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Is it possible to find a good sub $1000 laptop?

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Lil' Dice

I'm looking to buy a laptop this weekend, but don't need a powerhous since i have a solid desktop PC already, therefore i'd like to stay in the <$1000 range. I'd like one with an Athlon processor, and able to run Photoshop 7. It'll be used primarily by my gf who won't be running anything to intensive on it, but i still refuse to buy a Celeron.


Lots of the weekend advertisements (best buy, etc) feature laptops that have a bunch of rebates, which brings the total cost to <1000. Only drawback is that you have to have the money up front to pay for it, but it's very possible to get a pretty decent laptop for less than $1000.

Mine was like $650 after rebates, and it seems to run Office and lots of emulators really well, so I'm happy with my purchase. :)


Since desktops aren't really upgradable I would say yes. Upgrading a computer is a waste of money be it a laptop or a desktop. Computers are like cars they have lots of options but you dont change them later.


darscot said:
Since desktops aren't really upgradable I would say yes. Upgrading a computer is a waste of money be it a laptop or a desktop. Computers are like cars they have lots of options but you dont change them later.

Uhh... what? You can upgrade anything you want in a desktop. Its the ultimate upgradeable unit! Your sir.. are on crack.


Um why? If you bought an athon 64 with only 512 mb of ram you should toss it if you want 1gb? If it shipped with Radeon 9600 you should toss the whole box to get a x800? Thats ridiculous.


If I need a gig of ram I would have bought a gig of ram.

If your tight for cash and you just can't wait to buy your computer so you cheap out on ram. Maybe it makes sense to buy an extra stick of ram latter. But it makes more sense to hold out untill you can afford what you need.

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
Lil' Dice said:
Cool, thanks.
And are laptops as upgradeable as desktops? Or are you stuck with it once it becomes a dinosaur?

They aren't like desktops, and AFAIK only the very expensive laptops can be upgraded. For example, I can upgrade the video card in my Alienware Area 51m laptop myself, but there's not really too much else I can do to it. Buy the laptop, use it for a few years, then stick it away somewhere or give it away if you feel it's that useless. If you're not planning on running anything that takes a lot of power out of the computer, it will last far longer than you think. I have an old Power Mac G3 notebook, from 1998, that still runs perfectly well enough to browse the web and type on, for example.


Youre being ridiculous guy...

New dual layer dvd burners coming out now... should I buy a whole new computer for one if i just bought a computer 3 months ago?

Just give it up you dolt.


I guess it's just me but when all the new hardware is available I want it's always right about the time my hardware is old. Amazing how that works! Technology improves at the same rate. When my burner just dosent cut it anymore chances are my CPU dosen't either.


LOL, not exactly. My personal computer at home is a P3 700 Sony Laptop and it's about time for a new one. As soon as the dual density DVD burners are a price I'm happy with I'll buy. I am a software developer though, which basically means I get a new PC at work every few months. Also I do all my gaming on a console. After all day behind the monitor you tend to not do much on a pc at home.

That should also be right around the time Doom 3 drops so I'll have another reason to buy.


Wow thats great for you. No upgrades!
Do you not realize that theres people who um.. want upgrades quicker than the 3+ years that you wait to buy a whole new computer?


This is my first Sony Laptop actually. I've never bought a brand name PC before in my life. I never will with a desktop it's just pointless. You way better off ordering what you want from a wholesale place. I've never upgraded a desktop though. Laptops you dont have much choice but to buy a specific brand.


dem why dont you chill. I just offered my point of view. I'm not saying that I am the supreme being and all must follow the word of darscot. The guy was looking for some advice and I gave mine. Why dont you just give your advice and let the guy make his own decision. Why are you trying to argue with me?


That was a bad sentence. I should have said desktop are easier to upgrade but it still dosen't make any sense to upgrade one.


But it does make sense... in a million different situations.

Maybe it doesnt make sense for YOU.


Would you be happier if I put a little IMO after everthing I said. As I am the one writing it I assume must people have enough inteligence to realize that it is my opinion. Take it for what it is and form you own opinion. That being said I think it's time to release the hostages and let this thread get back on topic.


The answer is yes, but it does not appear to be what you want:



Did you ever think a second why it doesnt make sense for you to upgrade? You say you dont even use your fucking computer at home. I dunno, but it seems that this guy MIGHT ACTUALLY USE HIS COMPUTER. Im not sure youre even qualified to give advice.


Last post by me in this wierd situation. I'm a software developer. That means people pay me a good deal of money to sit in front of a compter all day. It's all about value for there dollar. They want me to produce at the highest level for the best price. They never upgrade my PC they just give it to some poor sap in QA and buy me a new one. I use my PC at home I just dont game on it. What does it take to be qualify to give PC advice online now-a-days. I didn't realize a guy with my education and resume didn't qualify. Sorry.
I'm a software developer as well (According to darscot that means I must be qualified to give advice).... Upgrading make a lot of sense. I haven't actually bought a new pc for 6 years. Its always one or two pieces at a time, and I'm usually pretty close to top of the line. If you do it that way, you don't have to go out and spend a whole bunch on an entirely new machine, instead you can just buy something when the price hits a point that your comfortable with. If you have the money to buy a new pc whenever you need one, go for it.


