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It's 4:36pm; every.single.person in the office is killing time until 5.


I can't *believe* these lazy developers keep making file sizes so damn large. Btw, how does technology work?
Seriously, it's dead silent.

Like, everyone I can see is on their cellphone texting, playing games, FB, etc; or on their computers just lurking the Internet.

That's not to say any of these folks are lazy. No - I know many of them will come in early and stay late whenever it's needed; and often do. Many skip lunch. Toward the end of the quarter, it can be quite chaotic with long days, little break, lots of travel, etc. I've had COUNTLESS meetings run hours past 5pm.

Nobody has told any of these folks they "can't" leave early. My boss doesn't even work in the same office as me.

But it's all about perception. The illusion of working hard. Nobody wants to be known as the "person who always leaves early." Even though nobody is getting real work done right now.

For what it's worth, Im meeting a friend at 5:15, so there's no reason to leave early for me today. So I really am just killing time. But still...


I entered the workforce several weeks ago soon after graduation and the same thing happened occasionally.

I'm just sitting there, searching the web, waiting for the clock to tick down to 5PM.

It was maddening at times :/
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