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"It’s orgasmic!" So sayeth G4 about the Halo 2 MP demo from GPhoria

G4techtv top ten

"As for Halo 2, all I can say is prepare to be owned--owned with a capital “P”. Perhaps the only major feature absent from the first Halo (which you doubters out there need to finally accept as the best FPS of the decade so far), online multiplayer, is in the sequel and it’s mind-blowing. It’s orgasmic! It’s just about every pleasurable gaming experience you’ve ever had online balled up in a giant wad of gaming ecstasy. Words alone cannot describe the sheer bliss one can feel while playing Halo 2 capture-the-flag.

Think about everything you’d want in a multiplayer mode and you’ve got it in Halo 2. Vehicles? Got ‘em. An arsenal of weapons greater than most civilized nations on the planet? Oh yeah, it’s there. Smooth controls that will actually make you forget just what the hell people use a keyboard and mouse for anyway? Done."

By the way, Half Life 2 came in at number 3.


That list sucks, G4 is the most embarrasing television channel ever, and Halo rocks.

That's all I have to say, in a nice condensed package!


I am excited for Halo 2 and stuff, but this is all pretty ridiculous hyperbole. I doubt that te writer even buys into it. They played a friggin' one level demo in a noisy E3-style atmosphere and come to such superlative and sweeping conclusions....

Lil' Dice

Catchpenny said:
I stopped reading right there.

People always say that online, but do they expect us to believe that?
Just like people online always walk out on movies, bang other people's girlfriends and drive Ferraris....


All I can say is: Orgasm, let me touch you. *Stretches out hand*

The way I figure, the higher expectations I have for this game the better it'll get. ;)


As for Halo 2, all I can say is prepare to be owned--owned with a capital “P”.


People always say that online, but do they expect us to believe that?
Just like people online always walk out on movies, bang other people's girlfriends and drive Ferraris....

Well yeah, that's why I stopped reading it. So I could post, walk out on my computer, drive over to your girlfriend's house in my Ferrari and bang her!

Unfortunately, uh, I've got whiskey dick from all that drinking I did last night! So now I'm back here posting. :(




My bro brought up a good point...had it been released during March of this year (as it was hinted before, as it missed yesteryear's Xmas season), the hype would have been marginal.

Now the hype is getting too much.

But hey, it worked well for the PS2.

Funky Papa

The Bookerman said:
I'd rather have sex with a girl than play Halo 2 MP.
What? Getting dirty with a girl instead of playing a videogame?

I don't know who you are, if GAF's shame or GAF's pride.


I haven't anticipated a game so much as Halo 2 since Metal Gear Solid 2. This is going to be so awesome! I want my Limited Edition right now! :)


Deku Tree said:
Then why write it if he didn't believe it?

Welcome to the world of advertiser-sponsored journalism, where if you're shallow enough you'll suck Acclaim's dick if the sack (of cash) is the right size.

Lil' Dice

Catchpenny said:
Well yeah, that's why I stopped reading it. So I could post, walk out on my computer, drive over to your girlfriend's house in my Ferrari and bang her!

Unfortunately, uh, I've got whiskey dick from all that drinking I did last night! So now I'm back here posting. :(

I have a hangover too, and i just took an acoholic shit at work....and i NEVER use public restrooms.


DSN2K said:
people are going to end up disappointed with the way the media are hyping it up.

From what I've seen and read, Halo 2 has delivered on the hype so far. People went into the past two E3's with sky-high expectations, and the game cleared them by a mile. And Bungie has only shown us the tip of the iceberg.

Just wait - this game will own your soul on November 9 (or 11th).


Deku Tree said:
Then why write it if he didn't believe it?
I don't think it is as simple as "game journalists like to suck off advertisers", though it's surely a big factor.

It's just in their best interest to hype the shit out of things that are going to be popular. When they run a cover story or interview or behind-the-scenes special or get any kind of exclusive, people will be sure to read/buy because they've previously spewed all kinds of hyperbole. If the game turns out good, then they've built up trust with an audience. If the game turns out bad then it can backfire, but stuff like Halo 2 is a pretty sure bet.....that's why you have dumbasses saying things like "orgasmic" and "owned with a capital P".

The more obvious answer to the question of why I don't think the writer believes his own bullshit would be.....Do you really think that anyone could believe that playing CTF is in any way like an orgasm? Games can be intensely fun, but the feeling is totally unlike sexual release...


the thing i don't understand is when he was playing halo2 there... its basically no different then playing the first one in a room full of friends. no one knows how the fuck the online play will be.


teepo said:
the thing i don't understand is when he was playing halo2 there... its basically no different then playing the first one in a room full of friends. no one knows how the fuck the online play will be.


I doubt he knows what its like to play online at all. even if they were hooked up to an internal network and were using the headsets and using the Live interface it just isnt the same. what if theres connection issues or you cant hear some people or some people cant join games. all that kinda stuff will bring the enjoyment of playing this game online down.

Im not buying into the hype at all. I think this game is gonna turn out pretty much how I expect it to. no more no less.


Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)
hgplayer1 said:
I think this game is gonna turn out pretty much how I expect it to. no more no less.

yup. though i fully expect the game to ROCK YOUR FUCKING PUSSY ASS!


From what I've seen and read, Halo 2 has delivered on the hype so far. People went into the past two E3's with sky-high expectations, and the game cleared them by a mile. And Bungie has only shown us the tip of the iceberg.

STFU!! :) Things like this...make me cry...I SO WANT THIS GAME!!!
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