanks for this. I was looking for something like that.


Thanks for the tips. The black on the left is actually suppose to be his monocle strap, and the rectangle on the right is his entire eye. So hes basically just doing a quick look left then right again and tapping his walking stick.


Not sure if it is of any help to anyone (most of you probably have your own) but we shared our press contact list (only contacts that are available on the net, no personal ones).

We are also working on two titles right now (both are developed in Unity):

Oliver&Spike: Dimension Jumpers (3D Console Adventure/Platform mix)





More info on our O&S blog.

It is incredibly frustrating at this moment in time to try to get funding or a publisher for O&S. Everything really speaks against it Marketing wise but we are just too stubborn to let the whole low cost, end of console generation cycle, mobile trend take over. We still believe that there can be new, ambitious IPs for console games, damnit :)

Gametracer (Platform game creation tool for gamers for PC and mobile)



Video of the early prototype: http://youtu.be/ufi1nUnhhA4


And now you got sick of it? xD

Took me like 5 years to get sick of it and 5 years to plan and save what the hell I was going to do with my life.

But yeah, right now I provide out-tasking to some clients but the work is sporadic and not well payed. I was thinking in starting with some small games and applications for mobiles, but boy, there are too many choices and I'm still kinda lost. (This thread has been a huge help, but I still haven't decided what tools I should use)

Tash that looks amazing!


I've not worked on a game before, but I've been working towards getting into concept art for a while, so I'm naturally very interested in getting involved with a project. Unfortunately I'm not really sure where to start. I've done a few tutorials in Unity3D and it seems simple enough to grasp, plus I have a couple years of Maya experience.

What I'd like to do is start off with a simple sidescroller or top-down adventure game (metroidvania, zelda) that focuses on hand rendered art (Bastion, Trine, Rayman Origins). I have a few ideas for concepts, but I'm assuming I'll need someone to team up with that has a bit more experience.

Anyways, would Unity be appropriate for a 2D game (probably with several "layers" of interactivity, 2.5D I guess? oh and I use a Mac btw)? And is this something I could reasonably learn as I go and do myself in terms of gameplay engineering, or would I have to recruit someone? (any gaffers up to it? pm me if you'd like to see my ideas :p)
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