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Interesting Interview with EA


I read the article a week or so ago, and it was indeed very, very good. (Although some minor mistakes, like saying EA bought Westwood before Red Alert etc.)


Shinobi: I think they will lose half their share or maybe more. Which, by all means is alarming eventhough it might have been expected. Humbled, perhaps not, but certainly not as secure on the top.

What EA do well and understands is how to dominate inside shops. If there's something they spend money on, it's buying up space in stores and apparentely this is what pays off.
" If EA bought Blizzard..."

AAAARGH! Don't scare me like that!

EA can go around buying all mediocre FPS/driving game/sports developers and turn them into their own little factory assembly line if they like, but don't touch my fighting/RPG/music/quirky Japanese game makers!


B E N K E said:
Shinobi: I think they will lose half their share or maybe more. Which, by all means is alarming eventhough it might have been expected. Humbled, perhaps not, but certainly not as secure on the top.

What EA do well and understands is how to dominate inside shops. If there's something they spend money on, it's buying up space in stores and apparentely this is what pays off.

Haha, no doubt about that...I've been seeing EA walls for years. No doubt that's been working for them.

Anyway, I reckon it depends on their projections. If they fall far short of them, then they'll have to be concerned. But if they're projected for a sharp decrease and proceed to match that, I don't think they'll be too concerned.
A: A fantastic game that didn't sell that well was Prince of Persia. Year before that I loved Ratchet and Clank, a game that sank like a stone the day it was released. It didn't sell at all. It was a pity.

said with the famous george w. bush smirk!
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