I brought a small country's yearly consumption, but I think I need more. I don't know why anyone would ever try to argue with him.... or how he manages to keep thread posting rights.
I brought a small country's yearly consumption, but I think I need more. I don't know why anyone would ever try to argue with him.... or how he manages to keep thread posting rights.
Well because they generate good posts by those not interested in trolling and genuine debate. Stumps posts being a good example, pigeon, dreams, mammoth, Mavs, among others...the guy who got banned...maybe not so much. lol
Well becuase they generate good posts by those not interested in trolling and geniune debeate. Stumps posts being a good example, pigeon, dreams, mammoth, Mavs, among others...the guy who got banned...maybe not so much. lol
I have a rule against responding to your posts, but this analogy is so far beyond rational that I honestly think there's a wire crossed in your head. You need to take a step back and re-evaluate your thinking.
Either that or you're just continuing your trend as a troll (and the best one around) and this is all a game to you.
I'm going to get hated on for this post, but I do personally find it difficult to advocate as broad as possible a reading of the Fourteenth Amendment and simultaneously as narrow as possible a reading of the Second. If we are to be constitutionalists, let us be consistent ones. I'm not sure I would say that bearing arms is a "fundamental human right," but certainly in America it cannot be argued that it is not a fundamental constitutional one.