Cuethemusic you make a valid point. In the end I would bet over a 6 year period we probable spent the same amount of money. Only you had to take yours apart and mess with it more then me. Or send it in and be without it. You may save a few bucks but I find my approach has less hassles.

My point was any idiot can give online advice myself included.
I don't doubt that you are right. The thing is that I enjoy taking my computer apart and messing with it. On top of that I know that every part in my computer is a quality part and I don't have to worry about a manufacturer skimping in certain areas.


When I purchase a desktop I order every part specifically so I know what I get and I buy from reputable dealers. Laptops you dont have as much freedom when ordering. I still say it's allot like buying a car. You can choose from these options. Laptops have less options. Adding options later is always a hassle. Unless the aspect of taking it apart is your thing.

When I first made the switch from desktops to laptops it was a little anoying as you don't have as much freedom with what you want but in the end I could never go back for my home PC.

The only reason I mentioned my job was to try and show the point that at works they don't upgrade as they don't feel it makes sense finacially. I just take there word for it as I know they have done the research and crunched the numbers.


It'd cost you about the same probably....


if you wait 3 years to buy a new computer...

Lets say you start at point A

128 MB Ram

go to Point B
1.2 Ghz Pentium 4
256 MB RAM

And end at Point C

AMD Athlon 2500+XP
512 MB RAM

Person A upgrades every once in a while...having upgraded periodically, and Ends up with his final computer at the same time Person B does. Person B waits 3 years to buy a new computer.

While Person B waits 3 years for his new upgraded HD, and more RAM...Person A has been using it for a year or so. Sure, it may be less hassle to buy a new comp every 3 years, but you'd be shut out from using various things. (Not sure what the XP requirements are, but I don't think Computer A would run it too well.)

So, comp A could be (possibly) shut out from using XP. Person A upgrades his Mobo/CPU for 200 bucks...and is able to use XP.

Then, along comes some game he wants to play....buy a new video card...100 bucks (just a random figure), and is able to play...while person B still can't even get on XP.

Anyway...I've had 3 computers since 96. I upgraded minor things here and there on everyone. Although, if I had the money, I'd definately have upgraded. Being stuck on a P3 in 2002 sucked when I could barely play Max Payne.


I guess I'm biased. Your talking about changin OS on a system. Fuck that I got better things to do with my time then that. I install the OS once and once only. If your a PC gamer on a budget it sounds like you have a point when it comes to upgrading. Other then that I say save yourself the hassle.


darscot said:
I guess I'm biased. Your talking about changin OS on a system. Fuck that I got better things to do with my time then that. I install the OS once and once only. If your a PC gamer on a budget it sounds like you have a point when it comes to upgrading. Other then that I say save yourself the hassle.

Well, OS changes do come along.

Not too often, but there was a dramatic jump from min-requirements in 98 and min requirements in XP I believe. Some people don't want to buy a whole new comp just to be able to use XP's features.


I'm still on 2000 even at work. I'm a old school when it comes to OS. It should be an OS nothing more and it shouldn't really have an functionality. Handle IO and run my apps other then that the OS should bugger off.
I just built my sister a Photoshop/Painter computer last night since I'm giving her my Cintiq 15X as wedding present (I'm ordering myself the 18SX to replace it) and her old computer just doesn't deserve to be hooked up to a Cintiq (1.4Ghz thunderbird unit with 768MB of PC2100).

Except for my old 40GB 7200RPM WD HD I, I ordered everything on line for her:

Antec SLK3700 case with 350W smart power
Gigabyte nForce 2 mobo
Athlon XP 2800+ (2.083Ghz Barton)
Lite-on 52X CDRW
Radeon 7000 AGP card with DVI
1.5GB of DDR RAM (3X 512MB PC2700 DIMMs) running in dual channel mode
$570 w shipping and tax from Newegg

Amazing how cheap you can build a good PS machine these days. Even if she bough the HD and Cintiq 15X new, it would still be less than $2500 for the whole enchilada. Now all I have to do is teach her PS and Painter. X_X
well back on topic, you can get the iBook for $950 if you can get the Education discount. If not, it's $1,100 at normal price.

iBooks are actually pretty much perfect for what you said the intended use was. But then again, Apple computers aren't for everyone. Though I'm sure your girlfriend could care less whether it was a PC or Mac, and she'll probably think the iBook is cute.

Lil' Dice

Well, for me a Frankenstein desktop system is the only way to go. My first PS was a Gateway Destination, that machine was such a proprietary piece of shit that i couldn't even install a burner in it. I've learned about installing hardware on my new system by upgrading my RAM, HD, video cards and CDR drives all bought from Fry's for a fraction of what Dell/Gateway/Sony charge. The way i see it, this machine will be upgradeable until they completely revamp the design of desktop cases.
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