Thanks for making the thread! I also used it as an excuse to install the latest version of Manga Studio 5 (Clip Studio Paint Pro) and browse the instructions, as well as the Art Rage 5. At least for now I'm using CSPP and not resizing the art. I'm also using an ancient cheap Monoprice tablet.
I'll start by quickly catching up on the first few days of October. For personal background, I did some drawing books with lessons on perspective and stuff as a kid. I'm aware of some basic principles. I've messed around with pencils and art programs. In general however, I don't know how to draw, ink, or paint.
Personal goals:
- Use the month to force myself to do regular drawings.
- See if I improve over time.
- Use a rough time limit on each drawing so I do not struggle with finding time.
If ultra beginner drawings bother anyone, please let me know and I will put them in spoiler tags so they only show up on being clicked.
Entry for 10/01/2017, a human head. 10 minutes.
I certainly agree with the bolded in general, and I have both pad and pencils sitting out from when I tried to start practicing in the past. However, if I had to scan every drawing I would probably be too lazy to keep up with the challenge, so having an instant digital version makes it a lower barrier for me to keep going this month.Keep it up! I love seeing people begin their journey with drawing and where it takes them. I especially like your hand and chair drawing. It's important to draw objects from real life, because you're training yourself how to look at things and translate it onto paper (or tablet).
If there's one thing I may suggest, it's to start out with a sketchbook and a couple pencils. It doesn't have to be anything fancy. I think digital art should come after learning how to draw traditionally, but that's just me.
Day 3
Day 3
day 4
Practicehow do you get your goddamn lines so clean so
Me too lolsounds like space magic to me
Day 4: Donald Pleasence was too good for us all.
Day 4 underwater
Microns, markers and gel pens
Day 4 underwater
Microns, markers and gel pens
First Day said:
Second Day said:
Third Day said:
this is really nice
Y'all too kind. Color markers put me on edge sometimes hahawtf do you think this is, Paintover?
Looks amazing, the sense of depth is really well done!
I had forgotten about that one! Glad you liked it. Funny little story about that one. I did it as a gift for my sister-in-law. My mother-in-law went to go get it framed at Hobby Lobby and the dude taking the order straight up tried to buy it from her hahaThe Labyrinth/Bowie piece ed made last year is one of the best things I've seen in these threads, and it was black and white only. We are for a treat if my name is ed is painting them this year.
First Day said:
Second Day said:
Third Day said:
Forth Day said: