Well, I d/l a buncha faqs off of gamefaqs and wanted to print out a set of hard copies for my own use. The trouble is that the faqs are frickin' huge and could easily total more than a couple of thousand pages of printout. Needless to say, my color printer is not going to handle the job without a bundle of money in ink. Work is NOT an option as our computer usage is very strictly monitored-last week I hit dictionary.com for 3 minutes to look up how to spell a word and the next day our whole unit was warned about unauthorized internet usage. Yeesh. Besides, the sheer amout of printing could not possibly go unnoticed, even if I did break it up into smaller jobs. I tried Kinko's and almost passed out when they told me that B&W printouts were 50 cents PER PAGE. Short of finding a cheap laser printer, does anyone have any ideas?