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Is Breakdown worth buying for 10 bucks?


works for Gamestop (lol)
Judging from the impressions on this forum, the game sounds like a hit and miss. For $10 though, how can you go wrong. If you don't like it, you can always trade/sell it


Hell freakin yea. I picked it up for $20 a few months ago and loved it. It's plusses definetly outweigh it's minuses. Incredible story, fun hand to hand/weapon first person battles, and real cool abilities later on in the game. The one downfall is it' gets a bit frustrating when u fight like 5-6 enemies at once. Oh, and the last boss battle is one of the best I've played in recent memory. Such a cool fight.

One word of advice, avoid tons of frustration (like the multiple enemy problem) and play on Easy. Swallow you're pride and just enjoy the game rather than throwing the controller, I heard it gets really annoying in the later levels on Normal (it almost did on Easy).


Fps game is my favorite genre. I spent lots of money on my computer rigs just to be able to play them. Breakdown had an interesting concept

But it turned out to be horrible garbage. It's not even worth a rental.
I bought it for 15$ 2 weeks ago and I didn't finish it.

I played it for 8 hours and I still don't understand WHEN the story will get good, right now, it's all about generaly boring same old corridor traveling.

I'm at
the point when I'm outside and I get to drive a jeep,
when does the story get good from there?

for 15$ though, I'm not dissapointed.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Yeah. It was a cool ride, despite some issues...

Some of the things that people bitched about gave me no problems, though, so YMMV(copyright Wario64, 2004).

The last 15-30 minutes of the game are f*cking incredible, though. I mean, I've always wondered what kind of cool shit the Japanese would try if they were into the FPS genre...and that was just a hint of the kind of thing I would want to see. Some of the coolest shit I've ever seen in an FPS...


Good Points:Good story, Interesting fighting system(hand to hand), Likable characters, Very cool First person view points, interesting boss fights
Bad points: Bad level design (corridors only no branching), Bad fighting system (weapons), boring weapons, Overly difficult at times (when fighting multiple enemies hand to hand).

I enjoyed it but I was frustrated with it quite a few times and it could have been better. 7/10


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Oh yeah, that's another thing;

Play it on the easiest mode. You'd regret starting a game on anything other than that...


Here's another piece of advice: save at the very end if you want to see both endings without going crazy from having to replay from your last save, which could be hours go.


Yes, yes it is.

IF you can stand the first 10 minutes. If you can then you should be able to make it to the end and have a great experience, if you can't then return that sucker ASAP cause it'll only go downhill from there.
Yeah. It has plenty of flaws, but the "experience" is actually pretty neat. Well.. except for the long section of jumping they make you repeat 4 times.....

I completed the game on normal, but I think you wouldn't lose anything other than some frustration by playing on easy.
The game OK but I won it in 1 day. And I could not enjoy the game as much as I wanted because of the Strong Language in the game. And They didn't say anything about Strong Language on the box. Esrb need to do a better job of rating games. ( I am a Christian so I don't like it when a games misuse the name of the LORD.)
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