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Is there anything horrible about buying cheap PC3200 or better RAM?data loss n stuff?

Buying the best RAM one can leads to overall performance, but exactly how much performance?

How does the cheap stuff compare? If someone's a casual gamer with a productivity machine, that person does not really need the best RAM, right?

Also, would generic PC3200 or higher (provided it's not overclocked from the vendor) be better than name brand PC2100? My interest is captured, and I'd like someone's more educated opinion.
Unless you are planning to overclock, I'd go for a decent brand (not necessarily the expensive) regular PC3200 instead of low latency/CAS timing ones and save a bundle.

And forget PC2100, no matter how good it is. That's quite a difference in performance compared to PC3200


Lesson #1 in buying computer parts:

You get what you pay for.

You don't have to buy the uber-ram, really. I do recommend that you buy good stuff, since going with the El Cheapo Deal of teh Hour Special isn't going to get you quality parts. For just a little more money, you can get some decent stuff, and you will save more time than you realize by avoiding the cheap crap. For RAM, I recommend Geil. Check out their line at Newegg: http://www.newegg.com/app/ViewProduct.asp?submit=property&DEPA=1
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