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Itagaki to crybabies: quit your whining!


IGN: What do you say to those lesser gamers who complain that Ninja Gaiden is too hard?

Itagaki: Just fight instead of complaining.



IGN: Do you think that games are getting too easy nowadays? When I was a kid, there were a lot of games far tougher than Ninja Gaiden. Are gamers getting too soft?

Itagaki: I guess it must be only a trend, but I have no interest in "trends."

The exciting conclusion is here:



August 3rd, the day I get Doom 3 and the hurricane action pack for Ninja Gaiden! Yes!


works for Gamestop (lol)
I haven't played Ninja Gaiden yet (cause I have no Xbox, yet), but I like the way Itagaki thinks. Fuck the weaksauce gamers, games need to be harder!


*Laughs as he preps his game for mailing to his buyer*

I paid $50 to play a game, not to hold down the L trigger and occassionally tap R for 10 hours


Itagaki ranks very high on the "moron" scale and right up there with the likes of Iwata and Mikami but he does make some great points this time around.


First tragedy, then farce.
Cant wait for this, looks like a couple of enemies are going to be removed from the game completely..

and he has confirmed a SECOND hurricane pack, as well as a final (may be the third, or more than that!). This guy kicks ass, and they are obviously doing these updates to make NG a better game because they want it to be the best it can.


His last statement is a bit interesting:

IGN: What inspired you to offer this type of download for free for Ninja Gaiden fans?

Itagaki: We are creating the Hurricane Pack for ourselves rather than for our fans. Our goal is to become No. 1 in the Action Game category as well as the Fighting Game Genre. The Hurricane Pack is an experiment based on that goal.

If we were doing it purely for our fans, this package might have been charged.
So, players who are going to play Hurricane Pack should understand the contents have become free because your interests and ours have met by chance. You should not complain that other game's downloadable contents available are being charged.

Sounds like the first one is a freebee but Volume 2 (and on ) might have a charge to them.
IGN: What do you say to those lesser gamers who complain that Ninja Gaiden is too hard?

Itagaki: Just fight instead of complaining.

I agree that a there's a great sense of accomplishment after beating a really hard game, and that challenging games are great, but what I don't think he understands is balance. A balance between challenge and fun. If a challenge is hard but fun, players generally won't complain, but if it's hard and just frusterating ... well I don't need to spell it out.


Finds Purchase on Dog Nutz
I really wonder what percentage of people who played Ninja Gaiden eventually gave up on it. On GAF, all you ever hear is people bitching about it's difficulty but I don't know how prevalent this is. I was able to finish it and I hardly ever complete games. Some parts were difficult, sure, but I never felt overwhelmed like a lot of people seem to be.

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
How about letting us play as Rachael or Ayane in an update? They could simply be skins for Ryu...

IGN: What inspired you to offer this type of download for free for Ninja Gaiden fans?

Itagaki: We knew that the camera system sucked hard and decided to release an update that fixes it and other problems, masking it as new content so people would be happy about rather than wonder why we didn't do this in the first place. The truth is that I had no idea the camera was screwed up, since I wear my shades indoors and it was too dark for me to see anything. I also had to do my best to ensure that a certain reviewer wouldn't give my game another C- in the future.

Another interesting comment from the interview. ;)
belgurdo said:
*Laughs as he preps his game for mailing to his buyer*

I paid $50 to play a game, not to hold down the L trigger and occassionally tap R for 10 hours

Dude, if I had to watch you play, you'd probably get smashed in the head with the Xbox. Stick to RPGs, ya? Ya.
IGN: What inspired you to offer this type of download for free for Ninja Gaiden fans?

Itagaki: We knew that the camera system sucked hard and decided to release an update that fixes it and other problems, masking it as new content so people would be happy about rather than wonder why we didn't do this in the first place. The truth is that I had no idea the camera was screwed up, since I wear my shades indoors and it was too dark for me to see anything. I also had to do my best to ensure that a certain reviewer wouldn't give my game another C- in the future

What a little bitch. Everyone should give Ninja Gaiden 2 C- to collectively piss him off. lol
IGN: What do you say to those lesser gamers who complain that Ninja Gaiden is too hard?

Itagaki: Just fight instead of complaining.

Me: What do you say to those developers who complain about reviews during interviews?

Myself: Just answer the questions instead of complaining.


Chili Con Carnage!
ManDudeChild said:
IGN: What inspired you to offer this type of download for free for Ninja Gaiden fans?

Itagaki: We knew that the camera system sucked hard and decided to release an update that fixes it and other problems, masking it as new content so people would be happy about rather than wonder why we didn't do this in the first place. The truth is that I had no idea the camera was screwed up, since I wear my shades indoors and it was too dark for me to see anything. I also had to do my best to ensure that a certain reviewer wouldn't give my game another C- in the future

What a little bitch. Everyone should give Ninja Gaiden 2 C- to collectively piss him off. lol

Erm, 0wned.

This pack sounds really cool, i wonder if the "zombi with machinegun" is being replaced with another enemy with a ranged weapon or if they are trying to put the focus more firmly onto the melee weapons.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
belgurdo said:
*Laughs as he preps his game for mailing to his buyer*

I paid $50 to play a game, not to hold down the L trigger and occassionally tap R for 10 hours

Yeah, I just tried that and got bored after 10 minutes...

I guess if you can stand around holding a trigger for 10 hours, you ARE pretty hardcore. Perhaps that's just YOUR way of enjoying the game...


The new Gaiden screenshots look awesome.

I don't like a couple of things he said though. He said that the final Hurricane pack is going to overwrite the original game completely and he said that he prefers making monsters to humans. While I love the cool enormous monster bosses in the game I found it most satisfying to go around slicing, dicing, and decapitating the human characters.


hey itagaki to be the n1 on the fighting games u must pray for the entire vf and tekken teams to be on the same plane and crashed on a deserted island
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