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Intense arrests/intimidation of journalists by Greek government before vote

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These past few days there have been unprecedented attacks against journalists by the Greek government as more and more evidence of corruption and power abuse are being publicized by investigative reporters.

Just as the latest measures of unbelievable ‘austerity’ loom (read: utter impoverishment and break down of society), and are about to be voted, the current government is dropping most pretenses and slowly goes into dictatorship mode against non mainstream and some mainstream media alike:

1. 28-10-2012.

Kostas Vaxevanis is arrested for publishing a list with names of people who had accounts in Swiss bank HSBC, which can be traced for tax-evasion and involvement in corruption. Names of Greek politicians and mega-business men are included. Incredibly, it’s the reporter who gets arrested instead of starting to investigate the list. It was widely covered by media.
Some examples:

http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-20126553 :
Journalist Costas Vaxevanis has been sent to trial for publishing the names of Greeks with Swiss bank accounts.
The magazine editor was arrested on Sunday and charged with breach of privacy.
Mr Vaxevanis published the names of 2,000 Greeks who hold accounts with HSBC in Switzerland in the Saturday edition of his Hot Doc magazine.
Some of those named, said to include many prominent Greeks, are suspected of using the accounts for tax evasion.
Mr Vaxevanis says the list he published is the same one that was given by the then French finance minister Christine Lagarde to her Greek counterpart.
'Protect tax evaders'
The list was originally leaked by an HSBC employee and then handed over by Ms Lagarde to Greek authorities two years ago, according to news agency AFP.
Since then, successive Greek governments have been accused of trying to cover it up.
Mr Vaxevanis's trial is set to open in Greece on 1 November. If he is found guilty, the 46 year-old faces up to three years in jail.
AFP reported that he told journalists outside the courtroom: "The prosecutor's office wants to protect tax evaders. I'm just doing my duty.

http://www.businessinsider.com/greek-journalist-kostas-vaxevanis-2012-10 “The Controversial 'Lagarde List' Was Leaked In Greece, And You Won't Believe Who Got Arrested”

http://www.huffingtonpost.com/frank-vogl/corruption-takes-center-stage_b_2043796.html : “Corruption Takes Center Stage in Greek-Euro Crisis”

More details: Kostas Vaxevanis used to work for the Greek public TV and was fired a few years back for daring to go against a government minister at the time publicizes the “Lagarde List” as it is called here, or the “Falcionne List” as it’s most commonly called in most media. This is a list circulated by a whistleblower who used to work for Swiss bank HSBC.
It’s a list that contains thousands of bank accounts, with names and account numbers, of
So this list was given by Lagarde to Papakonstantinou, minister of finances in Greece at the time (2 years ago or so), part of the team who plunged Greece into the TROIKA ordeal along with Papandreou.
For 2,5 years the list remains hidden and Greek politicians have been pulling ridiculous stunts to hide it and claim it cannot be used.

2. 29-10-2012.

Public TV reporters Arvanitis and Katsimi’s news show was instantly cancelled for daring to cover the story about the police torturing anti-fascist protesters, and calling out the minister of public order Dendias (incredibly ironically being named minister of citizens’ protection here).


Greek state television journalists accused the government of censorship and began a series of work stoppages on Tuesday after two well-known presenters were suspended for criticizing a government minister.
Their removal came on the same day an editor went on trial for printing a list of 2,000 Greeks with Swiss bank accounts, prompting outrage at the swift pursuit of journalists in comparison to the sluggish crackdown on suspected tax evaders.
State NET TV yanked Marilena Katsimi and Costas Arvanitis's morning show after an on-air exchange on Monday in which they said a medical report supported allegations of police torture and asked if the public order minister would resign over it.
Arvanitis said the decision to suspend him and Katsimi appeared to be politically motivated and an attempt to muzzle the media.

The story of the beatings and torturing was also extensively covered by most Western media:


3. 27-10-2012

Workers of Greek public TV (different channel than the above with the cancelled news show) issue statement about being forced to spread false propaganda in issue of Greek goldmines being taken over by Canadian company TVX Gold, about the protests of the people in the area, and also accuse the government of using the police to terrorize them during an attempted strike:

http://alterthess.gr/content/ergazomenoi-stin-ert3-xeiragogoyn-ta-deltia-eidiseon (ARTICLE IN GREEK)

My translation on the fly:

Regarding propaganda:
In three reports (News Reports at 21/10 and 22/10) the decision makers (of the channel) in a clear and responsible way take the side that supports the gold mines. A large protest of 2500 locals and other citizens, against the huge environmental disaster that the goldmines will cause, was twisted in the following way: Those against the goldmines are always called protesters and the supporters always called locals. The 2500 against the mines are reported as 800, while the 300 or so supporters are reported as 1000. Total twisting of reality so that the supporters of the mines are seen as more….
… As for the clashes between protesters and riot police, the usual tactic of ET-3 (the channel) is to adopt with no judgment the police point of view, was verified once more: they claim that the clashes were started by the protesters, that they started fires in the woods, that they had various terrible weapons (crowbars, stones, Molotov cocktails, gas masks…) and that 8 police officers were hit, while it is being investigated whether 1 protester was also hit.
The inhuman violence of the riot police is not being presented, the immense use of chemicals, tear gases, plastic bullets, the fact that tens of wounded of every age exist (they even hit elderly women).

