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Is being Vegan or Vegetarian better than not?


Gold Member
My 16yr old daughter just became pescatarian to be cool with her friends. She chose this so she could eat sushi. Now she wants to eat frozen bean patties and tofu mixed with noodles.

I'll let you know but I'm guessing she will not be healthier.
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Try out what works for you. I know some who went vegan because some meats didn't jive well with their bodies. Others are pescatarians and so forth. But I think it's important to remember that dinners should be an enjoyment in life no matter what diet you have.


West Texas CEO

GAF's Nicest Lunch Thief and Nosiest Dildo Archeologist
I cannot go too long without eating red meat. It feels like my physical strength is sapped when I go to eating vegetarian.

And lol, I just saw a thread that Evilore posted in 2020:

'Vegans 43% more likely to suffer broken bones than meat eaters, Oxford study finds'

So yeah, I'll stick with an omnivore lifestyle. :D


wants to fuck an Asian grill.
Listen to your own body (and a professional if you can afford one). For me it feels right when I consume animal products, plant products, and beer.


I’ve had a go at both on and off over the years and being veggie is much easier, and tastier.

My wife is a veggie so all our meals together tend to be vegetarian, just makes things easier. When we eat out I will order a meat dish though.

I’d recommend slowly introducing veggie meals to your diet and see how you get on. Don’t feel the need to make an immediate switch. You’ll just make yourself miserable.

Personally I’d hold off on going vegan, but certainly try to reduce dairy if you’re having too much of it. I tend to have black coffee and oat milk in cereal.

My Achilles heel is cheese, there’s nothing on earth that will stop me eating a real pizza. Vegan cheese is utter shite.
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Fools idol

I spent thousands of hours and read studies and books on the subject for my daughter who was born with a couple of stomach issues that make her diet quite unique so.. I shall pass on what I learned here on 'healthy' individuals.

Assuming for people who do not have what my daughter has, (celiac disease is a condition where your immune system attacks your own tissues when you eat gluten) science has proven time and time again that a high quality meat and vegetable diet is the optimum for human heath.

Low to no refined sugars or carbs, plenty of animal fats and fresh fruit and veggies. Salmon, steak, eggs, avocado, apple, nuts and seeds... olive oil.

Avoid vegetable oils and 'fake' foods that contain dubious chemicals and thickening agents.

I just saved you potentially thousands of dollars on fad diets and courses and scams.


Gold Member
I did the vegan diet for about six months. Purely for health reason not for ethical reasons, I still love killing animals.


would a vegan or vegetarian diet be better than a healthy diet that incorporates all food groups?

I would want to go vegan for myself. If it makes me much more healthier if I cut off milk and meats, I would try it.

It's just every Google search I doesn't give me a consice definitive answer wether it is better for you or not.

If anyone had more knowledge about this topic, that would be great.
I just want facts.


Vegan and vegetarian diets are indeed healthier and associated with lower cardiovascular issues.
Of course it needs to be balanced and you may need help figuring out how to start the transition.
If you decide to go this way do it progressively.
You are also contributing to the environment by switching to a vegan diet.
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Fools idol

Vegan and vegetarian diets are indeed healthier and associated with lower cardiovascular issues.
Of course it needs to be balanced and you may need help figuring out how to start the transition.
If you decide to go this way do it progressively.
You are also contributing to the environment by switching to a vegan diet.
this is absolutely nonsense and debunked science. Sorry bud, while there isn't exactly negative health issues from vegan diet, you have to supplement heavily to avoid malnutrition .. the hormones your body produces is not able to sustain a heathy balance without it.

you have to think.. also.. In my book, a diet that requires man-made synthetic supplement to stay healthy is not a healthy diet.


this is absolutely nonsense and debunked science. Sorry bud, while there isn't exactly negative health issues from vegan diet, you have to supplement heavily to avoid malnutrition .. the hormones your body produces is not able to sustain a heathy balance without it.

you have to think.. also.. In my book, a diet that requires man-made synthetic supplement to stay healthy is not a healthy diet.
Lol. No.


All extremist diets are complete and utter bullshit. Keto, carnivore, vegan, paleo, all silly shit.

Figure out your basal metabolic rate. Start there man. Then either add or subtract calories from that number based on whether you want to gain or lose weight respectively.

Don't eat processed or refined sugars.

Avoid trans fats. Moderate your saturated fat intake.

Make sure you're taking in a decent amount of complex carbs rather than simple, as they're high in fiber.

Eat tons of veggies and a good amount of fruits.

Lean protein is your friend, whether you're training or not, that's a fact. My staples are ultra filtered milk, eggs, fish, and steak.

Train. Don't just move for the sake of moving, but train. Training is exercising for more than just exercise's sake, it's exercising with a purpose and a progressive goal in mind, whether that be strength, speed, endurance, power, flexibility, or sport specific performance. Training will aid you to keep from getting too burnt out and it will help keep you motivated to keep moving and exercising throughout the years, whereas moving for the sake of moving just tends to get old after a while for most folks. Make your movement meaningful towards an end goal, and it will matter more to you.
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