Azih said:Really considering the fact that the occupation started in 1967 and the first suicide bombing happened in 1991 (25 years, a whole generation grew up seeing Palestenian land grabbed by the settler and then occupied by the IDF) the only choices Palestenians have in my view is either going gently into the good night as Israel slowly expands over the whole region
From a different point of view
In keeping with their attempts to manipulate and control the Palestinian cause, the Arab states created the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) in Cairo in 1964. The goal of the PLO, according to its founding charter, was to use violence to liberate Palestine. In 1965, Fatah, the main faction of the PLO, began terrorist attacks against Israeli civilians and civilian installations.
I know I probably getting in over head here but, wtf. The one thing that really bothers me about your statements is you totally ignore the role of the surrounding Arab states role in the current state of things for Palestinians. If this conflict had just been between the two sides from the beginning things might have been much different. The Arab states are equal in blame for the current state of the Palestinians. They have continually latched onto their cause as an excuse to attack Israel for hatred, power plays, and land grabs. So why dont you throw a little blaim in the direction its deserved. Considering England and France were they main architechs in this whole mess to begin with, I find it funny that you place most of the blaim on the US. Since Israel's creation the Arab states have been trying to destroy it. At first they used war. Now the use funding and support for terror. They do this with little regaurd for the people they say they are trying to help. Same shit differnet decade. But yeah its all america's fault. whatever.