This game really wants me to play superman and deadshot. A majority of my gear drops seems to be for them.
I don't want to play as them.
I don't want to play as them.
Wait so character stats matter online?
In player matches, both people have to agree to turning off buffs. So far, nobody wants to.
Ps4 pad player: Dpad or joystick?
Supergirl is loads of fun. Been trying out Black Canary too. Seems like there's a lot of fun characters here.
Not being able to search player matches without gear buffs is lame. Just had a bane doing like 50% to me with his specials.
Thought that was the case. Just having a lot of trouble with the back forward motion on pad. Fat thumbs keep hitting up and down.NRS games play best with D-pad. In fact, joysitck (if you mean the analog sticks) is never ideal for any fighting game.
One of Captain Cold's epic weapons is the "Legendary Tomorrow Cold Gun", yes!
Ps4 pad player: Dpad or joystick?
Can't turn off mic chat? Just had somebody yell at me the whole match calling me a faggot and hoping I get cancer.
Are NetherRealm games better suited with a standard joypad than an arcade stick?
I wish it would turn it off if one player votes for it. Of course someone with higher gear will want to keep it on lol
I just don't care about stat-points in a fighter, so it's really lame I'm basically stuck dealing with it outside of Ranked or matches with people I know.
GAFs House of L's 5: 7A7J9
Add your GAF name to the join message or quote this when you join with your PSN.
Gonna back out after every story fight to check apps.
Not that I can tell and it's god awful. I just make a private party if im playing randoms.
Competitive mode should be the default. Nobody should be forced to play with the gears stats ffs. Or at least let us set rooms where you can't allow one or the other. :/
It's so fun playing KOTH with fair dudes then one guy joins with broken gear and refuses to use competitive mode. Super.
I'm playing king of the hill can both agree before the match?
This is For Honor all over again, Jesus I don't have time to invest into unlocking a bunch of shit.
Sorry if this has been asked before, but the HUD is getting cut-off on my TV and it's incredibly annoying.
I've never had this problem before with any other game and I cannot find any in-game option to remedy this. I am not using any weird screen ratio or overscan. Anyone have the same problem and/or a solution?
55 inch Samsung 1080p TV using a PS4 Pro.
(Game is awesome so far despite this.)
Does anyone know if Aquaman has gear similar to the classic orange shirt?
lol I can believe this is still a thing.Let me state that the upside down/spinning battles are cancer.
Got me sick.
He has a shader; it's the traditional green and orange. I also have some chain mail like chest armour, but it only partially covers his chest.
Ehh yea I've seen that one. I was hoping for an actual full body armour atleast. Not really feeling his bdsm harnesses or shirtless looks.
I loled, when someone likened Aquaman's armor to a BDSM harness. XD It looks more like something a Roman gladiator would wear, including the trident.
I think that was their inspiration. A net would also have been cool...
Quick question regarding Source Crystals: I bought a US copy of the game, digitally, but I'm playing it on my AUS account. If I buy Source Crystals via the in-game store front, are there going to be compatibility issues? The thought never crossed my mind before I purchased the game.
Quick question regarding Source Crystals: I bought a US copy of the game, digitally, but I'm playing it on my AUS account. If I buy Source Crystals via the in-game store front, are there going to be compatibility issues? The thought never crossed my mind before I purchased the game.
Yep, no premium skins or quick level ups for you.
I'm not sure if they'll be sold separately, but currently none of them are.
I'm afraid so.
Thanks! I figured as much. Oh well, I'm not fussed - I can still earn them in game. I have every intention of sticking with Injustice for the long haul. I might buy the cheapest pack available in game just to be sure though.
There is no in game store for you.
There is no in game store for you. It won't be able to find the US source crystals.
Buying via web store won't work either, can guarantee that.