we already have Rick n Morty
we're fine
we're fine
But movie producers don't do that! They only ride on the coat tails of established properties! (see also comic book publishers).You can’t be serious. Chris Lloyd is 82. Fox has some pretty advance stages of Parkinson’s. Good luck getting Crispin back. Wilson, Shue, and Thompson might be down for a sequel but that would be about it.
You know what I’d like to have? A NEW-brand NEW-movie about time travel that might have been inspired by BTTF but is totally it’s own thing.
Call it Front to the Past.
Nah. Do not want. Jimmy Kimmel wheeled out Fox and Lloyd for a bit a while back. They were both in terrible health
That's from 5 years ago. I saw that and I got so depressed
Please no more.
-No more beloved characters coming back as corpse versions of themselves, or getting killed off to push a mediocre new one
-No more handing off classics to modern Hollywood ‘writers‘ to ruin everything
-No more awkward, horribly wrapped stories, whereas before there was simply perfection
We had a couple of cool returns with Rocky, and Indiana Jones being onscreen again, despite big flaws for the latter.
I regret ever praising those two, because it’s led to a never-ending stream of corporate zombie revivals, cashing in on memberberries, that have just ruined everything.