Question: Are voicemails stored on the device or the server? I know it's a stupid question, I'm just curious. If I were to reset my phone fresh and not even restore from a backup, just relying on whatever is synced to iCloud, will the voicemails be still there? I'd assume the call log would disappear. I'm still not clear on exactly what is kept and what goes away. All I know is messages don't sync back down and would need to be restored from the backup.
Is it a good idea to upgrade an iPhone 5C to 9.3.3? I've heard about Apple updating iPhones for too long so that they start slowing down badly and I want to avoid that.
I'm on 8.4 right now, this version working nicely.
It's the way all messaging apps are going now. If you send an emoji or two alone it makes them nice and big and detailed.Any way to turn those giant Emojis off that came with the recent Whatsapp Update?
Not using Safari View Controller for login dialogs should be grounds for immediate rejection in the App Store.
Ditto. I have a password manager. It lets me copy my password. Don't fucking block me from being able to paste it there.Addendum: Forcing the user to enter login credentials manually by preventing (or not supporting) copy-paste should be grounds for a six month ban from the App Store, because fuck this shit. Pinnacle of stupidity.
what's the best way to go through pictures and delete/cleanup crappy ones? fighting against the storage limit and photos are the majority of it.
just purge onto a computer and deal with it there?
Anybody know why I don't get any battery usage details? It always says 'battery info will be available after using iphone for a few minutes.'
Is updating a 4S to iOS9 still recommendable? Or should I try a manual upgrade to iOS8?
If iOS8 is the recommended option, any way to keep the data safe and can it be restored?
I personally think it's okay, but it is slower so you probably don't want to update if you want to keep it as fast as possible.