It's just like 24 in that it's not only a quality show, but you can tell that the people behind it (in regards to writing, editing, and so forth), really know what they're doing, and aren't doing it by following the dots.
It's one giant tease. Great production values, but damn, they really drag out the story. Plus, I hate how a majority of the episodes end with doopy music while everybody looks into the sunset/campfire
The flashbacks are being used as a means to string along the story and evade paying off any of the mysteries. I'm starting to question how far ahead the writers planned the show.
Not as good as 24, which at least delivers some action every week. But Lost is not bad to watch while I'm eating dinner. I doubt I could endure a DVD boxed set of the whole season though, there's just too much filler to watch in back-to-back episodes.
The flashbacks are being used as a means to string along the story and evade paying off any of the mysteries. I'm starting to question how far ahead the writers planned the show.
Not as good as 24, which at least delivers some action every week. But Lost is not bad to watch while I'm eating dinner. I doubt I could endure a DVD boxed set of the whole season though, there's just too much filler to watch in back-to-back episodes.
They have the entire story planned out Of course, that details major events/mystery solutions/etc. On an episode-by-episode basis it might be different, but they know where they are headed and what they want.
I think its better than 24. Its a more interesting mystery with less predictable twists and more humor. And the acting on 24 has sucked ASS lately. Sutherland was the only one that held it up for me this past season. The story was horrible, too. Sure, the action and suspense can keep you going from week to week, but in retrospect, it just didn't seem very well planned. It just got ridiculous by the time the terrorists were on Plan F. I just couldn't get emotionally involved this season and while I thought it started off pretty strong, it just got weak in the end.
Lost is absolutely great. I think they're rerunning the season in order on wednesdays, too. I could be wrong, but they started out with part 1 of the pilot episode last night. Definately worth everybody's time.
It is definatley worth checking out. Despite some annoyances I have that were previously mentioned in this thread, it had a good 1st season. It does tend to tease the viewer as far as mysteries, you might assume some of the mysteries presented earlier in the season would be answered. However there are smaller mysteries and pieces of information that come together.
I think you are in a good position because the season is complete and you will not have a month wait in between some episodes when they catch up on production.
24 and lost are two different types of shows, both very good for different reasons
However, if you're really impatient, by all means don't watch. If you're the type of person who wants answers every episode and nice clean resolutions of storylines...stay away.
If you are willing to sit through the occasional dodgy storytelling to see some entertaining, intriguing and exciting television, by all means watch.
Comparing it to 24 is a futile exercise. I'm not sure how Lost's storytelling is being even mentioned in the same sentence as 24's.
24 is about Jack Bauer kicking terrorist ass...and it maps out seasons, not stories. It is DESIGNED to have "days" that end know, a day.
Lost isn't that easy; it is very clear that this is more or less one giant storyline that they plan on extending over 2+ seasons. They can't really wrap up something early when there's a whole plan to put into place. Are there filler episodes? Of course. However, to be honest, I think that attacking Lost's filler while defending 24 is ludicruous. "Action" or no "action", 24 has a large amount of filler that doesn't advance the plot and is more or less just "OMG
Chloe shot some dude for a computer...that was never explicitly mentioned again.
(Season 4 of 24 Spoiler)" I'd rather see some sort of character development than mindless, pointless action for my filler, to be honest with you.
I think that Lost had the best season on television this past year. It had a fantastic ensemble of interesting characters that, even when they're filling space between plot beats, and on the whole it has created the most intriguing show on TV. It, like all shows, has its slow points. The principle storyline has been more about questions than answers, but in all honesty the questions they've posed have been more than enough to keep it interesting.
It's all that and a bag of chips that you can't get open, even if you try the thing where you pull the two sides of the bag apart. And then when you finally do get the bag of chips open you don't get to eat the chips. Or even see what is inside the bag.
i still have to finish watching this season. i stopped at around episode 13 and decided to watch the last half in 1 sitting. still have yet to do that though. i heard the ending was kinda crappy. won't be surprised if it's a cliffhanger, judging by the size of the finale thread
The flashbacks are being used as a means to string along the story and evade paying off any of the mysteries. I'm starting to question how far ahead the writers planned the show.
