heyyy i just remembered this bit
ahh day one, like a different game altogether
Fair answer.
I honestly think Flame slipped the alignments of cab and Sky and now he's just forced to roll with it. It's the only way I can explain the repeated 100% townreads on Cabot in his next several posts. Bury the mistake in bad play, so to speak.
On Zipped talking dangers of flavor. O agree. That's why i didbt make a case out of Cabot's role. But Swamped was the kinda villain of 2 games, so if totally call it out. There are grey areas, Beast included, but Beast is certainly a threat to Seattle.
I agree completely. But of course if someone claimed one of those characters I'd take a much closer look at them.Yeah but beast is very obviously a big bad evil scum, same with someone like Kessler, Joseph Bertrand III or Brooke Augustine.
However, I don't think any game would give us something so lucky (hey look all the bad guys are bad and all the good guys are good).
On Zipped talking dangers of flavor. O agree. That's why i didbt make a case out of Cabot's role. But Swamped was the kinda villain of 2 games, so if totally call it out. There are grey areas, Beast included, but Beast is certainly a threat to Seattle.
I agree completely. But of course if someone claimed one of those characters I'd take a much closer look at them.
If I was a lynched I bet I might already have won, but alas I'm a town player. Yes, using flavor names is a horrible practice and I'd feel horrible doing it, but in Swamped's case it would have worked out. (Now you might have the small idea that I was a lyncher of Swamped which would then combo with the lynch bpmb, and while that'd be cool, unfortunately no).Mr. Lyncher, why the interest in the names, especially now that we know scum have fake claims? You yourself mention that using names as basis for a lynch would be a horrible thing to do, yet you do not seem to adhere to your own standards.
No I'm saying you accidentally revealed that you know Cabot is town and Sky is scum.I'm not 100% following you. Are you saying I slipped by saying I myself was the potential scum?
If I was a lynched I bet I might already have won, but alas I'm a town player. Yes, using flavor names is a horrible practice and I'd feel horrible doing it, but in Swamped's case it would have worked out. (Now you might have the small idea that I was a lyncher of Swamped which would then combo with the lynch bpmb, and while that'd be cool, unfortunately no).
It would have worked out on the case of Swamped but it'd be a bad thing to do.
No I'm saying you accidentally revealed that you know Cabot is town and Sky is scum.
I don't know why else you would act so sure on Cabot, it's madness.
If fake claims are all evil, mean and nasty characters, it is just dumb. Game breaking really. So I will not entertain the possibility with the evidence we have now.
I'm town though. I agree with you that it was a really of pair of statements thay Flame_AC made. However, if Flame is trying to cover for a slip-up, it wouldn't be me who is the scum on the list.No I'm saying you accidentally revealed that you know Cabot is town and Sky is scum.
I don't know why else you would act so sure on Cabot, it's madness.
Now you town read me? Then why make a big deal about Blarg's list? Everyone has read lists. You could pick any list anyone has made in this thread and claim that there is at least one scum on it. Why focus on this list in particular?I strongly feel that Cabot is town. I know I am.
I think you are getting tripped up in assuming every post I make is my own opinion. The posts about the Blarg theory where all this started, began with the concept of Blarg being scrum. Which I do t think is true, everything that followed from that was based on that theory.
I think Cabot, myself, and to a lesser extent Blarg and SkyOdin are town.
At some point we have to make an assumption to get anywhere, I'm assuming for Day 5, at this moment, that Cabot is town. Not 100% locked in, but for the purposes of right now, it is.
I'll go over Zeusy when I'm at a computer, I feel like it is a pretty decent case.Now you town read me? Then why make a big deal about Blarg's list? Everyone has read lists. You could pick any list anyone has made in this thread and claim that there is at least one scum on it. Why focus on this list in particular?
And why are you going through such convoluted hoops to paint me and Blarg as potential scum when you town read us and are voting for Zeusy?
Why are you even voting for Zeusy? Can you go back over your reasons for that?
