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Is it even POSSIBLE to beat this!?!?

I've known this game for years and I could never beat it... but logically it should be beatable, I think if I really wanted I could sit down and do it mathmatically on paper and win his ass. I'd actually be happy to be proven wrong (i.e. it can't be beaten), so I wouldn't feel bad about not beating it yet.


This is a little trick that my uncle used to play with me all the time. Then I figured it out at age of 14. The one who goes first will definitely lose. So, NO, tt's unbeatable.


lunlunqq: you can make the computer go first by clicking on go without making a move. After messing with this thing I think it is indeed unbeatable either way.


It's very beatable. You just have to go first.

It's actually simple once you know the mathematics behind it. (I had to write an A.I. program to play this game a year ago for a class.)


The ghost of Dreamcast past
It's a fair game. You and he are given equal chances to move.

Just beat him... he grumbles, "Arghhh", turns around and walks away.


Just cheat:

Open two windows, and have him start in one window, while you start in the other. Copy what he does in the other window, and vice versa, one of the windows will lose, while the other will win.

It made me feel good on the inside at least. :(
jett said:
lunlunqq: you can make the computer go first by clicking on go without making a move. After messing with this thing I think it is indeed unbeatable either way.

How can it be unbeatable when both you and the computer are playing with the exact same rules, and you're given the choice of who starts first. Saying this is unbeatable is illogical.

Kon Tiki


Just start 2 games. Make him go first observe his first move, then do w/e move he does on the other game, keep repeating. :p



adelgary said:
How can it be unbeatable when both you and the computer are playing with the exact same rules, and you're given the choice of who starts first. Saying this is unbeatable is illogical.

Yeah...you're right. :p Dunno what I was thinking.


adelgary said:
How can it be unbeatable when both you and the computer are playing with the exact same rules, and you're given the choice of who starts first. Saying this is unbeatable is illogical.
Ops... sorry, i thought you were talking about the "phase 1" game which is definitely unbeatable.

Just beat the "phase 2" game. I think this one is actually like the first mover will always win.
lunlunqq said:
Ops... sorry, i thought you were talking about the "phase 1" game which is definitely unbeatable.

Just beat the "phase 2" game. I think this one is actually like the first mover will always win.

Yeah you have to go first to win I think.


They make you do this shit in the Tales games....it's beatable (going first is usually the first step,) but too complicated to bother with


Ante Up
Serious bro :)

After numerous plays, my strategy was to go for a "symmetrical" pearl arrangement when there were an even number of rows (for example: 2-3-2-3, 1-1-4-4, etc.), and to plan ahead for certain specific arrangements when there were an odd number of rows (three) -- the arrangements that I ended up using were 1-4-5 and 1-2-3.

Looking at the strategy page posted above, I guess it makes sense.


Ok, I just beat it twice in a row. Oddly enough he played differently even though I started with the same move. This game is just a game of bogus nim. Keep sending the game to zero and eventually he will make a move so that there is an easy way to see how to give him the last move. Personally, I play until there are 3 rows and set it to a 1-2-3 formation (a nim triple with a value of 0) and then no matter what he does, I win.
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