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Israel investigates shooting of 13-year-old Palestinian girl

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JERUSALEM - An Israeli platoon commander is under investigation following accusations by his fellow soldiers who claim he repeatedly shot a 13-year-old Palestinian girl after she had already been shot.

The Israeli army said they initially thought the girl was a bomb-carrying militant entering the restricted area of Rafah, a Gaza Strip refugee camp.

Soldiers said the girl was shot from more than 60 metres away.

But some of the troops complained to Israeli media that the commander then approached the girl and repeatedly shot her as they pleaded with him to stop.

They said the platoon commander fired two bullets from close range to confirm that she was dead. He then allegedly went back a second time and sprayed her with automatic-weapon fire.

Soldiers told the Israeli newspaper Yediot that they shouted to the commander over the two-way radio: "Don't shoot, she's a little girl."

"We saw her from a distance of 70 metres. She was fired at ... from the outpost. She fled and was wounded. I understood that she was dead. The platoon commander neared her, shot two bullets at her, returned toward the force, turned back to her, put the weapon on automatic and emptied his entire clip," one soldier said.

A Palestinian doctor said the girl was hit by at least 15 bullets in her head, chest and legs.

Israel's top military prosecutor has opened an inquiry into the shooting and the army has its own investigation underway.

Israel launched its biggest offensive into Gaza on Sept. 30 following the launch of rockets by Hamas militants. At least 92 Palestinians and three Israelis have been killed since then.

CBC News

That's degusting. Both sides need to work out a peace deal eventually.


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
Woo hoo! Congrats to the US for their continued blind support of Israel!


This incident will get played out like mad in the arab media, think how many more suicide bombers this incident alone will create. The faster a peace deal can be worked out the better.


Hollywood Square
Suranga3 said:
This incident will get played out like mad in the arab media, think how many more suicide bombers this incident alone will create. The faster a peace deal can be worked out the better.

There will never be a peace deal. Israeli officials have done plenty of worse things than this, so this really won't escalate matters more than they already are.

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
DarienA said:
Woo hoo! Congrats to the US for their continued blind support of Israel!


you are acting as if this is a policy.. in case you havent realized.. the other solders tried to stop him.. AND he is being tried for his crimes.


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
Ok I'll move away from what I thought was an obvious joke to make a serious point that isn't really related to this tragic incident.

As a nation Israel has launched a host of attacks in to the occupied areas of the years... how many of those attacks over the years have been condemned by the US? How has the US ever punished Israel? Has it pulled back support? money? etc? More than often not.

Rant done.


quadriplegicjon said:

you are acting as if this is a policy.. in case you havent realized.. the other solders tried to stop him.. AND he is being tried for his crimes.

You really think he is going to be punished? Maybe he will be discharged with a year in prison, and the with how horrible the conflict is that is no punishment at all.

All Hail C-Webb

Hailing from the Chill-Web
bionic77 said:
You really think he is going to be punished? Maybe he will be discharged with a year in prison, and the with how horrible the conflict is that is no punishment at all.

If there is a law prohibiting firing shots at an already dead body, then he will be found guilty of breaking that law, and be sentenced accordingly.
You can't expect any more than that.


Sactown said:
If there is a law prohibiting firing shots at an already dead body, then he will be found guilty of breaking that law, and be sentenced accordingly.
You can't expect any more than that.

Tell that to her parents.

(Also applies to dead Isreali victims btw, I am just saying that isn't justice. This scum should get the chair).


I agree with you Fresh Prince. The Isreali army fight like terrorist and the terrorist fight like the isreali army.


Willco said:
That is pretty awful. I hope he enjoys jail!

They are calling for a suspension, not Jail

Never, in Israel's history has a member of the IDF sentenced for the crimes they perpatrated

You often hear of the suicide bombings when they occurm but you never hear of the daily horrors that the IDF does

Oh and In before ripeclaws says she was a terrorrist and deserved her fate

BTW in the same camp, today, an 11 years old you palestinian girl from the same school has been shot, she's now in a haspital and is in a crytical state. Way to go!


This reminds me of that HBO documentary 'Death in Gaza'. The reporters are trying to cross a closed off area and the cameraman just gets shot right in the head by some Isreali soldiers and it was all caught on film.

It was a really fucked up thing to see. I can't imagine how horrible it would be to live in that environment everyday. You would be pissed too if you had to live there.

