Both Dodo Master and Duke Dashington are free at the moment.
I think they were receiving some good feedback here, IIRC.
Edit: upon better inspection, just the iphone version of the Dodo Master is free
I need more games that use dice or poker mechanics in interesting ways.
I guess Poker Smash for iOS never happened?
Well, it looks like it did (and was removed). Bummer.Not sure if it's still there but it did come out on iOS but a very stripped version. Never tried it. Love the 360 version.
There are numerous puzzle games about manipulating colors, and many games about forming and reshaping figures, but Zengrams combines those two concepts to deliver a fantastic minimalist puzzle game, perhaps the best I've played since Blek.
Zengrams excels at taking a simple mechanic and exploring it in myriad challenging ways. Each level provides a collection of shapes and an outline of a figure; you must manipulate the shapes to fit the outline. Where Zengrams stands out is its use of color. Overlapping shapes of different colors results in each shaded area becoming its own shape, while like-colored shapes merge together, allowing you to seamlessly combine and split shapes into new figures. Honestly, the GIF below demonstrates the concept in a more succinct fashion.
'Simple to understand, difficult to master' aptly describes Zengrams' puzzles. Not only must you be mindful of how and where you place shapes, you also have a limited amount of moves for each level. The early stages ease you in, but soon the challenge ramps up, due to shapes merged or offset in tricky ways or the number of moves you can perform. It's the kind of game where you'll spend 30 minutes on a puzzle, trying it this way and that way, and then came back an hour or a day later with a fresh approach and realize the solution was staring you in the face this whole time. The obvious solution isn't always the correct one, forcing you to think of more concise and efficient ways to complete puzzles. Each new level invokes that sense of "Is this even possible...", and finally solving a particularly challenging level feels so rewarding.
Zengrams' minimalist presentation is merely a stylish facade hiding the challenging nature of its puzzles and the seamless way shapes merge makes each of the game's 70 levels a satisfying experience.
The DLC is not any more difficult than the original. It offers some new gameplay, but nothing brain breaking. The presentation is even better and tear jerking in a certain place.To buy the Monument Valley DLC or not... Enjoyed the base game moderately but didn't think it was fantastic. The puzzles didn't amount to much more than tapping here and there so I thought the praise was a bit overblown. Is the DLC significantly better?
A friend just got an iPhone 6, and was asking about games to download. I recommended all sorts of titles, but he scoffed at paying for them because... well, because that's what people do with iOS. Anyway, I convinced him to get The Room since you can play the first bit for free and then pay to unlock the rest. He soon bought it after finishing the free part, so I think that's a definite win.
Not all games should have it, and it certainly requires well thought out design to really give a player a feel for why the game is worth buying, but I think that's one of the best ways to sell apps on the AppStore. I don't think it could work on a game like Year Walk or Sword & Sworcery, but surely many other games that failed because people weren't willing to take a chance on a paid app could benefit from this style. I know it's a played-out trope, but I think games that start the player out overpowered, then strip them of their items and stuff -- like Symphony of the Night -- would be prime candidates for this model.
I had my friend also play Device 6 on my phone for the first chapter, and he seemed impressed with that too. Maybe it just takes more patience and knowing your audience to set people on the track of "good games are worth paying for."
Introducing Goat MMO Simulator. Free expansion for Goat Sim. Um. Watch this trailer:
- Five different classes: Warrior, Rouge, Magician, Hunter and Microwave
- Complete dozens of quests, level up a hundred times and play five different classes thats a ton of content you do the math, we all went to high-school well I didnt I was too busy huffing paint behind the cafeteria
- Level cap is 101, 1 level higher than you-know-what
- Prolly not tons of content tho, but dont hate be cool
- Stay a while and listen to Dumblebore the Grey in Twistram
- Faction warfare between goats and sheep
- MMO simulation so good youll think its real
- There are even elves and dwarves like in that movie
The great big multiplayer strategy game that gives you the unfair advantage.
Embark on an epic crusade across all of space and time in real time.
From humble beginnings in a safe green valley, explore and conquer thousands of realms by land and by sea.
There are 141 different unit types in Ironfell, now including time machines and dinosaurs. And things are just getting started. Buckle up baby, 'cause we're blasting off into space!
A challenge for speed in three dimensions
Joakim wanted a good cell phone/table game that is simple that you can play many many times and get infinitely good at, like ElastoMania has been for him on the PC. Skyturns has a very different setting but the principles are the same - many challenging levels that can be solved in different ways and that can be played thousands of times to find the fastest route or combination of jumps. Look at the videos and screenshots and you'll see what its like. Then you have to play it for a while to really get the point of it, when you get some flow and speed going
I hope the original Kingdom Rush goes on sale so I can start to catch up.
