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ISIS blows up ancient Burial site and Mosque of Jonah (of the whale story) in Mosul

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Fucking awful. People talk about religious conflict between different religions in the ME, but the mother of all of them was always the greater internal war of moderate Islam (mainly of sufi origin) VS its wahabbi fucktarded interpretation. Guess which one is winning, and which one belongs to this blown up mosque.

Fear. Thats how Taliban won.

Fear, yes. But coupled with something resembling order as opposed to a failed state. Which is why they have been able to make these impressive gains in such a short time, and why Talibans were able to win after Afganistan imploded into warlords fighting each other after the URSS occupation. The power vaccuum generated by the downfall of regimes like Hussein's or Assad is what made ISIS possible. So good job at playing the Saudi's tune, USA.


Guys is the world ending soon? Serious question.

Let's put this into context from a worldwide perspective: They're the rulers of half a country in the Middle East that isn't the top exporter of oil, or much of anything else.

To the world powers, they're not a big deal, and they're a very easily containable issue if actual military force were to be applied.

Is the world ending soon? No. Is the Middle East in turmoil for the millionth time? Certainly.


and now future (and current) generations of Iraqis in this world won't be able to witness a part of their own history. Great.


GOD DAMMIT. I hate when historical site are destroyed. By the time I'm ready to go on expedition there won't be much to explore unless I discover new stuff. Too bad you need clues from old stuff to discover new stuff. When I join SF I hope I get revenge on these cunts.


This is...spectacularly messed up! I can't even imagine. Prophet Yonus is revered in Islam...this is like blowing up Prophet Muhammad's mosque in Medina, and it's Green Dome (Green Dome of the Medina's mosque is under where Prophet Muhammad is buried).


The Wahabi's in Saudi Arabia have wreaked havoc on Islamic history in Mecca and Medina. They demolished the house of the Prophet along with most other buildings dating from that era and later. They are even in talks to demolish the cave in which the first revelations were supposed to have come down. These were sites that were honored and respected all through out Muslim history through all the different powers who have had control over that region. Wahhabism truly is a curse on Islam.


I hope these guys are taken down. A new cancer in the Middle East.

Was it ever confirmed that the ISIS leader had CIA training ?

Supposedly a leaked document by Edward Snowden pins ISIS as being part trained or conjured by the UK, US and Israel, and that Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi, the leader, was trained by Mossad and the US. It's apparently part of some operation "Hornets Nest". But honestly the sources don't seem that strong to me, and I've not personally seen Snowden talk about it, or seen the supposed NSA report itself, and till I do, I can't possibly give the narrative credit.

Though it is true at least that the US did hold Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi as a prisoner at Camp Bucca in Iraq for nearly a year in 2004. Released unconditionally for whatever reason.


Of course that is my interpretation. Anyone can use any interpretation of how a betterment of society is better from my point of view. Hitler thought he was doing society good by ethnically cleansing people. He was not. That was HIS view. People who are religious and non-religious have their own view of how the world should run. What should be is more clear is what the religious texts AND examples say. There is NOWHERE in the Quran where Homosexuals are to be punished. There is NOWHERE in the Quran than Apostates are to punished. There is NOWHERE in the Quran that wives have to be beaten.

Now the person who is not well intentioned WILL find a way to say Quran says Homosexuals and Apostates need to be punished and a radical will find a way to say a wife is subservient and needs to be beaten. That is their interpretation. What the 3rd person has to do is not say, well that is your view what about this view. it is ALSO up to you which interpretation of Islam you think is the right one or SHOULD be the right one. Just because one has the more extreme version of interpretation does not mean you have to give that interpretation the right to air itself BECAUSE its extreme, because that would be disingenuous right? The 3rd person should support only the view that is closest to what the text says. Which is what the Quran says.

'There is NO compulsion in religion'

That is the essence of every rule and law of Islam. You CANNOT....and should NOT enforce Islam or YOUR view of it on ANYONE. This is also the reason Islam does not allow an Islamic state as opposed to secular state due to different religions and sects.

Ok before I fully respond here, I want to say I am not as informed about Islam as I am about Christianity. I've read a large part of the Qu'ran, but not comprehensively, and I'm more interested in the academic study of how it formed and how it influenced the world than its religious aspects. To be fair to you guys who actually believe in this stuff, I want to set this straight so there is context.

With that said, it didn't take me long to find about an infinity websites which describe how Qu'ran admonished homosexuality. You are right that it doesn't say "go out and kill homosexuals" as a direct command, but when you have translations like this, what do you expect?. Read those verse, where they talk about raining brimstone upon homosexuals. Now, if you were an extremist you could read that and go 'well here is an example of how the Qu'ran says people reacted to men who lie with other men. Clearly, I should follow this example.'