Regarding police presence:
The police, other than their ‘visits’ in our news reports, also honors us with their physical presence in the workplace, imposing the idea of guarding the area from protesting social groups. So, in 17/10, day of strike, a riot police wagon appeared outside the ET-3 building (to protect ET-3 from its own workers). As if this attack of friendship wasn't enough, the management ordered for the main door to be locked

The goldmine issue is a huge one, I wanted to make a thread about it, where Greek politicians sold goldmines worth 15 Billion for 11 Million so they could get their cuts. Even the EU was forced to intervene (http://europa.eu/rapid/press-release_IP-08-1927_en.htm?locale=en) and actually fined the government for fraud. The Canadian company now wants to use the freely purchased mines through an experimental, cheap for them but utterly destructive method that will spread incredible environmental damage to a huge area of pristine forests and beaches that are tourist destinations.

4. 31-12-2012.

Just a few hours ago, reporter Spiros Karatzaferis is arrested after midnight as he was going to his home from the TV studio for having reported that he has facts about the Greek deficit that "forced" Greece to surrender to the IMF and the TROIKA, being constructed and a fraud. He said that he has all the evidence from Greek Statistics Bureau, and he would present it tomorrow.
He asked live for a member of the ministry of finances to call him to check the veracity of his sources, which didn't happen. So he said he would publish the data tomorrow.

The excuse for his sudden late night arrest is some old charges against him for libel or something like this, in a totally unrelated case. The issue is too sudden and there is not much information yet.

http://www.inews.gr/0/ektakto-synelifthi-prin-liga-lepta-o-dimosiografos-spyros-karatzaferis.htm (ARTICLE IN GREEK).

Meanwhile, the latest package of measures is coming to be voted, on top of the already society-wrenching measures in effect, the humanitarian crisis that the center of Athens is facing, the hundreds of thousands of closed small businesses and millions of unemployed (in a country of 10m. or so).

These measures truly seem to be the last coffin in the deal, asking for further salary cuts, firing of public employees, additional taxation to already medieval taxation that causes all small businesses to close, imposes selling off natural resources and public companies at ridiculous fractions of their value, and imposing yet another “bailout” payment that goes in a special account the TROIKA set up, that Greece can’t touch, and from there goes off to pay German and French banks, while mounting up the Greek debt.
This would be an issue for an even larger post of its own, so I won't go into details here.

But perhaps the most frightening and telling show that the system is slowly sliding towards dictatorship here, is what happened 2 days ago, during the national day celebrating Greek resistance against the Nazis.
During that day there is a huge military parade in Thessaloniki, Greece’s second largest city. It used to be a festive event, with families coming to watch, little children waving flags, etc.
Last year the event was used by enraged citizens throughout Greece (there are also smaller, student parades in all cities and towns), to verbally or even physically attack the political mafia of Greece that dared show up in the parades as customs dictate, calling them thieves and traitors.

This year, to avoid similar humiliation and possibly the spark many say are waiting for a full scale uprising, there were immense measures against Greek citizens:
The parade was essentially private, citizens being stopped by fences 500-1000 meters away from the politicians and generals. There were 2000 riot police, forming lines with their shields facing the people. There was a police helicopter constantly flying above for intimidation.
And most importantly, for the first time since the military junta, the army was actually used to guard citizen events. The government refused that it was so, but at this point not even the blindest komatoskila (political party loyalists) believe them:





To avoid misunderstanding, this is NOT standard practice, and there have NEVER, in the past 30 or so years of parades, been any soldiers standing armed around the parade grounds so that citizens won’t invade.


Latest update on the arrest of Spiros Karatzaferis last night.

The news show he was hosting just before his arrest had as guests two members of ELSTAT, the Greek Statistics Bureau, and especially Georganta who has been pressing charges about Greece's deficit being grossly and artifically inflated by Papakonstantinou, and widely publicized by Papandreou so that the economy would collapse, since day 1, and was ostracized for it.

Karatzaferis claimed that he has the leaked ifno that Anonymous claim to have hacked out of Greek Accounting bureauand that proves their claims of the deficit being made to appear ~15% out of being ~3%.

