Me = smart kid who has ADD.
personal health issues:
(1) I drank polluted groundwater for 19 years of my life --an Erin Brockovich-type story in my hometown. Drinking aluminum cleaner and aluminum treatment probably has something to do with the way my brain and body work--not to mention all the other people in my area who drank the water for a large portion of their lives. Some of them have liver cancer, Lupus and other ailments besides the TCE chemical affecting their nervous systems.
(2) There's something wrong with my thyroid. My mother has Wilson's Thyroid Syndrome, and I think I've got it, too. She's only been diagnosed about three weeks ago, and I seem to have all the same symptoms. I dont know much about it yet, but I know this: For example, my body temperature doesn't get to 98.6 until mid-day. In the morning it's about 95.5 degrees, which is three degrees too low. That's shocking enough, but also the thyroid's operation has something to do with concentration says the doctor. I know enzymes operate only within a certain pH and temperature level. I dont know how the brain works, but Im sure this thyroid regulation condition has to do with my attention deficit symptoms.
personal ADD history:
I was a sleepy and inattentive honors student in high school, and maintained mostly A's. I slept a lot in class, and missed a lot of class. I just thought I was bored with school. Id even already personally covered the subject matter in a couple of my classes, so my teachers let me work on special assignments such as reading and reporting on sci-fi instead of the honors literature & supplementing academic decathlon event material and research for my science classes. The school wanted me evaluated because I missed a lot of days, and they needed a medical excuse to give me attendance credit for my junior year even though I had something like a 3.5 GPA. They said the state wouldnt give me credit for the year even though I had good grades, so I went to a shrink. The shrink said I was fine, and that I exhibited ADD/OCD symptoms if anything.
Enter the college years:
Apparently my lack for following rules and a lack of any real study skills left me in the dust the first semester in college. Id do really well initially in my semesters, start to suck, and get burned out later on. I knew after some time that I didnt just dislike my subject matter. There had to be something wrong with me because I know I have potential, and I wasnt about to be some brain child that peaked in high school and fuck up college. So, after some kinda mental zoo-party craziness in my head after a girlfriend situation of years ended badly, after I fucked up a semester pretty good drinking and smoking my way back to feeling normal or at least to numbness to not think of the girlfriend, I went to a shrink again. I told said head doctor that I thought my life was in shambles and that I did too many drugs. Help. So, they helped. After a month of talking, she put me on SSRIs. The school doctor in the clinic I spoke to said symptoms of depression and ADD are similar. After playing the game of being my own personal chemistry set , then I got my prescription drugs right. I stopped taking the SSRIs because they made me so damn sleepy and exhausted all the time, and surprisingly I didnt hate life when I stopped. Before I stopped those, I started finally taking Adderall for my ADD symptoms. I figured I didnt want to take any more meds, but what the hey if it helped me get through college. The SSRIs certainly did the trick for a while and did what they were supposed to. I figured the ADD medication that doctors said that I should take back in high school might do the trick. The only think is that in high school I had my adult-sized body, and probably brain. Ritalin didnt do anything. There was no effect what so ever, so I stopped taking it. Now, Ive been taking the Adderall off an on for two years, and OMFG I should have started sooner. I probably would have finished college by now if I had. I cant believe how much work I can get done when I can concentrate. Now my only worry is that this stuff will affect my liver long-term. My moms new doctor thats telling us about the thyroid condition says that after I balance my food allergies and regulate my thyroid without thyroid-regulation medication that my brain will probably work like normal, like its supposed to. This new doctor wants people to try to regulate their bodies sans medication, which makes me happy. I dont want my functional life spent out of pill bottles.
(wow, can I ever talk)
That said, I dont think ADD is a bullshit condition. Im not just generalizing because of my personal experience. Ive read a lot into the matter, and Ive spoken with numerous professionals. Its real. Its not fair. It sucks. My brain chemicals arent balanced perfectly, and its sorta reassuring and affirming to know that Im not the only one. Ther are so many people out there that just have a hard time focusing. Theyre not stupid. It may just take them a little longer to get something done. I dont see it as their or anyones fault, but if left untreated ADD (or anything for that matter) is a very bad thing. People should work around their symptoms and seek professional medical help if their life is hindered by being attention deficit.
I think my parents did a fine job raising me and providing me with quality education. If I got anything bad form them it would just be the under active thyroid condition Wilsons Thyroid Syndrome. It makes my hands and feet cold and makes me want to sleep in late.