Too bad that guy died, I would have loved to have seen the Isreali perspective as well.


Palestine has a right to defend herself.

I'd like to hear that someday.


RiZ III said:
Palestine has a right to defend herself.

I'd like to hear that someday.

Of course it has, but the north american media would love to make you think otherwise (that Israel is the one aggressed and only defending itself while it started all but one war and invaded it neighbours on 5 occasions)


RiZ III said:
Palestine has a right to defend herself.

I'd like to hear that someday.
Everyone knows that every Palestinian child is entered in Terrorist School at the age of 3. They all deserve to get shot!


Firest0rm said:
Did you get that from the neocon quiz?

LOL, I am not a neocon, just the way the world works.

Not the way I want it to work, but until we evolve into a more civilized race that is the way things are going to stay.

All Hail C-Webb

Hailing from the Chill-Web
Fularu said:
They are calling for a suspension, not Jail

Never, in Israel's history has a member of the IDF sentenced for the crimes they perpatrated

You often hear of the suicide bombings when they occurm but you never hear of the daily horrors that the IDF does

Oh and In before ripeclaws says she was a terrorrist and deserved her fate

BTW in the same camp, today, an 11 years old you palestinian girl from the same school has been shot, she's now in a haspital and is in a crytical state. Way to go!

If you want people to take the shit you say seriously, follow these simple rules.
1. Calm down before posting.
2. Try to sound less bias
3. use a dictionary and spell check (if english isn't your first language, which it better not be)
4. Provide some proof
5. What is the IDF? I'm assuming it's "Israelie Defense Force," but I can't be sure. You should make sure that everyone can understand what you are trying to say.


yeah, the BBC air quite a few programmes about Israel. Lots of interviews with soldiers that quit because of the way their peers treat innocent palestinian civilians.

Quite sad :(

And I saw the documentry where the BBC cameraman gets shot. WAs a big deal here in UK.
At least the Israel is probing the incident and it is on the news.

Think if any of the Arab states would give a damn if palestinian military or any other arabians did the same to an Israeli girl?

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
Prine said:
yeah, the BBC air quite a few programmes about Israel. Lots of interviews with soldiers that quit because of the way their peers treat innocent palestinian civilians.

Quite sad :(

And I saw the documentry where the BBC cameraman gets shot. WAs a big deal here in UK.

do they have any programs about palestinian terrorists? or is it completely one-sided?

while i dont condone what israel's military is doing.. showing only one side of a conflict like this only helps to breed more hate.


quadriplegicjon said:
do they have any programs about palestinian terrorists? or is it completely one-sided?

while i dont condone what israel's military is doing.. showing only one side of a conflict like this only helps to breed more hate.

The problem is quadric that while the UK, Canada, rest of the non muslim world gets the full gory details of every Jewish and Palestenian child that dies, America only gets the feed of Jewish kids dying. For proof witness Sactown up there who didn't even know what IDF stood for. The muslim world only sees the Palestenian side of the conflict, America only sees the Israeli side. My point is that it's the *rest of the world* that gets both sides of the conflict, you're really only getting one.

Note that for some bizzaro reason, Israeli refuseniks and peace groups who oppose the route the Israeli government is taking don't get any play at all in the U.S media. It gives the extremely false impression that all of Israel is united and suffering attacks from blood crazed Ayerabs while in fact a very significant proportion of ISRAELIS are horrified by what is happening to Palestenians in the occupied territory.

In fact the only nation that doesn't have a very significant proportion of people horrified by what is happening to the Palestenians is America it seems. Edit: Judging by the media in any case, and frankly I can't think of a better metric.


Sactown said:
If you want people to take the shit you say seriously, follow these simple rules.
1. Calm down before posting.
2. Try to sound less bias
3. use a dictionary and spell check (if english isn't your first language, which it better not be)
4. Provide some proof
5. What is the IDF? I'm assuming it's "Israelie Defense Force," but I can't be sure. You should make sure that everyone can understand what you are trying to say.

1 I was completely calm at the moment of posting
2 Bias? What bias are you talking about? So saying that you hear more of the suicide bombing than the israelian crimes is now a bias? Or not simple truth?
3 No it's not, and I won'T spend my time looking up grammar mistakes just for the fun of it
4 proofs? I Can give you plenty of them, but as most of my sources they are either in french or arabic, wanna check them?
5 IDF stands for Israeli Defense Forces, you know, the ones supposed to defend their "homeland" in occupied territories while using civilian suburbs as a shooting training field and calling everything above the age of 13 an "activist that was killed while trying to commit a suicide bombing", you know the line...


