and not paying just as bad as having sex with one and paying. I have a friend who told me that a couple weeks ago while he was on a long drive he had sex with a hooker but didn't pay for it. He was asking me if it was the same thing as paying for sex or if it was alright. He said he had stopped to get some gas when a chick approached him. He said she looked normal to hot, nothing like you would expect from a hooker. No track marks nor did she look like a crack whore or anything. She asked him if he wanted some weed. He said no then she asked if he wanted to party. He was like, "What do you mean?" And she was like do you want to fuck me. He was like, "Sure, She asked him how much money he had. He was like what do you mean? He knew what she was getting at but was playing dumb. She was like, How much do you want to spend?" He goes, "Oh wait you want me to pay you for sex, and chuckled at her. She was like, "Yeah what did you think I meant?" He was like, "No I don't pay for sex. If anything you should be paying me." She laughed and said, "Oh yeah." So they exchanged names and chatted a little bit about where he was going and what he was doing. After he was finished filling his tank. He told her goodbye and went to get into his car. She stopped him and said, "Hey you really like to fuck me?" He was like, "Yeah but I don't pay for sex." She told him it was ok she would do him for free. He was like ok and off to the motel they went, where he banged her. So anyways what does the board think? Is he a John or is he just a guy who got a girl to fuck within 5 minutes?