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Is it safe to but from Ebay?


I went to WAGs boutique and all I got was a sniff
I live in the UK and I want to buy an NTSC PS2 from the USA. I just wanted to know if it is safe buying a console from ebay. I also want to know what should the shipping cost be if i want to import from the USA to the UK. I've found a site called videogamesplus.ca where I can buy games off and their shipping costs are really low. Also, another thing about buying a console from ebay: How long would it take to ship from the USA to the UK?
safe - yes. Check user ratings - buy from trustworthy places.

you should look into power/wattage issues too.

* for games yes.
Consoles - go with a site that ships overseas.
I would never but from Ebay.

Yes it's safe. Just use common sense when looking for a listing. Don't buy from someone who has a bunch of negatives (powersellers usually have a lot because they sell tons of stuff, keep that in perspective). Also read their terms of service and check their shipping. It'll say if they'll ship internationally or not. You could always just email the seller as well.
I wouldn't recommend buying consoles off ebay; especially if its shipped internationally - you'd want to go with a proper website because

of the WARRANTY issues. If consoles breakdown.. you'll be in for hell; shipping.. etc etc.


Knows the Score
I haven't had any problems getting games from ebay, with one exception of a copy of RE that never arrived. Considering it cost me 7 dollars, it wasn't a huge loss.

The advantage for eurofolk is the cheap price compared to local costs. However, videogamesplus is very good, and I'd recommend them over any ebay peeps.
teepo said:
i have been ripped off by a dealer with 1000 positive rattings.

twice infact.

and you returned? I got ripped off once on ebay and its still being processed - I am quite livid about it but oh well.. time should fix it.

tell us how you got ripped off? Missing in the post / item not to description? etc?


Yes, it's safe to buy things off Ebay. Just don't buy/sell to people with under 95% feedback (or, if you're still wary, just read their feedback.) It's also important to check to see where the seller is from...if in the "item location" category instead of somewhere specific, they only have a country listed or something weird like:

Item location: Check my Other GBA too!!
Hong Kong


Shipped from Hong Kong
United Kingdom

Then they've either stolen the item or are just Hong Kong bootleggers, and the chances of getting a $30 DVD-R are high
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