What's a good arcade multiplayer game to play with my girlfriend?
What's a good arcade multiplayer game to play with my girlfriend?
Updated to iOS 9, everything seems to run as it should with no crashes. Plus now I can side-load all the apps I used to use while jailbroken but signed under my own account legitimately instead. Win win!
$6.99 Sorcery trilogy bundle
$6.99 Sorcery trilogy bundle
Tell me about it. Like half of my games folder on my iPad are PC indies I have on Steam. Being able to play them on the go is awesomeIt seems like everything I want is a double dip lately. I bought Out There and enjoyed it on my Android tablet. Now I'm getting into it again, after the update, and wouldn't mind having a copy on my phone.
I've been thinking about Geometry Wars 3, but my son has it on his Vita, so I've been playing it there.
I really enjoy the game but is there any reason to pay for the touch controls version when I have a version with hardware controls?
It's an insane port. Surprises me that it's <100MB, too.It's a fantastic port. I have it on Xbox One, iPad and now PSTV (thanks to PS+). Guess it depends on if you want access to it when your son is playing the Vita. Great deal for $5 and the same content as the console/handheld versions.
Perfect. Speaking from personal experience, of course! I found the controls a little fiddly and small and preferred the controls on the original GW iOS release, but graphics wise it's beautiful.How's GW3 on a 5s?
Perfect. Speaking from personal experience, of course! I found the controls a little fiddly and small and preferred the controls on the original GW iOS release, but graphics wise it's beautiful.
I think the biggest thing was that OG GW had sticky joysticks you could move wherever you wanted beforehand, but with this there's either fixed, floating, free or MFi. If they had fixed but you could move them wherever, I'd be a lot happier.That surprises me. My complaint with the original GW iOS game was I didn't like the controls. Devs like Radiangames came along and perfected DSS controls that blew it out of the water. I think the GW3 controls are much better, but then again I'm playing on a Mini 2 so the size issue doesn't come into play.
Updated to iOS 9, everything seems to run as it should with no crashes. Plus now I can side-load all the apps I used to use while jailbroken but signed under my own account legitimately instead. Win win!
He means that as of Xcode 7 beta (and any iOS) any user can build and install apps from source code, without having to be a member of the Apple developer programme.Can you explain what you mean?
He means that as of Xcode 7 beta (and any iOS) any user can build and install apps from source code, without having to be a member of the Apple developer programme.
Here's how to get a GBA emulator on your device
Personally, I don't think sideload is the correct phrase. "installing from source" is more correct. It's important that the sorcerer code is there, add it allows you to check that the app isn't doing anything bad.
On Android, to compare, sideloading means installing a pre-compiled app binary that could be doing anything.
Now for a sale on 80 Days. Any day now.
Wow, that's way sooner than I had expected! Can't waitSet your clocks.
You don't want to miss this one.
You can take a whole load of Space Wolf Assault dudes into a mission, tool them up with shields, and fling them at the enemy! Or you could bring along Ultramarine Devastators, lead by the Master of Relics and perforate the enemy from afar. Or you could compose a team of Tactical guys armed solely with gravity guns to literally halt the enemy in their track. Or almost anything in-between and loads more, besides.
Wow, that's way sooner than I had expected! Can't wait
So you've been playing this extensively. Have you played Space Hulk? If so, how would you compare the two?
And is the tactical gameplay as deep as the initial info?
Yes I played Space Hulk extensively, completed all campaigns and had my share of multiplayer games.
I've been kindly requested to refrain myself from spilling out the beans...so please forgive me if, for a change, I'll maintain a low profile till 16th of July.
I may or may not confirm extreme glorioussness
Does the Adventure bundle not offer a discount? It did for me when I bought it a while back.
inkle Adventures! by inkle
Edit: maybe it won't. The Sorcery bundle doesn't account for me already owning 1& 2 so it's is 2 euros more expensive for me than Sorcery 3 is stand alone. lol
Any pricing details been announced yet?
Weird, it won't let me buy the Adventures bundle because I own the first Sorcery, but the Sorcery bundle is $5 instead of $7 because it recognizes that purchase. This is all through iPad, btw.
Bundles have always been pretty strange. 2 for the price of 1 on Sorcery is a pretty nice deal, though.
Weird, it won't let me buy the Adventures bundle because I own the first Sorcery, but the Sorcery bundle is $5 instead of $7 because it recognizes that purchase. This is all through iPad, btw.
Bundles have always been pretty strange. 2 for the price of 1 on Sorcery is a pretty nice deal, though.
He means that as of Xcode 7 beta (and any iOS) any user can build and install apps from source code, without having to be a member of the Apple developer programme.
Here's how to get a GBA emulator on your device
Personally, I don't think sideload is the correct phrase. "installing from source" is more correct. It's important that the sorcerer code is there, add it allows you to check that the app isn't doing anything bad.
On Android, to compare, sideloading means installing a pre-compiled app binary that could be doing anything.
