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Is the Soul Calibur arcade stick any good?


The joystick is almost right. The metal bar is still a bit too high and I don't really like the curved button layout. Still, if it's comfortable, accurate and well built then it may be worth the $30.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
The US stick?

Hell no.

What's that? I think I hear ASM coming to prevent you from feeling the pain...


Mistaken iRobbery!
Get the Hori Soul Calibur stick instead.

Yeah, I picked it up at Future Shop for $30can. It's okay, but it puts your wrist at a funny angle and there isn't much springy-ness or travel in the stick. Passable, something you'd play MvsC2 or GGX with, but not SFIII.


Ugh I hate the ball & stick models. It was one with a black handle in a water drop kinda shape. I was mainly going to use it for Street Fighter games so I guess that's out of the question.

I was going to order from www.massystems.com but their site isn't very well organized and had confusing descriptions so I really don't know what to get. I just want one for DC/PS2.


Japanese sticks >> US sticks. JPN sticks take a while to get used to at first, but once you do, you realize how good they are. I guess it's just preference though.

Bottom line... the JPN Hori SCII stick is great. The US Nuby SCII universal stick is total crap.
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