Not as good as 24, which at least delivers some action every week. But Lost is not bad to watch while I'm eating dinner. I doubt I could endure a DVD boxed set of the whole season though, there's just too much filler to watch in back-to-back episodes.
You pefectly sum it up man. I was a big lost pimp till the season finally. They went a whole seasons with out answering any of the 5 major questions. Lost is not planned out 1 bit they spent the whole last 1/2 of the season using filler to dodge the major questions and buy time till next season.
I love 24 because it sticks to its guns and delivers the action every season. Nothing was better this past TV season than metal gear bauer. Ms. Featherbottom jumping off the second story with an umbrella was a close second lol.
It's one giant tease. Great production values, but damn, they really drag out the story. Plus, I hate how a majority of the episodes end with doopy music while everybody looks into the sunset/campfire
I completely agree what he said. Go rent some Sopranos/Six Feet Under/Deadwood I praise those same shows in like every TV thread but there's a reason behind it.
ehh its good, not great. nothing special about it at all IMO. and I wonder how long it can go without getting extremely annoying. 7 seasons? lol never. I bet people will get extremely tired of it after season 3 or so and then they have to cancel it.
You gotta shut the fuck up about lost. You have seen the FIRST HALF of the pilot only and yet you think you're inclined to comment about the show including the finale which you didnt see, but only heard about from a small bunch of cynical clowns. Talk about being a sheep.
You gotta shut the fuck up about lost. You have seen the FIRST HALF of the pilot only and yet you think you're inclined to comment about the show including the finale which you didnt see, but only heard about from a small bunch of cynical clowns. Talk about being a sheep.
Lost was the only tv series I watched regularly last season. I liked it a lot. However it is more character driven than adventure/action, which I think might cause a lot of the division in opinions. The first two episodes (well the 2 hour pilot) kinda set the show up as being more adventurey/actiony than it really is.
I do partly agree on it being a cocktease. However, its not like they dont answer all of the questions they have raised...they just havent answered any of the really big ones.
You gotta shut the fuck up about lost. You have seen the FIRST HALF of the pilot only and yet you think you're inclined to comment about the show including the finale which you didnt see, but only heard about from a small bunch of cynical clowns. Talk about being a sheep.
I said that the first episode didn't make me want to see anything after it. I said that from what I have read, the season finale didn't answer any of the more important, lingering mysteries (do you deny this?). I said that there are more complaints about "Lost" than "24."
Get the show's dick out of your mouth. No where are my comments out-of-line.
24 has its moments and I like the show overall but its WAY too fucking serious and 95% of the characters are FLAT FLAT FLAT FLAT FLAT. You know how they're going to react in just about any given situation. Once again, Bauer is pretty much the only saving grace. Tony and Palmer have their moments, but the rest of it has actually been getting pretty silly as of late.
Lost is very good. I understand peoples frustration at the pace of the story, but I really think it's being somewhat overblown. Certainly, you'll have to be in it for the long run to get any resolution to the major story arc, but so far I've been mostly satisfied with individual episodes and character arcs.
I'm hesistant to get into this Lost/24 pissing match, but hey, I'm bored.
I really think people are giving 24 too much credit in wrapping up it's arcs. This is because(in recent seasons, anyway) 24's plot is frustratingly predicticable, and the writers have this habit of completely forgetting about events that occured ONE episode ago. A good example of predictability from this season would be the whole
Airforce 1 plot. They give us a hint that makes it quite obvious of where the whole plot is going, and then they draw it out over 2 or 3 episodes. When it finally happens, it's presented as a big "twist" that very much left me with a "that's it?" feeling.
That said, I really like 24, I just feel the show could be so much better with less silly, more believable threats and tighter plotting. In it's current condition, the only real reason I watch it is to see Jack do cool stuff(which is thankfully a pretty good reason).
With Lost, I'm still quite confident we'll be getting explanations for the "mysterious" stuff from earlier in the season. The question is, of course, WHEN we'll be getting these explanations, but I'm hopeful we won't have to wait till season 8. Really though, I'm content with the pace of the show.
MIMIC: Come on now, you're not exactly one to talk about sucking a shows dick. ;P You do spend an awful lot of time talking about Lost when you've seen ONE episode of it. Do yourself a favour and watch the whole season before talking about it, if not just to avoid spoilers. Otherwise, why bother with Lost threads at all? It's kind of hard to discuss the show with someone who goes almost entirely off what a few vocal critics say about it.
