how big is the download?? with games retailing for $70 I want a good deal, I thin the tax free $10 back PSn deal is the best
24 GB + day 1 patch (350 MB)
how big is the download?? with games retailing for $70 I want a good deal, I thin the tax free $10 back PSn deal is the best
how big is the download?? with games retailing for $70 I want a good deal, I thin the tax free $10 back PSn deal is the best
Man this week is gonna go by so slow
I just finished the story on good. I'm not sure if I want to 100% on my good or evil play through. I'm not going to start my evil one until the day one patch, though.
Is it possible to gain all powers in single run? Or it has to be 2 plays? (Good and Evil)
Sorry if this has been asked before, but how does the map size compare to other open world games? Also can you actually visit everything you see on the distant horizon like Sucker Punch said?
Well I just got to 100% on my good playthrough.
Total Time: Approximately 19 hours.
Now to play through again on Evil at the Expert difficulty level.
Its goingto varied person to person.Hmm.. folks in the other thread are saying 10hrs to 100% it. Thats a huge disparity. Did you mess around in the world a lot?
Yes the powers are the same. The only difference is the upgrades you can get for each power.
That's great. Although gonna play good first and hard on higher difficulty. One more question though, is any power locked behind the side you take (Good or Evil) or just the upgrades?
That's great. Although gonna play good first and hard on higher difficulty. One more question though, is any power locked behind the side you take (Good or Evil) or just the upgrades?
Yeah I am sleepy haha.pic
...I'm not seeing it.
...I'm not seeing it.
I second this notion. There's definitely already been some pictures in this thread of places that I didn't even know you could explore and haven't explicitly been shown in trailers/media. I'd rather not have some of that stuff spoiled in here.I think a compromise that suits everyone would be linking, rather than embedding, non-spoiler images in this thread.
Don't click if you haven't beaten it or want to keep all the powers secret, holy carp does sharing with twitter ruin the picture. First picture i've ever tried to share.
Don't click if you haven't beaten it or want to keep all the powers secret, holy carp does sharing with twitter ruin the picture. First picture i've ever tried to share.
I'm really disappointed in the length of a non-100% playthrough we're hearing. I was hoping, and honestly expecting, it would be 15-20 hours.
I'm really disappointed in the length of a non-100% playthrough we're hearing. I was hoping, and honestly expecting, it would be 15-20 hours.
Well There is this..![]()
If you want a pre-order to arrive on release day you have to select two-day shipping.When did Amazon stop shipping the pre-order to estimate the release date? It's showing my order won't ship until Friday.
The last few games I pre-ordered shipped early and arrived on release day.
looks like the crime scene was located.
This is 60 dollars on the US PSN store, right? Dont think I would bite for 70 euro, but I think the hype would force me to preorder at US prices.
I wonder how different it really is. I have no idea.But there is a second playthrough with a different story, power upgrades and play style. It is a 20 hour game at the minimum!
I wonder how different it really is. I have no idea.
It's split into 2 Islands and Yes everything you can see in the distance, you can go to. Except like the mountains and forested areas and stuff lol.
His fucking molars are modeled. Look at that shit. LOOK AT IT.Well There is this..
I wonder how different it really is. I have no idea.
This is what I intend to find out. I'm gonna blast through the evil side to see how different it is.
Yeah we will really need to wait for someone to finish both sides to find out. Don't lose heart just yet
Also, the game is going to force you to play differently. You will not get the karmic bombs if you aren't accurate during the good playthrough or fast during the evil play through. And if you play it on expert, I'm pretty sure you are going to need it.
fords posted this earlier:Whats the cheapest any UK gaffers have found? And where are the usual UK places that ship b4 release?
I think this is what I'm going to do.£40 at Tesco (or £50 Beanie Edition) with code TDX-PR4N seems to be the best price around.
If you've already used a £10 off £50 new customer code before, just create another account using a different email address to use the code.
Also, it's worth noting that they charge on order placement and you'll most likely get the game on Friday instead of a day or two early like you might from other places, just in case that affects your purchasing decision.
You can preorder up until the minute of releaseI want to wait until after the review embargo is lifted to digitally preorder this, will I still be able to (since the embargo lifts the day before its released)? Never digitally preordered something on the PSN store so I don't know if they ever stop letting you preorder.
YesIs one of the powers?________video___________
Find a store breaking street date, seems to be happening all over.