Just a heads up, anyone trying this should look for GBA4iOS 2.0, as it's a much better emulator for the devices. The original one has a lot of sound issues with emulating the bulk of games.He means that as of Xcode 7 beta (and any iOS) any user can build and install apps from source code, without having to be a member of the Apple developer programme.
Here's how to get a GBA emulator on your device
Personally, I don't think sideload is the correct phrase. "installing from source" is more correct. It's important that the sorcerer code is there, add it allows you to check that the app isn't doing anything bad.
On Android, to compare, sideloading means installing a pre-compiled app binary that could be doing anything.
Bundles are a little annoying, I think there must be a switch that allows devs to either give a discount if you own one of the apps in it, stop you from even being able to buy it or don't give you a discount.
I had one bundle where I owned two of the three apps and it would have cost me more to buy the bundle than just that third app on its own. Really would be nice if Apple just standardized it across the board.
Another thing I hate about bundles -- they're too freaking hard to find! They should have a dedicated section on the App Store for bundles.
Good concept. Just poor execution.
You don't set any rules about pricing or behaviour for bundles. You just set a price, and I believe it has to be set less than the total cost of all included. If the combined price of the included apps dips below the bundle price because of a sale on an app, I believe the bundle becomes unavailable as a result.
I think there is a lot of confusion in terms of how pricing is communicated, how refunds work, and there might be issues with legacy pricing and sales too.
Info, screenshots and pricing about DeathWatch.
I thought they would have priced it much higher. No way one can complete the campaign in 15 hours imho, plus multiplayer.
But yeah, Appstore.
Hmmmm, yeh $4.99 is definitely a good price. Cool, might just pick this up.
I honestly do not believe they always function the way they should.
Damn that's cheap.
Pitta - not sure if you are free to say but if there are IAPs, are they purely optional? Also, how big is it installed? Must prepare!
Ugh.. And those idiots in the comments criticising it as more mobile crap. People are so blinded by misconception.
As for iap can't say but I think you will be surprised
I do not have final build installed so I do not know (beta builds vary a lot in space).
It's not a small game, that's for sure
While I'm convinced 'mobile' (but better: touch screen) is the best option for TBS (I like it much more than mouse) the game will probably land on PC someday.
If it was out on PC first with no mention of 'mobile' I'm pretty sure many would go mental for it, especially WH40K fans.
It's sad but....yeah.
Not to mention Async multiplayer (which is super fun) makes sense only on mobile IMHO).
Nah man. Async multiplayer existed on PC way before mobile was a game thing. It wasn't as popular as it is today, though.
I'll keep an eye on the game. Looks nice, but they will have to step up their game big time from Hunters and Hunters 2.
I know it existed before,I played by mail long ago on PC....but as you said it wasn't that popular.
The convenience of having a notification on your phone and taking your turn whenever you are it's a game changer imho for certain types of experiences (like games where taking your turn is fast).
Cross async multiplayer games (like Space Hulk) imho make almost no sense at all because your opponent must be glued to the screen or around the PC to have a reasonable completion timeframe.
As a matter of fact, whenever I tried to play async with PCs it almost always came down to book time in advance and be online all together.
Which cancels the convenience for most games of this type.
Pitta can you listen to background audio like podcasts while playing ?
I agree with you that it's more convenient on mobile. I just don't agree that it doesn't make sense on PC. From my experience, it does make sense as it's a feature I've used before on PC.
Sorry I express myself wrong (remember my English is limited to glorious and few other words)
I'm an async addict so I see the convenience everywhere, even on PC where everything started!
What I meant it's that some games (i.e.: Space Hulk) implement it cross platform but without notifications (besides mail there aren't really notification for async games on PC, not that I know)...you have to enter the game to actually see you have a turn to take defeating the purpose.
Siltherine, on the contrary (last of a long list of PC developers in niche TBS games I happen to like) implements it on PC via mail notifications (flawless).
That's what I wanted to say.
If it was for me, I would implement async everywhere![]()
Yeah the main issue with PC async games are lack of notifications. That's what makes it awesome on mobile devices. So it would be cool if, say, Steam added support for async games with some sort of notification system...
Kind of disappointed that Deathwatch will only be $5. I was ready to pay $10.
As much as I love all the high quality iOS releases we've been getting, it frustrates me to no end that if a game like Deathwatch or Heroki released on PC first for $10/15, no one would complain
Well PC and mobile have been connected for years now. Console ports are rare but PC ports to mobile and vice versa happen all the time. More games are releasing cross-platform (PC and mobile) or getting expanded PC/console releases (like Super Impossible Road)Kind of took me off guard that PG posted its review of This War is Mine when it hasn't hit mobile yet. Then I saw they added Steam as a new category on the site. Not that I mind, but how is Steam "pocket gaming"?
Still looking forward to the mobile release which should be pretty soon.
What I meant it's that some games (i.e.: Space Hulk) implement it cross platform but without notifications (besides mail there aren't really notification for async games on PC, not that I know)...you have to enter the game to actually see you have a turn to take defeating the purpose.