...and the americans call Hamas a terrorist group. How disgusting...

Because there is a military wing of Hamas that IS a terrorist group.

Now if you are talking about groups like the PIJ (Palestinian Islamic Jihad) which have only attacked Israeli soldiers, then I'd share your disgust...well not disgust, but surprise.

At least the Israel is probing the incident and it is on the news.

That's a good point, at least this is not accepted in the IDF. But one can argue that they don't accept it for the right reasons. There are other cases where IDF soldiers shot at kids for sport. They didn't kill the kids, but took off hands, feet and limbs. At the end of the day, you won't hear about dead Palestinian kids, but just some numbers added to the "wounded Palestinians" list.

It gives the extremely false impression that all of Israel is united and suffering attacks from blood crazed Ayerabs while in fact a very significant proportion of ISRAELIS are horrified by what is happening to Palestenians in the occupied territory.

The same applies to Palestinians and Arabs as well. Most don't support suicide bombings, and most think a 2 state solution (ie. recognition of Israel) is the best solution.

This is the time for Palestinians to show patience. It's hard, but this is how peace is achieved. Revenge will lead to more bloodshed. The ball is in their court...and we all remember what happened the last time 2 Palestinian kids were blown up by Israeli Settlers...and then what happened as a result (Jenin).


Fight for Freeform said:
Because there is a military wing of Hamas that IS a terrorist group.

Now if you are talking about groups like the PIJ (Palestinian Islamic Jihad) which have only attacked Israeli soldiers, then I'd share your disgust...well not disgust, but surprise.

I'm talking about the military wing. If they're gonna call terrorists a resistance group (which many nations consider Hamas) they might as well call a terrorist nation Israel which is much worse with massacres like on Sabra and Satila, the attacks on refugee camps and a war criminal and murderer as a President.


I'm talking about the military wing. If they're gonna call terrorists a resistance group (which many nations consider Hamas) they might as well call a terrorist nation Israel which is much worse with massacres like on Sabra and Satila, the attacks on refugee camps and a war criminal and murderer as a President.

Sorry, I misunderstood. So meaning that calling Hamas a terrorist group disgusting because there are others that do worse and aren't called terrorist groups?

Basically my definition is that if you attack anyone innocent, you are a terrorist, and I'd agree Israel has done a lot recently that could be called terrorism. Even the burning of Palestinian farmland is terrorism. Blocking water access, again terrorism.


Is jealous of Matlock's emoticon
Sactown said:
If you want people to take the shit you say seriously, follow these simple rules.
1. Calm down before posting.
2. Try to sound less bias
3. use a dictionary and spell check (if english isn't your first language, which it better not be)
4. Provide some proof
5. What is the IDF? I'm assuming it's "Israelie Defense Force," but I can't be sure. You should make sure that everyone can understand what you are trying to say.

Umm, I am only pointing this out since you seem to like to advise other people about their English, the word you want to use is BIASED, the adjective, BIAS is the noun. Thanks.


This is the time for Palestinians to show patience. It's hard, but this is how peace is achieved. Revenge will lead to more bloodshed. The ball is in their court...and we all remember what happened the last time 2 Palestinian kids were blown up by Israeli Settlers...and then what happened as a result (Jenin).
Is the ball really in their court? In a situation where even an obvious strategic ploy by Sharon to give up the unimportant Gaza Strip in exchange for solidifying the Israeli settler hold on the West Bank is met by howls of shocked outrage by extremist Israelis do you really think the Palestenians have any effect on the outcome? Really considering the fact that the occupation started in 1967 and the first suicide bombing happened in 1991 (25 years, a whole generation grew up seeing Palestenian land grabbed by the settler and then occupied by the IDF) the only choices Palestenians have in my view is either going gently into the good night as Israel slowly expands over the whole region (via extremist pioneers grabbing hilltops and then building settlements that become IDF protected or wealthy Israelis buying up parcels of Palestine when the Palestenian landowners becomes desperate enough to sell which then becomes IDF protected) or they can make Israelis pay for every inch of land in blood even though it happens at an extremely high cost to themselves.