Who is the authority to determines what is closest to the text? Again, we're just diluting the point here. The point is there is no 'third person' who can function in the role you suggest, because that would just be their interpretation of the text. So you'd just create yet another, third, distinct interpretation. All of which cannot be disproven, unless the verse they quote is not actually in the holy book. But, unfortunately, most of what they say is in these holy books actually is within them. Maybe they're out of context, maybe they're not appropriately interpreted. Who knows but Muhammad? And that's the issue


I seriously feel so bad for the people in all of the Middle East. It almost feels like there is no safe place to be unless you leave the entire region. I can understand why people would want to flee to Europe or hell, even Africa and Asia look better.

Absolutely crazy. I wish this would end. Evil sucks.


This is an unspeakable crime, a holy place for so many around the world and an integral part of our cultural history.

These people are just scum. They could never make it in their own community, the bunch of cockroaches that they are, so they left and formed a little gang of their own.

Deleted member 231381

Unconfirmed Member
That question implies that the Muslim worlds is a single cohesive entity with some sort of figurehead or governing body/office.

Ironically, this is ISIS' goal.
From a historical and cultural perspective its nothing short of sad to guess how much is lost forever since this all started over 10 years ago. That whole region is about to lose all actual records of its history through objects and have to rely simply on what survives or what has been told to the rest of the world.


Hopefully they leave the ziggurat alone. What a bunch of dumbshits.

The saudis do the same thing.
They won't reach the ziggurat. Even so it doesn't make this any less painful for people seing a part of their national heritage blown to bits.


This is so fucking stupid. You blow up remnants of your own mythology to show what a badass you are.

I can't imagine having my mind warped to the degree that that actually sounds like a good idea.


Gold Member
From a historical and cultural perspective its nothing short of sad to guess how much is lost forever since this all started over 10 years ago. That whole region is about to lose all actual records of its history through objects and have to rely simply on what survives or what has been told to the rest of the world.

Yep that is the worse part , that región is rich of ancient legade, great civilizations began at the Tigris and Eufrates rivers. Its a shame we lost the opportunity of know the true about the Anunnaki and reptilians.
Ok before I fully respond here, I want to say I am not as informed about Islam as I am about Christianity. I've read a large part of the Qu'ran, but not comprehensively, and I'm more interested in the academic study of how it formed and how it influenced the world than its religious aspects. To be fair to you guys who actually believe in this stuff, I want to set this straight so there is context.

With that said, it didn't take me long to find about an infinity websites which describe how Qu'ran admonished homosexuality. You are right that it doesn't say "go out and kill homosexuals" as a direct command, but when you have translations like this, what do you expect?. Read those verse, where they talk about raining brimstone upon homosexuals. Now, if you were an extremist you could read that and go 'well here is an example of how the Qu'ran says people reacted to men who lie with other men. Clearly, I should follow this example.'

Who is the authority to determines what is closest to the text? Again, we're just diluting the point here. The point is there is no 'third person' who can function in the role you suggest, because that would just be their interpretation of the text. So you'd just create yet another, third, distinct interpretation. All of which cannot be disproven, unless the verse they quote is not actually in the holy book. But, unfortunately, most of what they say is in these holy books actually is within them. Maybe they're out of context, maybe they're not appropriately interpreted. Who knows but Muhammad? And that's the issue

The examples also show its not between people its between God that muslims believe in. Again Islam is not linear in its thinking it gives people free will to use thier common sense. Many dont have any sense nowadays unfortunately


Makes the looting during the invasion and the extensive damage done by the U.S army to Babylonian ruins look like a joke in comparison.


Ironically, this is ISIS' goal.

To repeat this?

The first four caliphs—Abū Bakr, ʿUmar I, ʿUthmān, and ʿAlī, whose reigns constituted what later generations of Muslims would often remember as a golden age of pure Islam—largely established the administrative and judicial organization of the Muslim community and forwarded the policy begun by Muhammad of expanding the Islamic religion into new territories. During the 630s, Syria, Jordan, Palestine, and Iraq were conquered; Egypt was taken from Byzantine control in 645; and frequent raids were launched into North Africa, Armenia, and Persia.
Blowing up mosques is just baffling to me. What in the hell are they hoping to achieve?

Not only that, they just blew up a place of historical significance for literally no reason.



Blowing up mosques is just baffling to me. What in the hell are they hoping to achieve?

Not only that, they just blew up a place of historical significance for literally no reason.

It's not the first time they blow up something of historical significance. In 2006 and 2007 they blew up al-Askari Mosque, which not only is one of the holiest sites for Shia muslims (who they consider as heretics), but also a historical building as well. Considering this mosque was revered by many muslims, regardless of their sect, it goes to show that most innocent Sunni Muslims (who have it the best in terms of how bad it can be under ISIS) are just as screwed in this conflict.


