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Is it okay to steal your co-workers' lunch?

Is it okay to steal your co-workers' lunch?

  • Yes

    Votes: 9 3.4%
  • No

    Votes: 193 73.7%
  • If I hate them, it's fine.

    Votes: 14 5.3%
  • What?

    Votes: 46 17.6%

  • Total voters


Do you ever hear, "Has anyone seen my ham sandwich? I just left it here about an hour ago?" Or, "Who took my hot Cheetos out my lunch bag?"

Certain co-workers, no matter how much they have to eat, have no respect for other people's food and are always swiping food or drinks at the workplace.

It's me, I do that... I'm certain co-workers.



Baby. Some people treat thier luch as a comfort point of the day. And look forward to it whole morning. Come on bea


I've heard handful of times that someone's lunch was stolen from the workplace fridge.
No one has ever stolen mine though, dunno what I'd do if someone did. Probably be super furious and start actively hunt the perpetrator with conveniently placed delicious morsels in the fridge and wait for the food thief to steal it and catch him.


Why would you eat other peoples food they have brought from home?

Next time you make a sandwich, how many times to do lick the knife your using? Stratch your head, eye, ear, nose, while making a sandwich? Cough? Sneeze? Did you wash your hands before making the sandwhich?

All of the above your collegues do when making their sandwich at home that they bring to work, the person who steals it has just ingested their colleagues phlegm, skin flakes, bogies & Christ knows what else.


Why would you eat other peoples food they have brought from home?

Next time you make a sandwich, how many times to do lick the knife your using? Stratch your head, eye, ear, nose, while making a sandwich? Cough? Sneeze? Did you wash your hands before making the sandwhich?

All of the above your collegues do when making their sandwich at home that they bring to work, the person who steals it has just ingested their colleagues phlegm, skin flakes, bogies & Christ knows what else.

It bothers me that someone would choose not to do this for some logical self-interest, like you could get fired, or you don't know where that food's been.

Like you would sell drugs laced with fentanyl all day, but slow down only when you think they might start linking deaths together. Like maybe don't do it just because it's an asinine thing to do, not because an even greater self-interest supersedes its value.


Gold Member
I dont grab people's food. Why would I? I eat out every day either driving somewhere or grabbing something in the cafeteria.

But there have been times I took a loner pop in the fridge which has been sitting there for a month. But it happens back at me too. But not at those durations. Sometimes I put some drinks in our office fridge and by the afternoon, I go to take it and it's already gone!


I'm very glad that where I work no one would dream of stealing food from others.

To me it's no different from stealing money directly from me, and I will never tolerate either.

Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
I once saw a coworker go down to the breakroom to get a mountain dew (he keeps a 12 pack at work) and found 2 maintenance guys drinking the last 2. Some things just cant be undone. They apologized and bought him a new case the next day but it was too late.


Lil’ Gobbie
I feel like if you put your food in a community fridge and its not tied up in a lunch box or plastic bag, you're pretty much asking for somebody to take it

that being said, I would never use a community break food fridge because people are disgusting animals

That being said, if you keep a box of cereal or something around in the break room that's pretty much saying help yourself IMO
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How do you pick which one you're gonna steal?

Do you single out certain co-workers, have a rotation, or just go by what looks most appetizing?

Have you had any close calls getting caught?

How many have you stolen and are there "cooling off" periods where you stop?

Are there multiple fridges or just one?

Need the breakdown here.

Days like these...

Have a Blessed Day
How do you pick which one you're gonna steal?

Do you single out certain co-workers, have a rotation, or just go by what looks most appetizing?

Have you had any close calls getting caught?

How many have you stolen and are there "cooling off" periods where you stop?

Are there multiple fridges or just one?

Need the breakdown here.
I used to have to coworker who would steal food he would just take whatever was most appetizing. I made a "tuna fish" sandwich out of mushy frosted mini wheats. That learned that POS thief.

West Texas CEO

GAF's Nicest Lunch Thief and Nosiest Dildo Archeologist
How do you pick which one you're gonna steal?
Whichever bag is bigger or has the most appetizing contents.
Do you single out certain co-workers, have a rotation, or just go by what looks most appetizing?
You must have a rotation , my friend. Or else you will draw heat on your ass, quick! Basically, I just do what rodents do; keep it subtle and discreet.
I'll only single out co-worker if they've pissed me off.
Have you had any close calls getting caught?
Hell yeah, The maintenance lady in our office essentially lives in the break room. The lazy bitch.
So yeah, there have been many close calls.
How many have you stolen and are there "cooling off" periods where you stop?
To date, I've nicked about 69 bags, over a two year period. And yes, there's always a cool off period. The longest I've gone was maybe two weeks , when some co-workers starting to intimate that I was the one stealing lunches. Of course, they had no evidence, so I simply played dumb.
Two weeks later, though, I was back on that ass.
Are there multiple fridges or just one?
There are two fridges, which are placed next to one another.
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Perpetually Tired
No. And if I were the rule of Earth I would make it a law that the coworker who had his lunch stolen can fucking murder the shit out of the perpetrator and display the perpetrator's innards publicly in the company forum.

I had a coworker once who continuously ate my lunch. Never failed, day after day. Even after I confronted them, they played dumb. One day I grew tired of it and put a little bit of heavy duty laxative in my soup. You can guess who spent most of the day on the toilet. Fucker still continued to steal my lunch after.
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