
I really don't know how to begin. I was always interested in this game but somehow I never bothered to get it at all or maybe was waiting for a discount
The game dropped on game pass and it was about damn time to play the game and see why I was interested in the first place. I. DID. NOT. REGRET. IT. AT. ALL!
Got hooked right from the beginning. The animation smoothness, colours, battle system and all of the platforming levels were VERY WELL made which got me in the feels
Played lots of platform games in my life but Indivisible was and still something special during the whole journey and definitely after it too! How else do you that a game is special?
Its when you fall in love with it so quickly. Ended up buying the game out of love and support although its still on game pass and its not leaving anytime soon I am sure about that
The switch and transition in the soundtrack was unbelievably good and what made it more good is that the OST of the game is right in the damn feels and veins! Great OST for sure
I don't really remember the last time I played a game where the soundtrack switched couple of times in a single level or a single small area in the level which was magnificent by the way
So yeah, I am a garbage writer but wanted to give this game the love and recognition it deserves because its up there for me definitely with the best platform games I have ever played
If you're a fan of platform games you MUST play this game and only then you'll understand why Mista Sista Fista made this thread and all what I said is no form of exaggeration at damn all!
Decided I'll go play Skullgirls since its their game too and hoping that it delivers half of what Indivisible delivered to me. Thank you for reading and have a wonderful weekend my GAF fam