
GenZ thinks we we should no longer use the thumbs up emoji and the internet is divided
Are we really debating the use of emojis? Yes, we are, and here’s why.

I've had that before. I just had to kick back with my favourite comics and drink some soyYes. My boss responded in teams with the thumbs up emoji and I immediately felt attacked, began shaking, and couldn't even.
That's journalism today.God what a dumb ass article.. it is literally citing some random reddit user as the "source" of the idea that it's an issue for Gen Z lol
Then cites a Daily Mail tweet... where the article.. uses that same dumb ass reddit thread as it's "source" of info
Talking is abelist, what is wrong with you, you effing bigot.
I use it for manager and he use it back. What’s next? Banning talking all together and use whisper exclusively?
If you’re going to go there, that would be the “hand over one eye” thing.Emojis are technocratic tools which trick ordinary people into summoning demons with their sigils.
I think you just made a lot of people really uncomfortable with that statement.Thumbs up has been a good thing and I never once even thought of it like that. Why do people think they are being attacked all the time wtf
The game has the baby killer perk, checks out.
Whats passive aggresive is that fucking laugh emote on this site that people use when they have no good arguments and are idiots but will use that laugh to try and annoy people instead. Its like a troll emote.
Do you really think people growing up with social media spent a lot of time in their childhood socialising? First it was parents spending all their time on Facebook, then the kids before they moved to Insta and TikTok.Seriously though,how are people who think like this on a daily basis and feel attacked by even a thumbs up even function in a society.