I said that the first episode didn't make me want to see anything after it. I said that from what I have read, the season finale didn't answer any of the more important, lingering mysteries (do you deny this?). I said that there are more complaints about "Lost" than "24."
Get the show's dick out of your mouth. No where are my comments out-of-line.
Damn. I checked Amazon today and I didn't even see that.
I hear that ABC will re-air them in the summer, though. If not, I'll see them some way or another.
Shannon? Yeah but that would of being am unorginal way to die and plus it looked awful on screen.
My favourite episode by far has to be epsidoe 19. A locke centric episode where he gets a kidney transplant. The music along with locke's screams at the end just make it top notch.
I really think people are giving 24 too much credit in wrapping up it's arcs. This is because(in recent seasons, anyway) 24's plot is frustratingly predicticable, and the writers have this habit of completely forgetting about events that occured ONE episode ago. A good example of predictability from this season would be the whole
Airforce 1 plot. They give us a hint that makes it quite obvious of where the whole plot is going, and then they draw it out over 2 or 3 episodes. When it finally happens, it's presented as a big "twist" that very much left me with a "that's it?" feeling.
Personally, I don't think that was the twist, because it was just too obvious. I think the twist was
the capture of the football (a la "we're going after the football, when you thought we just wanted to kill the President. Gotcha!")
MIMIC: Come on now, you're not exactly one to talk about sucking a shows dick. ;P You do spend an awful lot of time talking about Lost when you've seen ONE episode of it. Do yourself a favour and watch the whole season before talking about it, if not just to avoid spoilers. Otherwise, why bother with Lost threads at all? It's kind of hard to discuss the show with someone who goes almost entirely off what a few vocal critics say about it.
I said that because he ATTACKED me for disagreeing. I mean, if I say something you don't like, you don't have to go into mommy-mode and protect your son.
And I do plan to watch the show. I've never discussed the plot of the show, however (because I don't know what it's about...other than the fact that they're stranded on that island)....only what I've seen.
Where boone tells locke he's leaving and locke knocks him one on the back of the head. He then wakes up tied to a tree, and locke pours some goo shit on his head to make him hallucinate.
I said that because he ATTACKED me for disagreeing. I mean, if I say something you don't like, you don't have to go into mommy-mode and protect your son..
And I do plan to watch the show. I've never discussed the plot of the show, however (because I don't know what it's about...other than the fact that they're stranded on that island)....only what I've seen.
Glad to hear it. It just seemed like you were drawing complete conclusions about the show based entirely off threads like this. Hope you enjoy it, though.
Glad to hear it. It just seemed like you were drawing complete conclusions about the show based entirely off threads like this. Hope you enjoy it, though.
Er, Lost hasn't answered any big questions this season?
Hey guys, there's a difference between big questions and nerdy questions. For instance, I'm completely satisfied learning, say, more about Jack's relationship with his father, or Michael's relationship with Walt.
What's the "creature"? Who are the others? What's with the hatch?
I mean, I'm curious. But for fuck's sake, what's wrong with wondering?
Those to me seem less like "big" questions, and more like the stuff basement-dwellers like to geek out over on message boards. And besides, we have an enormously better understanding of the way the island operates than we did at the beginning of the season. Many, many, MANY questions have been answered. I don't understand why the hell people want everything answered for them right away.
Where's the fun in that? Has no one here ever been teased before? Tantalized by mystery? Jesus, it's the stuff of great storytelling. Enjoy the mystery while it lasts. I'd be content with not knowing
what the fuck's in the hatch
by the end of Season 2. Will that happen? Well, no. My bet's on the first episode.
So, be patient for crying out loud. You guys give dorks a bad name.
If you're OK with having questions answered with more questions, yes it is all that. There are some weak episodes but very few IMO. By episode 10 you'll be hooked and sit through everything anyway
If Lost's lack of spoon-feeding answers regarding the larger underlying plot(mystery of the lsland...why they were "brought" there) frustrates you, then Alias's Rambaldi breadcrumb trailing must drive y'all to insanity (Though I don't know how much more of that has been dealt with...i still have the last third of Season 4 to watch).