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Is anyone else a little bitch about humidity?


Gold Member
When humidity is high like it is now in the US (I'm in the Midwest but was recently in Texas), I straight up cannot sleep. It'll take an hour just to fall asleep and then I wake up probably 20 times or so and eventually just give up.

I'm stubborn and cheap, but I'm buying a nice humidifier tonight finally.

Anything above 20% (in the summer at least) is annoying, but above 50-60% and I want to die at night.


I have my humidifiers (2) set to turn on at 40%, and I have my dehumidifier (1) set to turn on at 50%. I like being in the zone! My humidifiers run in the winter (although barely running this winter), and my dehumidifier runs in the summer (cool, moist breeze at night, despite the hot, dry days).

So you're constantly chasing them are have you on chains/rope?

Runners talk about getting in the zone at some point.

-Edit: I tried.
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The humidity is the worst. I can deal with the heat but that sweaty sticking nasty disgusting feeling is awful. The last few days it has been raining but it's still warm and sticky. I've been showering 2-3 times a day.

Seems like the worst is over...for now. Still got July to September to get through. Last year it was very humid right up to September.

The scary thing is that this is the coolest summer we'll have. Next year will probably be more intense. Already this year beats last year.

Yey for climate change... :messenger_fearful:

I've always believed in global warming but this year and last have made me think shit is going to hit the fan a lot sooner than I expected. We're fucked.

Dark Star

The worst part of humidity, especially in Texas, is the sticky, gross feeling that clings to your hair, skin, etc even if you only go outside for like 10 minutes. It’s horrible. Makes me want to shower 3 times a day.

At least I don’t have to deal with snow lol
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My body runs hot, and I have longer hair and a full beard so heat and humidity nearly incapacitate me. If the temperature is above 85 F I refuse to go outside. If it's even slightly humid you can forget it.

Luckily, I live in Ohio so usually for most of the year it's cold and grey. The best weather.
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I'm annoyed that my cold showers aren't that cold anymore. Less effective perhaps but definitely less enjoyable most importantly the after effects. Which is the same as less effective as I've already said.

Homer Simpson Thinking GIF


When humidity is high like it is now in the US (I'm in the Midwest but was recently in Texas), I straight up cannot sleep. It'll take an hour just to fall asleep and then I wake up probably 20 times or so and eventually just give up.

I'm stubborn and cheap, but I'm buying a nice humidifier tonight finally.

Anything above 20% (in the summer at least) is annoying, but above 50-60% and I want to die at night.
do you not have air conditioning?

West Texas CEO

GAF's Nicest Lunch Thief and Nosiest Dildo Archeologist
The worst part of humidity, especially in Texas, is the sticky, gross feeling that clings to your hair, skin, etc even if you only go outside for like 10 minutes. It’s horrible. Makes me want to shower 3 times a day.

This Texas heat/humidity means I can't step out the house for a few minutes before I start to get that nasty swamp-ass.
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Gold Member
I’m a skinny fuck so humidity doesn’t bug me. When I was in Florida, I was the psycho that was running for several miles in 90 degree heat with 80+ percent humidity.

I hate low humidity way more than high humidity, since your skin starts drying out and gets itchy during the winter months. I installed a whole house humidifier to fix this problem.
I live in Calgary, AB and it's always dry AF around here. And it's only warm for like two months anyways. Then it's back to winter.


I have trouble sleeping if the climate is too dry. My nose and skin get dry for the first week or so. I grew up next to the sea. I live in a place where the temperature is 90+ year round and an average humidity of 80%. I only use the Aircon occasionally. Fans and wind are sufficient to be comfortable most of the time.


I experienced peak humidity whilst liking in Kyushu JP. 30c/86f+ for like 4months straight everyday with humidity at like 90%+ regularly. It was quite something, especially when teaching in classrooms with 30 kids or so with no air conditioning for 2 years. Then in my 3rd year they installed them thank fuck.
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My mobile ass home sits at a constant 85 degrees with the AC running all day; doing nothing to stave off the sun beating down on the Cambodian swamp that is my ballsack.



The humidity is the worst. I can deal with the heat but that sweaty sticking nasty disgusting feeling is awful. The last few days it has been raining but it's still warm and sticky. I've been showering 2-3 times a day.

Seems like the worst is over...for now. Still got July to September to get through. Last year it was very humid right up to September.

The scary thing is that this is the coolest summer we'll have. Next year will probably be more intense. Already this year beats last year.