His statement from the police department:

They arrested me in a movie-like fashion, they took me to the police station, there they showed me two old convictions against me for revealing personal data 7 years ago for the Yosaki case ((an old case about corruption in the Greek judicial system, where many supreme judges were found guilty and jailed)). All the judges went to jail and they convicted me for libel. Good for them.
I didn't even know about these convictions because I was waiting for them to be officially announced, and then you just go and pay a fine.
While hosting my show I claimed that I would reveal the Anonymous papers from the Accounting Bureau regarding the loan that is impoverishing the Greek people. They know I won't back down.
As soon as my show was over they started trailing me. Outside the Israeli Embassy they stormed me like they were arresting Yagula ((known Greek criminal)). I'm now at the police station, I will then be taken to the District Attorney, and who knows what else after that.
I'm determined to go to jail as a protest for the way I was arrested. It's not the first time that I will go to jail or exile. And now the situations reminds me of things when I was a prisoner during the junta regime, anyway.
This is a political prosecution and attempt at stifling journalism, wanting to intimidate me, thinking I will be intimidated and not make revelations.

PS. Sorry for what could easily be seen as a 'bump'. I intended to update about this latest arrest when I awoke anyway, and I also feel that this post was burried quickly due to me posting it during very early morning hours for Euro Gaf and I really wish word could spread through any means about what is starting to happen here, on top of all other things already happening.
If no one views the post again I will not be providing any more updates and will just let it die.


There was a report in the Guardian yesterday about how Golden Dawn is infiltrating the police forces.


Here is the article (with video):

Golden Dawn party infiltrates Greece's police, claims senior officer

As the confrontations intensity between the population and the police, Golden Dawn will increasingly grow within the police forces, until eventually you'll end up with the same thing Germany ended up with; a strong arm with a political agenda using force to impose itself, under the state apparatus. You don't need the majority of the population to be nazis for nazis to be in power, just the police, maybe the military too if you're unlucky.

To get there all it will require is long-lasting violent confrontations with the police.


An article in telegraph about the issue of persecuting journalists, also mentioning the latest arrest of Karatzaferis:


Greek journalists being 'muzzled by government'

Spiros Karatzaferis, a television presenter, became the latest journalist to face police action in the early hours of Wednesday morning when he was arrested hours after promising to reveal hacked treasury documents that would show Greek officials had systematically deceived the International Monetary Fund about the true state of the economy.

Mr Karatzaferis is the second high profile journalist to be arrested in a week, while a state broadcaster separately sacked two of his rivals for discussing other allegations against the government.

Kostas Vaxevanis, the first journalist arrested, faces court on Thursday morning on a charge of violating privacy laws for publishing the names of overseas bank account holders.

Mr Vaxevanis faces two years in prison for publishing the names and occupations of more than 2,000 Greeks allegedly holding accounts at the Swiss branch of HSBC.

However this article still can't present the actual crackdown against journalism by the current government. It focuses on the two high profile arrests while there is intimidation of reporters everywhere, especially in the public TV as I mentioned in the OP.

Also, what Karatzaferis was about to reveal is not some vague "deceiving the poor ol' IMF", it's about the planned inflation of Greece's deficit by Papandreou and Papakonstantinou so that Greece would be forced into this situation.

Another case I learned of happened during 26-10-2012. Two days before the national celebration of resistance to the Nazis there is an official ceremony at the church attended by prime minister, president etc.
People gathered to boo the government (or worse), and were of course kept away by fences, riot police etc. People were not allowed to go to the church which is also unheard of.

The reporter covering the even for the public TV, which they tried to present as sanitized as possible, all cameras focusing on the officials without showing further away towards the gathered people, actually mentioned that people are being kept away by strong police presence. He was fired.

The government is hell bent on voting in favor of all German demands, including a special account set where all income of Greece will be controlled by European overlords, and will be used to pay off the debt, and if the income is not enough Greece will be punished with additional "austerity" brutality, and they are not about to allow little things such as free press impede them. There is already a special account that the TROIKA handles, where all "bailout" loans go, Greece doesn't touch this, and it then all goes back to banks for interest rate of illegally accumulated debt that just keeps on monstrously rising because of this. This is a new account where all of our country's income will go for the TROIKA to play with.
(A bloomberg article about this account, even if watered down:


Makes you wonder if there is anyway for Greece to get any better.

It would take Europe changing away from austerity.

Unless this happen, we will see something happen in Greece that will result in military intervention. I suspect Germany would be ok with a Greek police state, as long as it does austerity. Unsure about the rest of Europe.

Simply put, the EU is being penny wise and pound foolish.


If a party similar to Golden Dawn was about to gain political power in my country I would not hesitate in using violence to bring them down.


Obsidian fan
If a party similar to Golden Dawn was about to gain political power in my country I would not hesitate in using violence to bring them down.

Good. Fascism must not be allowed to gain a foothold anywhere. It must be strangled in its cradle wherever it appears.
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