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Is Legend of Dragoon woth it?


Junior Member
Thought of buying a copy of Legend of Dragoon on Ebay - but how is the game? Is it worth my money?


I loved that game, I spent a whole summer playing this and FF Anthology. The only things I didn't really like about the game was the way you travel between towns and dungeons, it's not a fun open world map like what Xenogears and FF games have, you can only run around through a set path from one place to the next and another downer is the fact that there is not that many sidequests in the game. I think I can only remember like one or two and those were way late into the game. Still though, it was an excellent rpg experience for me, great cinematics, fun and challenging combat, with a really mysterious and deep story that keeps you extremely curious about each characters history and the overall plot. Don't get me wrong though, even though the story is interesting, it's not really well written or translated and alot of the dialogue sounds very weird and monotonous at times.

Still though, I say go for it, I think you might be happy with it.
Depends on how much you are willing to pay for it. Don't buy it for more than 15 $. Its an above average RPG. I can't write too much about it because I got bored of it after 3 hours and then sold it :eek:
But that was some years ago.



For the PSX? It's definately worth picking up if you can find it cheap. The story is at least semi-interesting with a few twists and turns, but I found the combat really fun. I mean, it was challenging.

One of the guys in particular (laschvitz) or whatever the spear dewdz name was.. I was not very good with him. :(


Its not bad, but there are probably better RPGs you can get for about the same price. Why order it on ebay anyway? You should be able to find it used at a local EB or something.

But about the game itself, it gets a bit better as the game goes on, but beginning can be very, very boring. There are some decent characters and ideas in the game, and the battle system was neat for its time, but it all seems tragically dated/generic at this point. When it came out originally I bought it and liked it a fair amount, going back now, though....it just doesn't stand the test of time.


Godawful. The music made my head hurt and I wanted to strangle every character except Rose (and only because of her orgasm/menstruation move.)


Has problems recognising girls
I rented this out once, got about 15 mins into it and never played it again.

This is worse than Secret of Evermore (something which I can sadly say I remotely enjoyed at times). Stay away from it like the plauge.

Not only did The GIA heckle it to buggery, but so did RPGamer
belgurdo said:
Godawful. The music made my head hurt and I wanted to strangle every character except Rose (and only because of her orgasm/menstruation move.)

Rose is awesome if only because
her secret mission is to kill Shana, that stupid bitch
. And the menstruation attack, of course. Only redeeming feature of the entire game.

This last May, during E3, I found a Legend of Dragoon Rose figure remaindered for $1.00 at an EB in Anaheim. It's now one of my most prized possessions.
I bought the game looking for a decent "medium" RPG that would not be great but might be fun. I was sorely mistaken. I could not stand the battles that took three to eight timed button presses per attack and had no magic system and required blocking to heal making most fight turtle matches.

The timing system was so annoying that the most expensive item in most stores removed it. Also, the few characters who did not use it could barely function in combat.

I also hated how you could carry 255 weapons, but only something like 25 items, including items that replaced magic as well as all other RPG items.

I hated every character. Rose was the closest to having any personality at all, but it was not a deep or interesting one.

I read a strategy guide later on for no real reason and it seems the story improves from ripping off Fianl Fantasy VII later on, but I could not stand the shamelessly ripped off scenes with characters I hated on a personal level.

The graphics were so muddled that I had no idea where I was going at times. Town were so zoomed out and crowded I could see nothing. It was mostly ugly and had the worst overworld I have ever played.

I was hoping for some nice FMV like the opening to pad out the awful graphics, boring dungeons, and bland encounters, but there was almost none on disc 1 after the nice loking opening.

The translation is below even Breath of Fire 2 or Final Fantasy Tactics. If the characters ever had any soul, it is long gone.

I have played countless RPGs on many systems for the past 14 years, but I hate this one more than any I have ever played.

It is my all-time low point in console RPGs.

I give thanks every day that the rumored sequel never happened.


I thought it was an average RPG. I actually liked the timing system simply because it kept you on your toes and some of the combos were really hard to do. I think it was that lance carrying guy's combo that I only managed to pull of once successfully throughout the entire game.

The story is mediocre, production value average, but it had enough to keep me playing until the end. I'd give it a 6.8/10

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
Crappy game IMO, with high budget CG FMV scenes that got people to buy it back then. But LoD DOES have the best enemy name ever in a game:




Neo_ZX said:
I actually liked the timing system simply because it kept you on your toes and some of the combos were really hard to do. I think it was that lance carrying guy's combo that I only managed to pull of once successfully throughout the entire game.

Yeah, his name was Laschvitz or something, and his combos were crazy hard to do.


I really really liked the battle system. I forgot the name of those combos, but they were fun to pull off.

