Quick heads up for Unity people.
Prototype is free for September, it seems. It's usually $15, I believe, so if you're vaguely interested in 3D map creation it seems like a good time to add it to your Unity account so you can access it later.
I've been playing around with it for a bit, and it definitely feels like Source's Hammer editor, if you've used that. It's a little rough around the edges, but still very, very good.
Wow, thank you for pointing this out! Picked it up and will try it out once I have time to work with Unity again.
Some of the audiosources are on the objects where the script that calls them is others are on separate, empty, game objects since they are played by several game objects. Every sound has this delay.
I'm using wav files uncompressed. They are small.
I'm using a Moto G that should be powerful enough to handle a game like mine.
No, everything runs smooth apart from this.
I'm almost finishing the game and this is the only major problem I have and I don't even know where to start to solve this...
My gut is telling me that it is something on the Android side that is causing issues. I don't have experience with it personally, but some quick Google searches of "Android Unity audio latency" led to some articles about latency from Android itself. They were ~1 year old, so maybe it has been fixed. Not sure.