Good boy.You linked; a conspiracy theory website rather than peer-reviewed research from a university or journal.
Good boy.You linked; a conspiracy theory website rather than peer-reviewed research from a university or journal.
Why take it seriously when its not peer reviewed?
Do what you want man, I'm still going to ask you to explain why you call cited facts fake news. Doesn't help your case.
Anyone can say whatever they want; doesn't make it factual. If its not factual; its fake news.
The cited facts are there for others to read and tell a rather interesting story, ignore them if you want.
In 2014, the Gates Foundation funded tests of experimental HPV vaccines, developed by Glaxo Smith Kline (GSK) and Merck, on 23,000 young girls in remote Indian provinces. Approximately 1,200 suffered severe side effects, including autoimmune and fertility disorders. Seven died. Indian government investigations charged that Gates-funded researchers committed pervasive ethical violations: pressuring vulnerable village girls into the trial, bullying parents, forging consent forms, and refusing medical care to the injured girls. The case is now in the country’s Supreme Court.
Fake Indian Supreme Court news
What was the result of the case?
In the abstract of the article they base their findings on when it comes to "doctors claim":I asked what was wrong with their claims not about their reputation.
He's more like a comic book super hero, imo
It says the case is ongoing
Fake Indian Supreme Court news
Is Bill Gates Being Sued by India Over Vaccination Deaths?
A fresh meme resurrected and combined some stale claims that we had already investigated at
Well, who elected you as the arbiter of truth?Snopes is garbage, who elected those degenerates as the arbiters of truth?
Well, who elected you as the arbiter of truth?
"Interesting things" without fact checking them yourselfI'm not a bugman cited fact checker. I share interesting things.
I'm not a bugman cited fact checker. I share interesting things.
Did you guys ever heard the phrase: "History is written by the winners"? Try to use this phrase in case of mainstream media. Now why is it that you disregard everything that is not spread by the mainstream media and accept everything without question they say? You don't need to agree with the opposite either, just think for yourself and ask questions.
I would agree with your logic, if it werent't for the fact that a lot of times it came to light that the official narrative presented by scientists was ordered by those that are in power. Or they were just shills. This doesn't mean that I don't trust anything by the mainstream media or automatically trust other sources, I'm just saying that you need to gather as much information as possible and not just automatically disregard something because it's not by an accredited scientist or something. Of course if something is going against the tide it will never be accredited.You share unbacked up information that isn't shared by anyone educated in the field; not backed up by peer-reviewed journals nor institutions nor any government body. It is the literal embodiment of 'fake news'.
I don't care whats necessarily in the media; what I DO care is what actual accredited scientists attached to credible institutions say and not believing shit made up by normies on the street or people like Dr Andrew Wakefield who was struck off the medical register in the UK for malpractice; yet is believed by a lot of Karens in the US.
Questioning is fine. But use some common sense and at least make sure the ideas/theories being spread matches up to at MINIMUM grade-school level science otherwise your just gonna like Alex Jones.
not backed up by peer-reviewed journals nor institutions nor any government body. It is the literal embodiment of 'fake news'.
Academia is largely trash in my opinion, I don't put much faith in the peer review process tbh
Replication crisis - Wikipedia
I would agree with your logic, if it werent't for the fact that a lot of times it came to light that the official narrative presented by scientists was ordered by those that are in power. Or they were just shills. This doesn't mean that I don't trust anything by the mainstream media or automatically trust other sources, I'm just saying that you need to gather as much information as possible and not just automatically disregard something because it's not by an accredited scientist or something. Of course if something is going against the tide it will never be accredited.
I don't think it's this simple when you are going against the people that run the world and their narrative.You put your faith in uneducated plebs instead?
Irregardless it needs to be proven at some point. Make your paper with your theories; put it to task and prove it through empirical experimentation.
I would agree with your logic, if it werent't for the fact that a lot of times it came to light that the official narrative presented by scientists was ordered by those that are in power. Or they were just shills. This doesn't mean that I don't trust anything by the mainstream media or automatically trust other sources, I'm just saying that you need to gather as much information as possible and not just automatically disregard something because it's not by an accredited scientist or something. Of course if something is going against the tide it will never be accredited.
You put your faith in uneducated plebs instead?
I've said it a few times on this site recently, but science is slowly becoming cult like and religious. The one thing they stand against, is what they are becoming.
Now that does not mean I refuse the idea of science making this world a better place. But it seems we are forsaking much for little.