But that is your interpretation. I've read some of the dissertations written by Islamic extremists and Christian extremists. They all justify their behavior with passages used from the holy book, while ignoring others. The same way "positive" Christianity ignores passages about stoning children who don't listen to their parents, for example, while expressing that Jesus ministry was all about love.

Christianity is not Judaism though. For some reason it's become the argument of choice on the internet that Christians are all just hyprocrites who don't even follow the teachings of the book they claim to be holy. But it ignores the very foundation of Christianity. Christians don't 'ignore' things that like - they are told they no longer apply to them. Christians are followers of Jesus - what did Jesus do when they went to stone the adulterous woman?

I'm not saying there are not extremist Christians. I'm also trying not to use the 'no true Scots' fallacy. But in order to avoid that fallacy, people go so far in the other direction and basically say the only requirement for one to be considered a Christian by society is self-proclimation. It's a pointless exercise. It's like me saying I'm an atheist and doing things in the name of atheism. Oh but I actually believe in the Christian God and Jesus Christ. I agree there's variance on a lot of things in the Bible when it comes to Christian teaching - but there's plenty of overwhelmingly clear teaching in there. So it seems strange to try and pin things on Christianity when it's abundantly clear it goes against the teachings.

For what it's worth, the church is probably most likely to blame for this view. The Roman Catholics spent 1000 years not caring a bit about what Jesus said while they launched holy wars against as many pagans as they could, so I can probably forgive modern society for not fully understanding the teachings of Christianity.
I am getting very depressed today. :-(

Hey dudes . . . you really think what the Taliban did in Bamyan was a good move? Sheesh

and sorry but here it is again.

Let's put this into context from a worldwide perspective: They're the rulers of half a country in the Middle East that isn't the top exporter of oil, or much of anything else.

To the world powers, they're not a big deal, and they're a very easily containable issue if actual military force were to be applied.

Is the world ending soon? No. Is the Middle East in turmoil for the millionth time? Certainly.

Actually, Iraq is a very major oil exporter. But they don't hold the area where the most of the oil is.


Where's the ISIS defense force guy?
Drinking a glass or two of ISIS-beer with tears of happiness. Fuck him and fuck that liger guy as well who used to be here. Terrorist sympathizers.

Video of the mosque being blown

Also no one seems to give a shit over 35 000 Christians been forced out at gunpoint ...
First of all this thread isn't about displaced Christians. Secondly the news have been covering it. Fortunately safer parts of the country has been receiving them and continue to do so where they are housed in mosques or with families that have room for them; Christian families are also being housed in one of the most important Muslim shrine in the southern parts of the country. This doesn't solve the conflict in Mosul nor can you say it's enough help when so many are being displaced at once but it's something at least. Of course, with someone that has a posting history that strongly suggests he wouldn't give a fuck if every single "muzzie" in the world would drop dead on the ground tomorrow this must come as a big shock for you.


US needs to take out the fake caliph and end this shit once and for all.

Normally, I'd say why should the US do anything, but they have a responsibility here because it was their war in Iraq that is the reason this has happened. Deposing a dictator with an iron fist in the country, has now lead to an even increasingly violent and fanatic group taking over. Over a million civilians have died since 2003, very few places are safe. Same goes for Libya. Without Gaddafi, the place is a powder keg for militancy and terrorists.

Just disgusting. Isn't it Ramadan right now and Eid soon for Muslims too? Why are they attacking mosques?
Normally, I'd say why should the US do anything, but they have a responsibility here because it was their war in Iraq that is the reason this has happened. Deposing a dictator with an iron fist in the country, has now lead to an even increasingly violent and fanatic group taking over. Over a million civilians have died since 2003, very few places are safe. Same goes for Libya. Without Gaddafi, the place is a powder keg for militancy and terrorists.

Just disgusting. Isn't it Ramadan right now and Eid soon for Muslims too? Why are they attacking mosques?

I dunno. we were there for ~10 years until we got kicked out. Let Iran have at them for a bit. Heck, they own much of Iraq's air force . . put it to use.
Absolutely despicable. Truly the scum of the earth, a damn shame that the Iraqi government is too incompetent to give these guys the beating they deserve.
It's not the first time they blow up something of historical significance. In 2006 and 2007 they blew up al-Askari Mosque, which not only is one of the holiest sites for Shia muslims (who they consider as heretics), but also a historical building as well. Considering this mosque was revered by many muslims, regardless of their sect, it goes to show that most innocent Sunni Muslims (who have it the best in terms of how bad it can be under ISIS) are just as screwed in this conflict.

Jesus. I'm really at a loss to why they would blow up these old mosques.

So sad to think a lot of these historical places survived so much only to be brought down by some crazy cunts.

It's infuriating.
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