Yet you keep making excuses for her saying “she only married him for money” you honestly expect to trust a gold digger? She manipulated her own husband what makes you think she won’t do it to youI did it a few times already.
Not gonna happen.
I'm almost certain the numbers are higher...a lot higher.Yes, it is. 20% of all married Americans cheat on their spouses, with the rate being near 45% among those who divorced at least once but oh boy do people sure love to moralize about it.
Let me guess, you're Italian, Spanish or French? You can have two families and be elected President of France to say nothing of Silvio "Bunga Bunga" Berlusconi. People are more relaxed about those things in the Mediterranean countries, as long as you don't get caught.
I personally think she's bad news and you should run in the opposite direction. As a married man myself I appreciate that the lady's husband might have an entirely different perspective - you only know her side - but hey, it's your life.
What do we infer from this? Disaster? Drama? A finger up the bumhole?
Either show proof this milf and redhead are real, or just admit you are lying
Yet you keep making excuses for her saying “she only married him for money” you honestly expect to trust a gold digger? She manipulated her own husband what makes you think she won’t do it to you
Either show proof this milf and redhead are real, or just admit you are lying
The OP jerks off into a fleshlight while he types up this awful fanfiction. None of this is real.
Okay that made me chuckleI'm planning to sell the script to Kojima Productions.
You all are my beta testers. With emphasis on the beta part.
Then show us the photo.
Not gonna happen.
Yep. It's fucking worthless now.Close this fucking thread.
Guys you can’t just take pictures of people and post them to GAF
Actually you do. You started the fucking thread. If you started a thread saying "I make 1 million dollars a day" you'd have to fucking prove it or not make posts that you are obviously lying in. So show us the receipts or we should delete this thread.I'm not making excuses for her, I'm just explaining the situation.
And also, I don't think gold diggers are evil per se. I don't feel that a woman marrying a man because of his money is worst than a woman marrying a man for his looks.
How many divorces happen because a couple married when they were both in their peak, but then the man becomes an ugly ass lazy fat bald slob who doesn't even try anymore?
Selfishness is selfishness.
I don't have to prove anything to any of you.
I'm planning to sell the script to Kojima Productions.
You all are my beta testers. With emphasis on the beta part.
Pretty sure you can actuallyGuys you can’t just take pictures of people and post them to GAF
Actually you do. You started the fucking thread. If you started a thread saying "I make 1 million dollars a day" you'd have to fucking prove it or not make posts that you are obviously lying in. So show us the receipts or we should delete this thread.
Pretty sure you can actually
And I wouldn’t be asking this is his story wasn’t such obvious bullshit. You make a thread calling this woman everything short of a whore, but your morals prevent you from posting a pic?
Bullshit. Something is wrong here
I rest my case.Shit, I don't have any other option then, I'm just obligated to share the photos with GAF or else you won't believe me, right?
You won people, here they are:
I rest my case.
I would be more willing to believe you if you didn’t write about this woman like she was a character in a fan fiction.
Why would a picture prove his story?
It wouldn’t, but right now we are working with nothing but his ridiculous story.Why would a picture prove his story?
Tell me more about the inner working s of this womans mind, a woman that you totally didn’t make up.They don't care about proving the story, they just want to satisfy their morbid curiosity and are willing to blackmail me into sharing those sweet hot women pictures.
If I don't follow their demands, they are going to delete the thread or even worse: they are going to say that they -a group of complete nobodys in a videogame forum-, don't believe my story. And also call me names.
If they finally retort to that, I don't know how I will ever recover.
We all trying to knock some damn sense in youWhen I opened this thread, I thought that I would get basically 3 different type of responses:
1) Triggered people over the married thingy.
2) People laughing at me and my way of telling the story.
3) Sympathy over the suffering of a conflicted human bean who can't control they way he feels.
But I swear to God I would have never imagined the places this thread has gone.
And I have plenty of imagination, not in vain I have invented all of this crap just using it.
Pretty sure you can actually
And I wouldn’t be asking this is his story wasn’t such obvious bullshit. You make a thread calling this woman everything short of a whore, but your morals prevent you from posting a pic?
Bullshit. Something is wrong here
Why would a picture prove his story?
Where would he even get her photo from? FB? Where anyone here could do a reverse image search and find her? You're literally asking him to dox her.Pretty sure you can actually
And I wouldn’t be asking this is his story wasn’t such obvious bullshit. You make a thread calling this woman everything short of a whore, but your morals prevent you from posting a pic?
Bullshit. Something is wrong here
Close this fucking thread.
Yep. It's fucking worthless now.
This thread has taken a creepy turn.
This thread has run its course and nothing we say matters anyway, shut it down and let the the boy live with his actions.
If you don't want to take anyone's advice seriously and just be like "lol y u so triggered???", then why did you title the thread with a question? That heavily implies you are looking for opinions and advice. So, really, you're just making yourself look pretty dumb by acting like you never wanted our advice in the first place. Just my final two cents as this thread has turned into pointless drivel at this point.
This is relevant to my interests as well.did you cum?
theres a picture of her.
Google milf, click on pics, 3rd picture from the right.
btw how was the dateJon Neu ?
i dont understand why you wont close the deal already. why are you delaying this? what are you, a woman?Smooth as silk.
I invited her to a coffee, then we took a walk through La rambla, she bought me a beautiful blue t-shirt with foxes on it, and then I invited her to lunch. I was just mesmerized by her beauty and her cheerful personality all the time we were there.
And old lady who we both know, saw us walking down La Rambla while we were arm in arm and with our faces almost touching each other. She keep looking at us surprised and smiling, and we just burst in laughs.
Then we both went to work, but at the middle of the way, I surprised her with a beautiful dark rose and then we kissed each other.