Unfortunately I can't post much today, and won't be there for the deadline. I'll check in on my phone during lunch. I do want to see a Ri flip so I'll keep my vote there. I'm still wary of Zipped, Waffle and Cabot. Cabot has been towning LP which is fine, but he says the LP's posts are blunt. I've had a chance to look through LP and he really feels like a null read to me. His posts actually seem quite mild to me. His posts are mostly to vote and some speculation on night actions. I would also like to see more reads from OA, I feel like he hasn't offered much on that front. I don't think I'll have a chance to re-read Splinter before day end, but that's something on my agenda because I think I've been giving him a pass. Mostly because he strongly scum-reads Cabot too. I do think it's unlikely Splinter and Cabot are on the same scum team though.
Ok, that's where things stand so far. Hope to check in later.
I'll go over Zeusy when I'm at a computer, I feel like it is a pretty decent case.
Again. You and Splinter are missing/leaving out the context for my Blarg discussion. I was there, right at the start of the day, surprised to see two deaths and a scum flip in Swamped. I quickly did a cursory look at some of her interactions, which I stated as such, and then made a quick case about Blarg being possible scum since, where I was it in rereading, they seemed pretty buddy buddy with one another. I then developed the case a little bit more by examining their read list. It was then that I noted the 3 town and 1 scum.
Yes It was a hastily made case, based on a quick glance at earlier days. I still don't really see this collossal slip up that y'all are putting forward. To me, if we were looking at it in a purely hypothetical situation as I kinda was, then my conclusion may not be correct, but it is at least logically consistent.
To be honest, I stand by the line of reasoning, if Blarg is scum, then the chance of scum being SkyOdin increases by a lot. Cabot too, but he's got more town cred to me than SkyOdin.
Why do you town read LP now you once said you'd use a bullet on him instead of me
If we're still in the theory of what I was talking about. Itd be bad play to have Blarg's scum list be entirely town people. This scum Blarg puts a teammate on the list.Why is SkyOdin a scummate of Blarg, wasn't he pushing Sky as one of his 4 scum.
cabot, WaffleTaco, Zeusy, Ri'orious because that last switch of voting doesn't really make sense.
If we're still in the theory of what I was talking about. Itd be bad play to have Blarg's scum list be entirely town people. This scum Blarg puts a teammate on the list.
Note that scum wins with majority.
I'm not sure what you're saying here?Ri had a vote on cabot yesterday.
From isaac on D3:
Ri flipped town.
Usually the scum win condition is to control 50%+1 of the votes, right? Maybe this implies the existence of a third faction? Or it's just different wording to mean the same thing because no flip has indicated a third faction (besides CCS being neutral)?
So like, a part of me just wants to go quote all my old posts about Zeusy... would that be a bad thing y'all?
I'd rather you just make a general overview of your case with one or posts. Because walls of text generally aren't fun to go through.
I must say that some of my opinions of the newbies are tainted by the newness factor and the fact that they're in the gossip chat so I'd just really like for them to be town.
So with Zeusy, some of the questions he's ask about the nature of the chat (what does the chat indicate/who has access to the thread) didn't feel like it came from someone with outside knowledge.
Not doing a long post now as I'm trying to sleep, but just realised there's a hole in my case on Flame.
Need to think about it some more, I'll come back to it tomorrow.
"a few have stated their reasons, I myself am not for certain where I stand on them yet...
A thinly veiled 'attack' on me, essentially saying maybe he should try and dig some dirt on me if I'm gonna keep pushing him. I mean, dig away, but the defensiveness of the matter is very concerning. I then go back again, read all of Zeusy's post, and note that he made a very similar veiled threat towards a different player when he was asked some questions."quite suspicious, maybe I gotta over look the people I think are scum...
I actually wasn't evening eyeing you, but now you do have my full attention.
I agree we're probably not on the same team, I even mentioned I'd have thunderdomed him then and there if I could.have realized that you (Flame_AC) messed up and are quickly shifting blame? Not sure but you said it yourself maybe we are not on the same team.
I think that some of Flame's statements about Zeusy feel like a bit of a stretch, such as presuming that Waffletaco was talking about Flame and Zeusy's interactions. Other parts do seem to have good reasoning, though. I need to go back and reread Zeusy's posts myself to form a better opinion of my own.
I agree with you, but I don't think that is what I built my case around.
Also gonna throw out there that his vote just now looks horrible. No reasoning. I feel like I've explained myself well enough. If anyone has questions to ask me then actually do it, don't vote and runaway. (inb4 I was the mysterious person Zeusy referred to previously)
I won't go as far and throwing a vote though, still plenty of time for you to step on your tail... Again...