The WHO have been on record saying it recently that trust in science beyond anything else. Do not question science! Then Ole Tedros takes to Twitter and reveals his soul by posting poetic tweets such as "believe" and "faith".
This kind of science is a cult, just like postmodernism, just like Nazism, just like a lot of shit with an official stamp on it.
Buddha spoke of the middle way, and although I've been a Buddhist for nigh on ages, I still don't get what the fuck that means, like, literally don't get it. Science is just balls in.
I reserve faith for things that require it and generally don't believe anything anyone tells me at face value.
Why? because people are better educated now that reject stupidity like religion, conspiracy, superstition etc?
reject stupidity like religion, conspiracy, superstition
I've said it a few times on this site recently, but science is slowly becoming cult like and religious. The one thing they stand against, is what they are becoming.
Religion and science can quite happily make this world a better place together
Nah, name something in science that has been considered so sacred that remains there despite being proven superseded.
Both keep making statements of truth about the world, but only one keeps beating the other. There always will be conflict, besides, there is like only one true religion of peace as far as I know (Jainism).
Religion and science can quite happily make this world a better place together. Some religions have a scientific underpinning. There are many ways to read the Bible. Bill Gates suffers and dies like the rest of us.
Science and religion are about perspective, and for both, no perspective is greater than personal observation and belief.
I'm not a scientist, I can't create vaccines, or build spaceships. I can just about fix a general household appliance through trial and error, observation, and a general education. But what I can do daily is question the nature of existence and life, as no one has supreme authority over that.
Jeez, it's getting a bit deep... er... Gates is a Satanist!!!
I guess my answer will be to rephrase my point to make it clearer what I meant, that, if religion asks you to believe something that might be false, science is now doing that too. I'm talking about the scientifically righteous people
You had no problem in believing globalresearch, without checking the credibility of the article you posted.I reserve faith for things that require it and generally don't believe anything anyone tells me at face value.
You had no problem in believing globalresearch, without checking the credibility of the article you posted.
They totally misinterpret the abstract and spread false information...I had no problem sharing the link I read that is correct.
Indian doctors blame the Gates campaign for a devastating non-polio acute flaccid paralysis (NPAFP) epidemic that paralyzed 490,000 children beyond expected rates between 2000 and 2017.
A previous study of data from 2000 to 2010 has detailed the NPAFP rate in a state correlated with the pulse polio rounds conducted there, and the strongest correlation with the NPAFP rate was found when the number of doses from the previous 4 years were used. However, a simple association being found with regression analysis does not prove a causal relationship.
Good thing you generally don't believe anything anyone tells you at face value...
He's one of the most helpful living humans on the planet at this point in life.
Compared to Mengele? OK maybe.
But he is a baby Mengele. The guy sits around plotting how to reduce populations, just like "Captain Eugenics" Senior Gates.
Lol what? He just made the correct conclusion that if the worlds' population keeps increasing at this rate we won't have enough resources for everyone. Thus instead of people having 10 children, invest in giving them proper education and birth control, but still let them decide what they want to do. A lot of uneducated people in 3rd world countries don't want 10 children, they just want to keep having sex and the children just happen. I don't see a problem at all in giving people the proper education and tools to not have children IF they don't want to have them.The guy sits around plotting how to reduce populations, just like "Captain Eugenics" Senior Gates.
Lol what? He just made the correct conclusion that if the worlds' population keeps increasing at this rate we won't have enough resources for everyone. Thus instead of people having 10 children, invest in giving them proper education and birth control, but still let them decide what they want to do. A lot of uneducated people in 3rd world countries don't want 10 children, they just want to keep having sex and the children just happen. I don't see a problem at all in giving people the proper education and tools to not have children IF they don't want to have them.
Did you not read where I said, they can still decide for themselves? Where did Bill Gates ever had his organisation inject people to not have kids without their consent? You completely missed what I said, because the only thing he is doing is making people more educated and give them the proper tools for birth control. Nowhere is he forcing people to take birth control...Many loaded / speculative deductions in your post, and the conclusion is "take these drugs/let us inject you" so you have less kids?
Sounds a bit scary Josef
Eugenics is a dangerous game, and when it fails, it fails colossally. Look at the unintended consequences of the Bush-China eugenics program, if you want a non-Nazi recent example. Not to mention the very gray philosophical area you enter when engaging in population control programs like ole' Billy seems intended to accomplish.
Compared to Mengele? OK maybe.
But he is a baby Mengele. The guy sits around plotting how to reduce populations, just like "Captain Eugenics" Senior Gates.
....the hell are you talking about?