Misleading thread title. His type, the megabillionaires, are sometimes characterized for being villanous comic personas. Just look at that scary image of pale-faced robotic Mark Zuckerberg in court a while ago, or any Bond villain. The real question should be who is he exactly?
Being on home office and being of a cynical mindset, I've had the wonderful opportunity to listen to Infowars everyday, the whole four-hour show, it's fantastic.
Now I know I'll be laughed at but that's why I write that above statement, I've been laughed at all my life, I don't care anymore.
Bill Gates's family come from a line of psychopaths who want nothing more than world order, and they are supported by the world's richest. 2020 is the time when we see their evil plan in action.
Jones and his guests are breaking down the evidence, that being vitamins and zinc (and more) are all that are required (in a hospital) to beat this. Evidence is coming from doctors now who report methods of high doses curing the disease. Newer reports from doctors today suggest that respirators actually make death certain and shouldn't be used.
Jones doesn't suggest the virus isn't real or that people aren't dying. The WHO want to split families up, Big Pharma want to make money off of death, and Dr. Fauci gets millions/billions from Gates to make sure we wait for the digital vaccine certificate in our bodies, like 1984 basically. Evil, evil, evil actions.
Gates wants to control humanity, but he can't. We weren't born to be controlled. That doesn't make it a conspiracy. He is human with mistaken deluded thoughts of himself as the leader over all life, but the truth is each individual is their own leader of their own destiny.
This whole situation has reminded me of the importance of religious practice and human spirit, and I'm doing my part by dedicating myself harder to inward longterm goals of finding human peace. The totalitarian left or communist dictatorships or the technocracy cannot win, Gates cannot save us, he is the villain.