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Is it okay to steal your co-workers' lunch?

Is it okay to steal your co-workers' lunch?

  • Yes

    Votes: 9 3.4%
  • No

    Votes: 193 73.7%
  • If I hate them, it's fine.

    Votes: 14 5.3%
  • What?

    Votes: 46 17.6%

  • Total voters


Needs another option for "conditional no." Old office I worked in had a rule that anything in the fridge at 5 pm Friday got tossed so it was open season if you wanted to graze the fridge during that last half hour of the week. The reason the rule had to happen was because assholes would bring in lunch, forget about it, and it would be discovered five weeks later having developed its own ecosystem in the back of the fridge.
Needs another option for "conditional no." Old office I worked in had a rule that anything in the fridge at 5 pm Friday got tossed so it was open season if you wanted to graze the fridge during that last half hour of the week. The reason the rule had to happen was because assholes would bring in lunch, forget about it, and it would be discovered five weeks later having developed its own ecosystem in the back of the fridge.
There is a fridge in my work that belongs to a certain office and food can stay in it for months. The door is broken on it too…you need to firmly press it shut. Most of the time I see it I need to push it because it’s open. It’s not wide but just a little so nobody realises it isn’t closing properly. I’ve told them about it and reported it but nothing has been done about it.

The office it belongs to has a lot of people working from home and/or they rotate between buildings so they aren’t always in. If they bring in something in and forget about it then it could be there for months. One guy was away for 7 months and he came back and said oh my sandwich and coke are still here! lol. Don’t even start me on the milk…not that you could call it milk anymore!

The fridge fucking smells! Before Covid there was a rota for people to clean it out but it was always left to the same person. Once people started coming back they never bothered to clean it out…probably because that woman who used to do it never came back.

One time it got so bad that the building manager got involved and asked someone from the other office to clean it out.

That’s my story about the manky smelly rotting fridge! :)
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Dirk Benedict

Gold Member
If I knew someone was stealing my shit. I would make the most decadent fucking Tiramisu I could muster, with all of my being... and I would load that shit with the most laxative ever, natural or man-made. I'd get the job done and make sure that mother fucker was doing Brown Jets of Wave Race 64.




Gold Member
OK, here's an update, folks.

Someone put a note on one of the fridges recently and you can see my response at the bottom:

I'm really curious what happened after this troll.
Do co-worker find it funny (which would extremely surprise me) ? Was there some kind of corporate training on property and theft in the workplace ?
Stealing lunch and not getting caught is one thing, but going full zodiac, taunting the victims and autorities after the fact, is a totally different ball game :messenger_grinning_sweat:
Be extremely careful dude we never now how people can react to what we think is a harmless joke.
There was theft once in my workplace, everyone was rightfully pissed off, but had the thief added insult to injury like you did, we would have taken turn hiding just to get the fucker.

Lastly, it's cool you do stuff irl to entertain us online, but be careful we're just people online don't go too far to impress us, it's not worth losing your job (expect if you don't care about it then do whatever)


Neo Member
Leave other people’s food alone you hamburgler ass mofo. I think I’m going to hell because I stole a priests bag of pizzaria chips as a kid when I went with my grandmother to help her clean his house. Damn those were good.


Well after he made the other thread about having to be nice the next day, I figured it really had to be trolling and shrugged it off. I didn't notice this Toaster Strudel note until the thread got bumped today. I'm thinking: what self-respecting German is going to be in posession of this bullshit frozen strudel in the first place? And what suave workplace thief is going to stick around to make it in a toaster...which is TOTALLY in the office? And I figure if he's so lazy he can't even make his own sandwich, there's no way he would cut and paste all those letters onto a piece of paper, so I decided to look.

So, is German Hops an insatiable food thief and an asshole or merely an elaborate Internet troll and an asshole?

Sure enough, you can find that pic of "his work fridge" on the web. Like here for example. https://homeaddict.io/passive-aggressive-office-notes-that-will-spice-up-your-day/21/



Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future

Excessive. It's a victimless crime.
I know vigilantes are bad and all, but he just saved the state the cost of executing the lunch stealer (for surely death is the sentence for lunch stealing in any just society).


I had my lunch stolen once and I never put anything in any office refrigerator since. If I was spiteful enough, I would lace some food as a trap and figure out who it is by the echo of their toilet groans.

I believe in karma, so everyone will get what they deserve in the end. I just sometimes pray I get to see some people get their just desserts.


Do you ever hear, "Has anyone seen my ham sandwich? I just left it here about an hour ago?" Or, "Who took my hot Cheetos out my lunch bag?"

Certain co-workers, no matter how much they have to eat, have no respect for other people's food and are always swiping food or drinks at the workplace.

It's me, I do that... I'm certain co-workers.


Does everyone have communal fridges at work and people steal each other's food, I thought that was just a bit for sitcoms.

Most people here just either bring a pack lunch here or go out to café
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Many companies do. Food always gets stolen.
Don't get me wrong we have fridges here too but like... usually it's for the milk for the coffee or to store something that needs to be chilled, you see alot of drinks/shake here.

But most people pack a sandwich or whatever here in a little lunchbox or something. I've never seen like everyone's sandwich In the fridge and everyone stealing others, for some reason (to me that's just a weird thing to do in general, I prefer my food over someone else's anyway)


Ultimate DQ Fan
About 10 years ago I shared a cubicle with this dude. I would keep snacks in my drawer.

For a few weeks I'd come into my shift and see my snack draw empty. Dude would eat the whole thing in the middle of the night. Eventually I got fed up and waited for him to come in. And then I very publicly told him to stop eating all my snacks.

He embarrassingly apologized. And then two days later killed himself.

So yeah, don't eat peoples food. And if someone eats your food, deal with it privately
I voted yes for fun :messenger_tears_of_joy: but would never touch anyone else's food.

I worked for a company about 10 years ago, and the plant workers accused one of stealing their lunches. Whether he did it or not, he always sat by himself, and no one would talk or be friends with him. You have serious issues if you behave this way with coworkers.
The problem we have where I work now, is people leave their lunches in the fridge, until it rots and smells. I keep mine in my lunch bag by my desk.
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About 10 years ago I shared a cubicle with this dude. I would keep snacks in my drawer.

For a few weeks I'd come into my shift and see my snack draw empty. Dude would eat the whole thing in the middle of the night. Eventually I got fed up and waited for him to come in. And then I very publicly told him to stop eating all my snacks.

He embarrassingly apologized. And then two days later killed himself.

So yeah, don't eat peoples food. And if someone eats your food, deal with it privately


I had a lunchbox with a combo lock after a few ppl mentioned their food was eaten or their box was left open at work.

Problem solved.


Parody of actual AJUMP23
I had a lunchbox with a combo lock after a few ppl mentioned their food was eaten or their box was left open at work.

Problem solved.
This should never be a problem. You should have to make lunchboxes with locks.


Gold Member
Years ago I worked in a hospital in NY. One of my employees had an apple ripped out of her lunch bag. I found out it was one of the doctors and when I confronted him, he tossed me ten dollars. I threw it back at him and made him buy her a new apple. He never touched another person’s lunch while I worked there.
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