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Is O'Reilly really this much of a bitch?

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But what is the purpose of having a debate on national tv? For two individuals to have an intelligent and considerate back and forth with lots of fact checking between the two? Might as well have a tv show centered around the conversations of two high school girls.

The point of this kind of broadcast is to make a case to the public at large not to reconcile differences of opinion.
I don't understand. Wasn't the Glick/O'Reilly debate more like a conversation between two high school girls? Wouldn't including reasons for objection go far in making a case to the public? Obviously fact-checking isn't always necessary, but personal slams could easily be replaced with simple comments such as "No, that never happened". All shows like these do is perpetuate ignorance while feigning the impression that people are educated on politics. Oh, sure, they entertain. But that isn't exactly comforting.
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