I'm trying here. I wouldn't be so sure that the lynch of me has more support. Besides, if I do get lynched today, it won't be because of you. Look at a few of the posts above, they may not agree with me, might think I'm scum, they might even lynch me today. But I've got two people saying that, at the very least, there's some shreds/pieces of good reasoning in my posts about you. I don't see where I've stepped on my proverbial tail either...Oh get off me flame, "looks horrible"? You been on my ass for 2 days now, if anything my vote for you has the most backing than anyone else... Told ya you'd step on your tail all I'd have to do is wait. And wait I did.
Oh And here's my post bud. In case your memory is hazy.
I'd rather you just make a general overview of your case with one or posts. Because walls of text generally aren't fun to go through.
I must say that some of my opinions of the newbies are tainted by the newness factor and the fact that they're in the gossip chat so I'd just really like for them to be town.
So with Zeusy, some of the questions he's ask about the nature of the chat (what does the chat indicate/who has access to the thread) didn't feel like it came from someone with outside knowledge.
Ok so sometimes when you're scum you see posts that you know might be useful later.Not doing a long post now as I'm trying to sleep, but just realised there's a hole in my case on Flame.
Need to think about it some more, I'll come back to it tomorrow.
Right now, my top scum are L_P, Kalor, and Bronx_Man, with Ri'Orius in the maybe scum list. Three of those people voted for Isaac. That doesn't mean I think you are scum, cabot, but it does mean I doubt your premise of where the scum votes were. However, your behavior at the starts of both day 2 and today has felt insincere.
I got bad vibes about the Isaac lynch last time specifically because a bunch of people driving it were on my scum list. In comparison, the people who had votes on you were Kawl and Isaac, who we know are town, splinter and kyan, who I generally think are town, and Swamped, who I don't have a strong read on yet.
I'm town though. I agree with you that it was a really of pair of statements thay Flame_AC made. However, if Flame is trying to cover for a slip-up, it wouldn't be me who is the scum on the list.
To be honest though, it feels like Flame_AC is trying to use roundabout methods to paint people as scum while being able to disavow actually scum reading them. Flame is trying to have it both ways.
Now you town read me? Then why make a big deal about Blarg's list? Everyone has read lists. You could pick any list anyone has made in this thread and claim that there is at least one scum on it. Why focus on this list in particular?
And why are you going through such convoluted hoops to paint me and Blarg as potential scum when you town read us and are voting for Zeusy?
Why are you even voting for Zeusy? Can you go back over your reasons for that?
I was going back over Swamped's posts to see if I could find anything of note, and this exchange jumped out at me. Flame, that is one hell of a softball question. That is not all either, you and Swamped seemed to be doing a fair bit of defending each other. You both expressed a strange interest in OA and the gossip chat as well.
And don't think I can't see you using blarg's read list to oh so subtly direct suspicion in my direction.
Vote: Flame_AC
That's.... what?
I think that is the most contradictory and confusing statement I have seen Blarg make.
Huh? Which night action? The one where CCS tried to redirect Kyan's action?
That was just me rambling about my impressions. It isn't like I made charts. Blarg probably puts more effort into his post formatting than I put into that analysis.
If anything, my problem this time around is that I have been way too lazy about this game. I need to give the thread a proper re-read, but I have been procrastinating on that. Yes, I know that makes me part of town's problem.
I... actually can believe that. I do want to hear more from Blarg though, if for no other reason than because he is entertaining.
You have so far consistently avoided making any arguments to back up your town/scum reads, Kalor. Last day phase, you voted for me, claiming that I was the only person who stood out to you. However, you were pretty blatently bandwagoning off of Kawl and Blarg's votes for me.
It feels like you are just going with the flow instead of forming your own opinions.
What is your read on cabot right now? Or how about OceanicAir?
As with 34 hours left, I am not entirely sure. This day has mostly covered going after Zeusy. Now, suspicion of him has always been there, but I personally don't think that's the right course of action. Of course, I don't have any ideas myself, so...¯_(ツGive us your opinion, not the opinion of the masses, on where should we go now.
As with 34 hours left, I am not entirely sure. This day has mostly covered going after Zeusy. Now, suspicion of him has always been there, but I personally don't think that's the right course of action. Of course, I don't have any ideas myself, so...¯_(ツ_/¯...continue with the hunt