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Is the thumbs up emoji passive aggressive?


not tag worthy
Why did your 6-year old violated my 6-year old private space and assaulted him? Also, your child loud behavior made my son uncomfortable.

I Get It GIF by Foo Fighters

Jennifer Lawrence Ok GIF
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Do you really think people growing up with social media spent a lot of time in their childhood socialising? First it was parents spending all their time on Facebook, then the kids before they moved to Insta and TikTok.
Oh for sure they haven't socialized outside of the cesspool that's Twitter,Facebook and the like but even then it seems like we've gotten to a point where it's not just funny laughing at these people anymore,it genuinely seems like these people have mental issues from having a dependence on social media.


it genuinely seems like these people have mental issues from having a dependence on social media.
That's exactly what it is. They are now entering their 20s, so...

Lets Go Reaction GIF by The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon

Already the literacy levels are low, people are unable to do basic math or have any idea of a budget. People are unable to hold a conversation, Reddit is full of posts such as "I want to let another person know about something, what should I do?". Then you add that juicy 'I cannot focus my attention for more than 5 minutes'.


No, but a certain consumer cult uses the "empathy" one as trolling/passive aggressive on Gaf. 🤷‍♀️

I made a post in the random thoughts thread concerning the ubiquity of emojis. They're multi wise applicable even taking the specific context used in into account. My hypothesis was that the more personal your relationship is the easier it is interpreting "out of place" emojis. Even then it's difficult imho.
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You will have people seriously saying ‘I don’t pick up the phone from a number I don’t know’ in 2022. This is how bad it has gotten.
I know people who do this all the time, it’s maddening to witness.

1. It could be something genuinely important
2. Just block the contact if you don’t want them calling you
3. Stop being weird


I know people who do this all the time, it’s maddening to witness.

1. It could be something genuinely important
2. Just block the contact if you don’t want them calling you
3. Stop being weird
Well, if your sick of the Chinese scam callers, who keep changing their numbers, informing about a package or relative being held at a Chinese embassy... And the phone service providers are unwilling to do anything about it.


Well, if your sick of the Chinese scam callers, who keep changing their numbers, informing about a package or relative being held at a Chinese embassy... And the phone service providers are unwilling to do anything about it.
Your problem you live in the US, I never get robocalls in Europe.


Well, if your sick of the Chinese scam callers, who keep changing their numbers, informing about a package or relative being held at a Chinese embassy... And the phone service providers are unwilling to do anything about it.
To be fair, I totally get it. A lot of calls are definitely pestering calls, but I just politely say “not interested”, hang up and block the number. I don’t even entertain a response, just firmly close the conversation and move on.

I’d rather that, than potentially miss an actually important call. Plus, at least my way you slowly filter out the nuisance calls instead of leaving them unblocked. (I rarely get them nowadays, FWIW)

I’ve always found it odd when I see people just ignore an unknown number, seems like a really poor way to deal with it.

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Whats passive aggresive is that fucking laugh emote on this site that people use when they have no good arguments and are idiots but will use that laugh to try and annoy people instead. Its like a troll emote.
GeZ agrees somewhat.

The crying laughing emoji, for example, is seen by younger generations to be stale, according to CNN. Also, according to the New York Post, a study conducted by Perspectus Global of over 2,000 people aged 16 to 29, revealed 10 emojis that are, as the New York Post puts it, "canceled."

The emojis include: Thumbs-up 👍, red heart ❤️, “OK” hand 👌, checkmark ✅, poo 💩, loud crying face 😭, monkey covering eyes 🙈, clapping hands 👏, lipstick kiss mark 💋 and grimacing face 😬.

If cancelled is 'stale' here than some of this is overusage which follows. The clapping one got noticeable criticism and poo is already overused in movies.


Thumbs up has been a good thing and I never once even thought of it like that. Why do people think they are being attacked all the time wtf
Because basic people are so basic that they need to turn basic social cues into obstacles to overcome. It's really amazing to study the human species.


not tag worthy
Good grief, did someone edit out the Ma Deuce?

This just reinforces the ageist societal structure the zoomers are complaining about. How are they supposed to know context from a clip of a 30 yo film made by a straight white guy featuring a toxic hetero who assaulted his BIPOC maid, the poor thing?

I think the zoomers feel a thumbs up is ONLY in this context
Sarah Connor is a strong single mother how dare you. Skynet was also invented by an African American educate yourself.

John Connor’s best friend was a ginger with a mullet.
Literally shaking right now.
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Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future
Real life thumbs up is still safe right? Coz I just got done training myself not to do the 'ok' sign.
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