I played a bunch of matches online on ranked as captain cold and won the majority, but holy uphill struggles Batman.
Granted I haven't learned his best combos or the best way to open people up with him, but it's not a free of a win like Robin.
Anyone here a Captain Cold main? I need some cool tips and tricks.
*Biggest damage combo with 1 meter
*Biggest damage of 2 meters
*Mix ups to shuffle between ?
*How do I handle zoners? (this is probably the most important one)
I Tried to roll to get close to Dr Fates and got hit out of it, and same with Deadshots. It's tough to close up the gap, and I of course can't play the projectile game at all against these scum bags. What sucks is the icewall you can build auto dies to 1 projectile hitting it so you can't hide behind it to stall to build up the cold gun. In a full on projectile war Snart loses too.
Oh, and while I am at it, anyone have tips execution wise for pulling off a back forward 1 on an arcade stick? I never had this issue in MK, and I don't have issues here in IJ2 doing a back forward if it's in a combo, but full screen to just do a back forth button special I get normal whiffs. WTF?