So sad. I wish I could do the opposite.I have a good friend who is a huge gamer, basically he works, eats, sleep, play games and see his girlfriend once a week. He owns every single console except the Vita and Microsoft stuff there is. Addicted to the 3DS. At least that was before I gave him my old iPhone 5... now he is completely addicted to it. Completed 10000000 the same day (took him 2 hours to do that lol, put me to shame xD) I gave him the iPhone, also Monument Valley and LIMBO. Broken Sword the next one and now is going though Puzzle to the Center of the Earth and Space Expedition. A he was a huge console gamer, now addicted to iOS. I asked him about the 3DS and he told me if I wanted it LOL. I said hell no. iOS has everything. I gave him my iPhone full of all my favorite games. He has so many ahead: Bastion, Waking Mars, Mines of Mars, Traps N Gemstones, Blast-A-Way, Gesundheit!, EDGE and EDGE Extended, Space Age, and so many more. Soon he will forget about Sony or Nintendo. And he will become a full time iOS gamer. Coming from someone that played AAA games, like hundred of hours into Metal Gear Solid, Oblivion or Skyrim for example. Now an iOS gamer. xD
It's showing as $2.99 for me.The first one is only $.99 and hasn't been free since Jan. 2013. A buck is a bargain as it is.
I prefer a healthy mix of both. The big budget AAA games can be just as enjoyable as IOS gamesI have a good friend who is a huge gamer, basically he works, eats, sleep, play games and see his girlfriend once a week. He owns every single console except the Vita and Microsoft stuff there is. Addicted to the 3DS. At least that was before I gave him my old iPhone 5... now he is completely addicted to it. Completed 10000000 the same day (took him 2 hours to do that lol, put me to shame xD) I gave him the iPhone, also Monument Valley and LIMBO. Broken Sword the next one and now is going though Puzzle to the Center of the Earth and Space Expedition. A he was a huge console gamer, now addicted to iOS. I asked him about the 3DS and he told me if I wanted it LOL. I said hell no. iOS has everything. I gave him my iPhone full of all my favorite games. He has so many ahead: Bastion, Waking Mars, Mines of Mars, Traps N Gemstones, Blast-A-Way, Gesundheit!, EDGE and EDGE Extended, Space Age, and so many more. Soon he will forget about Sony or Nintendo. And he will become a full time iOS gamer. Coming from someone that played AAA games, like hundred of hours into Metal Gear Solid, Oblivion or Skyrim for example. Now an iOS gamer. xD
It's showing as $2.99 for me.
I have a good friend who is a huge gamer, basically he works, eats, sleep, play games and see his girlfriend once a week. He owns every single console except the Vita and Microsoft stuff there is. Addicted to the 3DS. At least that was before I gave him my old iPhone 5... now he is completely addicted to it. Completed 10000000 the same day (took him 2 hours to do that lol, put me to shame xD) I gave him the iPhone, also Monument Valley and LIMBO. Broken Sword the next one and now is going though Puzzle to the Center of the Earth and Space Expedition. A he was a huge console gamer, now addicted to iOS. I asked him about the 3DS and he told me if I wanted it LOL. I said hell no. iOS has everything. I gave him my iPhone full of all my favorite games. He has so many ahead: Bastion, Waking Mars, Mines of Mars, Traps N Gemstones, Blast-A-Way, Gesundheit!, EDGE and EDGE Extended, Space Age, and so many more. Soon he will forget about Sony or Nintendo. And he will become a full time iOS gamer. Coming from someone that played AAA games, like hundred of hours into Metal Gear Solid, Oblivion or Skyrim for example. Now an iOS gamer. xD
If I can 100% the first chapter, so can youI really like Beat Sneak Bandit but it requires too much effort to play haha
If I can 100% the first chapter, so can you
I found that tapping your foot to the beat helped.
Vainglory is out in the US. Been playing a bit since softlaunch but was waiting for the US release before really digging into it.
Fun, great looking MOBA. As I mentioned in an earlier post, I'm new to MOBA so I can't really compare how it fares against others. As a F2P, it seems like you can play without hitting a paywall. I suppose that also depends on who you are playing against.
Definately worth checking out if you have a 5S+ or an iPad Air/Mini (basically all the Metal supported devices.
Oh, and the tutorial is good and newbie friendly.
The Oubliette is amazing.
XCOM is so good.... But so bad on iPhone.
It's only for the PC version, but I'm posting it here because it's too awesome not to post here.
People might scoff at Goat Sim being a good game, but the post-release support has been insane
They've been killing it with the hilarious descriptions/patch notes. Check out their 1.1 notesLOL those features jeebus
They've been killing it with the hilarious descriptions/patch notes. Check out their 1.1 notes
Not sure if you're ever going to get it, but those references are even funnier becauseThere are so many references to other games I can't stop laughing
Stand by for Goatfall
Enjoyed flappy goat
Removed Flappy Goat, I hate that fucking game.
Got 11 points on Flappy Goat; readded Flappy Goat.
Spent more time writing jokes about Flappy Goat than working on the patch
Changed the points required for the Flappy Goat Achievement from 10 to 30
Just kidding.
Played a whole lot of Wildstar
Not sure if you're ever going to get it, but those references are even funnier becausethere really is a Flappy Goat mini-game in the game
Get a Mini man. So glad I did. Perfect size for iOS gaming IMO.
Commander PixmanAnyone know a good Super meat boy-like game that isn't a shallow endless runner?
Get a Mini man. So glad I did. Perfect size for iOS gaming IMO.
I don't get it.