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Is there any manga/anime that has the potential to become an interesting game?


Personally i have stopped reading/watching manga/anime a long time ago but there are some that i really love and i think some have the potential to become interesting games. One such manga is Blame! by Tsotomu Nihei.
Blame! often comes up in many people's wishlists when we are talking about what type of a potential FromSoftware sci-fi Souls game could be or what type of a sci-fi game people would love to see. I think the manga has a very unique setting and story and i think it has the potential to become a great game in the hands of the right developers.


Interestingly there is already a game out there that draws a lot of inspiration from Blame! and that is the indie game Memory of a Broken Dimension.


But although MOABD is amazing (especially when considering it's the work of one man) i was thinking more of a big budget game that directly brings Blame! to video game format but also has something of the aesthetics of MOABD. Two developers that would have been great for a Blame! adaptation are FromSoftware and Ueda's GenDesign IMO.

So what manga/anime do YOU think has good potential to become interesting games and if so from which developer(s)?
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All of my favourites already have several games and they all suck

Actually that last AOT game was fun
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Zatchbell. I am not sure if many people know about it. It is just like Pokemon minus the catching others. It has monsters called mamodos which come to Earth along with a book which has spells to control the mamodo which can be used to attack other mamodos. Whoever owns the book is the master of the mamodo and if you defeat everyone your mamodo becomes the king of the demon world. Pretty dope and you gotta unlock your spells with experience. Could make a game like Persona and you can control your allies too that way.



Are there? Absolutely, the shonen genre in particular would be incredible for an RPGs, with a focus on building up your character and interacting with the world, getting more stronger as you go.

Will we ever get something like that? I doubt it. Anime games seem to only ever want to be fighting games or mediocre action games where you play as the protagonist, instead of allowing the player to interact with the world and it’s characters as someone of their creation. I get it, it would be a lot of work with probably little payoff, but I want my Fairy Tail RPG that lets me join a guild and go on missions damnit!


THE Prey 2 fanatic
Tegami Bachi: Letter Bee has long felt to me like a good premise for an open world RPG. The manga, I refuse to try the anime, it ugly.


Most anime/manga games suck unfortunately.
I tend to agree.
Have we ever see any REALLY excellent anime/manga licensed game? I don't mean "good", I'm aware there's plenty of "just good", I mean top tier quality.
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Personally i have stopped reading/watching manga/anime a long time ago but there are some that i really love and i think some have the potential to become interesting games. One such manga is Blame! by Tsotomu Nihei.
Blame! often comes up in many people's wishlists when we are talking about what type of a potential FromSoftware sci-fi Souls game could be or what type of a sci-fi game people would love to see. I think the manga has a very unique setting and story and i think it has the potential to become a great game in the hands of the right developers.


Interestingly there is already a game out there that draws a lot of inspiration from Blame! and that is the indie game Memory of a Broken Dimension.


But although MOABD is amazing (especially when considering it's the work of one man) i was thinking more of a big budget game that directly brings Blame! to video game format but also has something of the aesthetics of MOABD. Two developers that would have been great for a Blame! adaptation are FromSoftware and Ueda's GenDesign IMO.

So what manga/anime do YOU think has good potential to become interesting games and if so from which developer(s)?

Was JUST about to mention BLAME! Amazing series; Biomega is really cool, too.

Anyway there's actually a lot of anime/manga that could get some cool adaptations (or if they had bad ones in the past, a good one for a change).

-Battle Angel Alita (would love a fighting game based on the ZOTT from Last Angel series)​

-Project A-Ko​
-Popee The Performer (absolutely insane Japanese CG kid's show from early 2000s. Watch if you haven't already you won't regret it).​
-Blue Seed​
-Blue Gender​
-Overlord (ironically, since it's an MMORPG satire isekai)​
There's a lot more anime/manga I'd PERSONALLY love to get legit games, but dunno how exactly they'd translate into game format. And other still like Record of Lodoss War, already have a few really good games and even a new game coming out this year I'm gonna check out.


I bought a sex doll, but I keep it inflated 100% of the time and use it like a regular wife

Don't know what this is, but something's telling me there will be a Mount & Blade II mod for this sooner or later.

Edit: Kinda offtopic but, how's Berserk now? I leaved it in the Fantasia Arc I think, when Casca talks again. Has there been any more numbers released?
Should I go back to it or better to not bother until, let's say, 20 years from now? :messenger_grinning_sweat:
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Garouden Breakblow is probably the best game based on a manga I've ever played. Did a good job at depicting the brutal fights and had a damn good soundtrack.

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Yeah Blame would be great

I think a Kingdom game could be fun:

Even though it's about big armies and fights, I wouldn't make a Musou. I'd adapt the Kingdom Under Fire formula.
Put a big focus on strategy and controlling your army and various squadrons, but then when the squadron with my general goes into battle give me the option to switch over to third person action. It would really capture the overall theme of the manga.

Golden Kamuy
Who wouldn't want a Red Dead Redemption style game set after the Russo Japanese war involving crazy, brain damaged soldiers, aged Samurais, bear shagging deviants, hunting and cooking any four legged creature that moves and a quest for hidden treasure.


Was going to mention this.
More than RDR I thin it would be a perfect fit for the Yakuza Team. It focuses on all their strengths:
-A wide cast of great characters
- Fun story that does a great job at balancing serious themes and scenarios with humor and silly weird stuff
- Lots of silly wird stuff.... I mean (Bear related story spoiler....NSFW?):
-Food is a big element of the story
- Lots of fun side characters and stories that would be great for some Yakuza style sidequests
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This is the sad truth.