Because I think to myself of the Israeli best case scenario that right now the Palestenians give up all their weapons and turf out the terrorists in their midst (all attacks cease). I imagine the Israeli reaction and really the only thing I can concieve happening is that Israeli settlements would continue being built and would continue expanding as the settlers will continue to do what they've been doing (violence didn't change their minds, why would the lack of it?).

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
Azih said:
(violence didn't change their minds, why would the lack of it?).

cause there has never been a lack of it. yes, the first suicide bombing was in 1991, but there was still violence... bombings, shooting etc, before then..

and how can you blame the israelis for being on the defensive from the very beginning when a war broke out cause of the creation of the state..


Azih said:
Is the ball really in their court? In a situation where even an obvious strategic ploy by Sharon to give up the unimportant Gaza Strip in exchange for solidifying the Israeli settler hold on the West Bank is met by howls of shocked outrage by extremist Israelis do you really think the Palestenians have any effect on the outcome? Really considering the fact that the occupation started in 1967 and the first suicide bombing happened in 1991 (25 years, a whole generation grew up seeing Palestenian land grabbed by the settler and then occupied by the IDF) the only choices Palestenians have in my view is either going gently into the good night as Israel slowly expands over the whole region (via extremist pioneers grabbing hilltops and then building settlements that become IDF protected or wealthy Israelis buying up parcels of Palestine when the Palestenian landowners becomes desperate enough to sell which then becomes IDF protected) ...

Hey, it worked for America!

The real question is: Should Israel even exist in the first place and do the jews have the right to take that land from the current occupiers (Palestinians)?? I guess the answers depend on who you ask.


Violence has never been and isn't now any sort of a valid justification for occupation by civillians quadric (millitary sure, but settlers and their families don't qualify as millitary units). The justification for settler occupation has always been 'this is our land and we must take it and build on it and make it part of Israel'. Look at the settler crazies... when they speak they don't say "we're here because the Palestenians are violent", it's always "this is our land from time immemorial and we have a duty to be here" and that will stay no matter how peaceful or violent the Palestenians are. The settlers are the ball and they're permanently in Israel's court, Palestenians have no control over them at all.

Edit: Please note I am not Open_Mouth. If you want to reply to him, fine, just don't confuse me with him, we're not saying the same things.


open_mouth_ said:
Hey, it worked for America!

The real question is: Should Israel even exist in the first place and do the jews have the right to take that land from the current occupiers (Palestinians)?? I guess the answers depend on who you ask.

The answer is obviously no. The isralean army disgusts me.

All Hail C-Webb

Hailing from the Chill-Web
Irrespective of what any of you say, you can't do shit in this matter. You can't "choose or lose," "vote or die," there's nothing you can do to change it. Israel has the support of the important countries, and they need nothing more. You can bitch and whine, make false accusations, say that Israel is a "terrorist nation," but no one who is worth anything is going to give a shit.

The reason: You are all wrong


Sactown said:
Irrespective of what any of you say, you can't do shit in this matter. You can't "choose or lose," "vote or die," there's nothing you can do to change it. Israel has the support of the important countries, and they need nothing more. You can bitch and whine, make false accusations, say that Israel is a "terrorist nation," but no one who is worth anything is going to give a shit.

The reason: You are all wrong

Not countries, country. That about sums up Israels support.


Sactown said:
Irrespective of what any of you say, you can't do shit in this matter. You can't "choose or lose," "vote or die," there's nothing you can do to change it. Israel has the support of the important countries, and they need nothing more. You can bitch and whine, make false accusations, say that Israel is a "terrorist nation," but no one who is worth anything is going to give a shit.

The reason: You are all wrong

Whats wrong?


I find it sad that so much of the US justification for support of Isreal is "they are the only western style democracy in the middle east, surely they will help spread our values". Unfortunately, because of their actions, they have just made the majority of the middle east hate them, the US, and western values.


Jesiatha said:
I find it sad that so much of the US justification for support of Isreal is "they are the only western style democracy in the middle east, surely they will help spread our values". Unfortunately, because of their actions, they have just made the majority of the middle east hate them, the US, and western values.

What really pisses me off is that our adminstration has totally missed the big picture. I think a peaceful resolution to the Isreal/Palestine conflict would be a key victory in the war on terror. Instead, we let common sense go right out the window and invade Iraq, creating a new conflict for terrorists to rally around.

Our foreign policy is so foolish that it's disgusting to think that Bush still has a very good chance of being re-elected.
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