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iPod Accessories for Cheap!

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So yeah, for those of you that never heard I lost my iPod during the flight to LA for E3 2004. So, I'm getting a new one real soon, with the Cram & Jam discount. So, in preperation, I am selling off the accessories from my old 20GB 3rd Gen iPod seeing as I won't need them anymore.

AC Adaptor

FireWire Cable (with 4 to 6 pin adapter)



StrikerObi said:
Yes, we've been over this in a few threads.

Thankfully the new one will only be $70 after Cram & Jam (though I'll have to buy a dock too for $35).
What's Cram & Jam? (Sorry, I haven't really been keeping up)
Yeah the cable and AC adaptor will work with a 4G iPod. The Dock won't because of the size change.

Cram & Jam is the Student Offer wherein you buy a and iBook or Powerbook and an iPod and get $200 back. I'm getting a Powerbook real soon so I figure I may as well re-invest in a new iPod if it'll only cost me $70 after the student discount and Cram & Jam rebate.
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