Yey for climate change... :messenger_fearful:

I've always believed in global warming but this year and last have made me think shit is going to hit the fan a lot sooner than I expected. We're fucked.
Come to California then, our climate has changed to be cooler. Only 80s mostly this year when we'd be in 100s already.


Yeah i hate it with a passion, im in England, i can't sleep or relax, my hands and feet swell up and i have to put them in water, i recently bought a big fan unit with a water cooler unit inside it, it worked great i love it, i dont mind warm days anything up to 20, but when it goes over and it's humid, my body doesn't like it.
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Yeah i hate it with a passion, im in England, i can't sleep or relax, my hands and feet swell up and i have to put them in water, i recently bought a big fan unit with a water cooler unit inside it, it workd great i love it, i dont mind warm days anything up to 20, but when it goes over and it's humid, my body doesn't like it.
From England too, feels like the season started earlier this year?


From England too, feels like the season started earlier this year?
It's getting worse isn't it, one of the hottest June's i can remember, i'm from the south, Hampshire, but i'm living in the north, Tyneside and i always preferred the cooler weather up here, well now it's too hot everywhere lol
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Always lived in the tropical part of Aus. It’s always maxing out the humidity and I love it.

You FNQ or Darwin way? I love the humidity. Mainly because I have to live in the UK most of the time, and have to put up with cold, drizzly shit most of the year. I'm fucking delighted every time I touch down at Cairns airport and that wall of warmth hits me as I step outside.

Nicolas Cage Hair GIF
It's getting worse isn't it, one of the hottest June's i can remember, i'm from the south, Hampshire, but i'm living in the north, Tyneside and i alaways preferred the cooler weather up here, well now it's too hot everywhere lol
Yes definitely getting worse. Can’t believe barely a few weeks ago I was wearing a hoody when going out. One extreme to another


It's getting worse isn't it, one of the hottest June's i can remember, i'm from the south, Hampshire, but i'm living in the north, Tyneside and i alaways preferred the cooler weather up here, well now it's too hot everywhere lol

London is pretty awful at the moment. Bit cooler now, but last week was a nightmare. I have a portable air con unit, without which I would be dying.


London is pretty awful at the moment. Bit cooler now, but last week was a nightmare. I have a portable air con unit, without which I would be dying.
Yeah i bet, London was a nightmare in the 80's and early 90's when i was down there, it must be worse now, mine's a portable one, one of the best things i bought this year, never really needed it before in the North East!. it rained for most of the day yesterday and was a lot cooler, i loved it lol.


Heat and Humidity, worst combo EVER !

But Thunderbugs are even worse for me, and they don't like humidity, so I guess this is a win/lose situation for me


I am Become Bilbo Baggins
The only time it was an issue for me was when I was in Poland visiting the in-laws last year. That's the only time that I've struggled with the humidity.


Central air pretty much knocks out humidity indoors. I keep my AC on almost all the time in the summer, and when it's not running, I keep the fan on to keep the air moving.


I was pondering this earlier. Not sure what happened to me as I've gotten older but growing up in coastal Virginia, I was always used to dealing with summer temps in the 90's (32C+, for the rest of the world) and humidity in the 70%-90% range regularly. From ages 7-25, I lived for that weather. Never bothered me, never gave a shit. Spent my days playing outside. As I got older, I'd spend all day at Busch Gardens Williamsburg, Kings Dominion, weeks long summer camps, out at Virginia Beach, or helping my grandfather with his boat on the Rappahannock River.

Now? If it doesn't have AC and humidity control, I don't do shit. I absolutely cannot tolerate heat and humidity anymore. Extra bonus: I have thyroid problems so I am also very cold intolerant, so I can't even seek refuge during the winter months.
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Dirk Benedict

Gold Member
Humidity is no joke. I was in Texas one time, holy shit. 112 outside and moisture level was quite high... I went from 70 degree A/C'ed home, outside to smoke a crispy one and within 2 seconds, in real-time, I was dripping with sweat. It was crazy as shit. My friend from Vietnam tolled me it's worse over there, than in Texas!

Also, FWIW: Humid Heat is hard to escape, you have to like, be somewhere where you can control the environment, while scorching dry heat, you can more-or-less escape in the shade.
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Gold Member
Hot humidity? Absolutely. i can just about sleep, but I sweat like a bitch.

Living in Japan in the summer (not Hokkaido) was almost hell. I'd soak through two to three sweat towels a day.

Cold is much better. Fuck the heat.
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