Worst part is that these crossover games actually had potential back on NDS

But they've gone to complete shit since moving to HD consoles.
These two games were INSANELY good - incredibly fun to play, amazing giant cast (seriously, look at the friggin' cast), the komas added a lot to customization and were super fun to use.... so damn good.

Then they fucked up.
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Too many to count. Nearly anything from Shonen Jump. The problem is most of these anime games come off as cheap. I'm pretty easy to please so a game based off the original dragon ball series with little goku battling it out with the red ribbon army and exploring that interesting world would work for me. Personally I would like a new Vampire Hunter D game. A game based off of Paprika would be absolute madness. Dokkoida would work pretty easily.


Berserk, hands down. There have been a few games, but Berserk deserves more than that. Better ones too.

I feel the same way about Fist of the Northstar as well. There have been some pretty solid games. But I'd love to see more.

Here's are others I'd love to see...
  • Guyver
  • Devilman
  • Ninja Scroll
  • Gantz
We've seen a lot of games clearly inspired by the above mentioned IPs. But man, I want THEM. Not their influence, lol.
This is the sad truth.

Worst part is that these crossover games actually had potential back on NDS

But they've gone to complete shit since moving to HD consoles.
The only game I imported for my NDS, no regrets whatsoever. Game was a lot of fun.
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Street Fighter II - The Animated Movie

Would love to have a fighting game with Street Fighter characters where the fighting is more realistic, like the fights Ryu vs Fei Long and Chun Li vs Vega in this anime. With fireballs only as finishing moves.

Also an Action Adventure with the aesthetic of the movie and with RPG-elements would be a dream come true.


Personally i have stopped reading/watching manga/anime a long time ago but there are some that i really love and i think some have the potential to become interesting games. One such manga is Blame! by Tsotomu Nihei.
Blame! often comes up in many people's wishlists when we are talking about what type of a potential FromSoftware sci-fi Souls game could be or what type of a sci-fi game people would love to see. I think the manga has a very unique setting and story and i think it has the potential to become a great game in the hands of the right developers.


Interestingly there is already a game out there that draws a lot of inspiration from Blame! and that is the indie game Memory of a Broken Dimension.


But although MOABD is amazing (especially when considering it's the work of one man) i was thinking more of a big budget game that directly brings Blame! to video game format but also has something of the aesthetics of MOABD. Two developers that would have been great for a Blame! adaptation are FromSoftware and Ueda's GenDesign IMO.

So what manga/anime do YOU think has good potential to become interesting games and if so from which developer(s)?

Love Blame! It's a masterpiece but not sure if it can be done right game wise. Even the anime adaptation felt like they tried to pour an ocean into a glass.

But Biomega might kinda work, it's basically way more actiony Blame! Action Survival Cyber Horror?






- Berserk (Souls/BB like)
- Princess Mononoke (BotW like)
- Shingeki no Kyojin/AoT (Nier Automata like)
- Vagabond (Ghost of Tsushima like)
- Totoro (Ni no Kuni like)
- Doraemon (Kirby/Yoshi like)


Having played a couple of licensed anime games, what I'd really like to see is games that borrow the universe of the anime they're licensing to tell an original story rather than shoehorning the anime's protagonist into a filler story or just retelling the anime's story wholesale in a format that doesn't work as well for it.

The author would probably have to be the one writing it so that the story doesn't suck though.


Synesthesia could make for an interesting Max Payne-style agility shooter, with a synesthetic (is that a word?) hud changing NPCs colors according to their emotional state or relationship to the protagonist.
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Most of them would work as a game, specially shonen manga. The problems the adaptations have usually don't have anything to do with the source material. The characters, story and narrative of manga had a huge influence in japanese games. It is not like trying to adapt On the Road to videogames.

I would like to see City Hunter. I can imagine something like L.A. Noire but with more action, sexiness and humor. Would be incredible to experience an open world 80s Tokyo with lots of CityPop in the radio!



I would like to see City Hunter. I can imagine something like L.A. Noire but with more action, sexiness and humor. Would be incredible to experience an open world 80s Tokyo with lots of CityPop in the radio!

Excellent suggestion. Either a LA Noire with more action or a Yakuza-like game. Would go well with the occasional wackiness of the comic.


Action - Gurren Lagann
Action/Horror - Hellsing
Action/What the fuck - JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (It could slot into just about any genre. Ie Indiana Jones like action/adventure for Part 2/Battle Tendency, Prison Simulator for Part 6/Stone Ocean.)

Soul-like - Berserk/Goblin Slayer

4X Strategy - Legends of the Galactic Heroes

X-Com like Tactical - UC Gundam/Ghost in the Shell/World Trigger

13 Sentinels Visual Novel/Tower Defense hybrid - Evangelion - Gundam and any other mecha could also apply here.

Turn Based RTS - Kingdom Total War

Homeworld/Battlestar Galactica Deadlock/Gothic Armada like RTS - Knights of Sidonia/Space Battleship Yamato 2199/Macross

ARPG - Fullmetal Alchemist/One Piece/Naruto/Bleach/Magi/7 Deadly Sins/Black Clover

Hybrid of Platinum Action and Persona like School/Calendar life - Kill la Kill/Little Witch Academia/Negima/My Hero Academia
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