Some game developer should copy it and put it into a good game.
EDIT 2: The Gaming Intelligence Agency's fantabulous review and legendary "Year in Flames" feature

That review is wrong, as you will see:

The backgrounds also suffer this syndrome of valuing technical achievement over interesting or useful design. ....Furthermore, towns and dungeons alike seem strangely lifeless. I'd be hard put to remember exactly what any town in particular looked like except Dornau the flower city, and then only the exteriors.

Complete fucking bullshit. All the towns and dungeons looked awesome, the art design is amazing. It amazes me when fucking dumbasses can't even give this game credit for the graphics.

The graphics were so muddled that I had no idea where I was going at times. Town were so zoomed out and crowded I could see nothing. It was mostly ugly and had the worst overworld I have ever played.

Try not smoking crack.

The story is mediocre, production value average,

Do you know what "production value" means?


Eggo said:
Great game, well worth the money.


Legend of Dragoon was terrific. Unfortunately, it was slammed on messageboards and fansites (and a couple of print mags, IIRC) as being 'a Final Fantasy VII clone' back when it was released, even though about the only thing both games had in common was the prerendered backdrops. Apparently the mere thought of Sony producing an RPG was 'copying Square' in the eyes of Square fanboys back then. :p The most laughable was when people would draw these extremely tenuous parallels between the story elements in FF VII and LoD (which you could also draw between FF VII and the plot of any other JRPG ever released), and triumphantly hold them out as 'proof' that 'Sony copied Square' with LoD. :p

In short, ignore the bitterness of the critics and the Square fanboys (who in some cases are one and the same anyway ;) ) and try it for yourself. It's not expensive, and some of us really enjoyed it. At worst, if you don't like it, you can always eBay it to someone else.


If it's cheap yes. The CGs alone makes it worth it. And the design too. I love the design. I found the combat a little stale though, but that's just me.


Scary Euro Man
The game doesn't deserve the hate it got (but hey, big-budget Japanese RPG from Sony is pretty much a hate-magnet for some people, even if the game's good, which this one isn't particularly). It's RPG mediocrity in a high-budget package. It's not a bad game. Eternal Eyes is a bad game. Granstream Saga is a bad game. But it doesn't really excel in any area either. Unless you've actually got all the good PSX RPGs, there are other things to spend your money on. If you have, then it's entertaining enough as an extra pick-up, but suffers from slow battles that actually force you to concentrate on them to time your attacks. And the most generic characters and story in the history of mankind.

I wish I still had my transcript of the game's ending. It was... special.


I didn't like the characters at all, but you should buy the game just for the amazing graphics. I think the music was pretty good as well. Hell, if you can get it for cheap, go for it. The battle system was interesting to me. It wasn't just mindlessly press x over and over again. You had to actually have proper timing.


kevm3 said:
I didn't like the characters at all, but you should buy the game just for the amazing graphics. I think the music was pretty good as well. Hell, if you can get it for cheap, go for it. The battle system was interesting to me. It wasn't just mindlessly press x over and over again. You had to actually have proper timing.

Too bad that "proper timing" also becomes mindless after a while because the game gives you no other battle options other than using what passes for "magic" in your item sack


It`s worth a run through if you`re looking for a RPG to play and have played all the major ones out. I really enjoyed it all the way through and it had some great moments later in the game (especially the last form Dart gets when battling the last boss). It had some fun characters, nice music, and a somewhat-interesting story. My only complaint was the battle system and not being able to choose different combos in the middle of battle but it was fun even if it got a little reptitious later on. I think I might have to go back and play it again soon ;p


I gave up on it after a handful of hours because I couldn't stand the battle system. Yeah, it was ugly, the music was bad, the characters were boring, and what I saw of the story was generic, but my real problem was with the timed button presses. The game demands an absurd amount of precision, given the spastic camera imprecise "flying blue squares" timing meter, and lack of any real feedback when you do something wrong. I honestly have no idea how people managed to get anywhere in this game. But honestly, if you want an RPG with a lot of twitchy button pressing, there are plenty of better alternatives (eg. Vagrant Story).


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
Dragoon is fun... but it has some problems... the dialogue is... ugh...(then again unfortunately so is much of the translated for US dialogue in many RPGs these days), the graphics are average. The story... and characters... again average. However there's some above average CG, an enjoyable soundtrack, and a timing based battle system that forces you to do more than just tap, X, X, X.

There is one problem with the US version of the battle system IIRC. I think it's broken. IIRC when this game was converted to a US there was a piece that was not converted correctly... the amount of damage you inflict.

Basically a high level character can inflict more damage in his regular form than he can in his Dragoon form... but the Dragoon forms have the damaging spell attacks. Or is it the higher level character can inflict more with regular spells vs. dragoon spells... it's been too long so I can't remember but something is a bit broken.

Even still I found it to be an enjoyable game... even if the music was too loud in the final CG and drowned out the dialogue.
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