DMczaf said:
NBA needs to go back to the 5 game 1st round, holy crap the NBA playoffs lasted over 2 months! That's not a playoff, thats a whole damn other season!
What's the point? They'd just take three weeks to play those rounds like they did before. :lol
bionic77 said:
Or maybe T-Mac should learn to win the 4th game!
:lol :lol :lol
Things are obviously painful for the yankee doodles who have a pigskin stuffed up their loose asses, but for the rest of the planet the summer is just fine homey. As an auto racing fan, summertime is pretty much the zenith of the calender year.
The 24 Hours of Le Mans took place last weekend.
Formula 1 provided the best giggles with their fucked up US GP since Little Boy Bettman pulled the plug on the NHL season.
If Formula 1 doesn't have anymore six car races, there's still a great driver's title battle brewing between two young stud drivers, Fernando Alonso and my boy Kimi Raikkonen. And the most exciting F1 race of the year (British GP at Silverstone) takes place in three weeks.
The Toronto Molson Indy takes place in two weeks, an event that I'll be attending for all three days for the second year in a row. Watching high performance racing machines rip shit up on city streets is a total rush. Nice chicks too.
The World Rally Championship (my favourite sports circuit on earth) just had an event in Greece this past weekend, with Argentina, Finland (arguably the most bad ass event on the calender) and Germany finishing up the summer schedule.
The American LeMans series (my second favourite sports circuit on earth) really starts to get going with the 24 Hours of LeMans now completed, with five stops in the summer months including one in late August at Mosport, an hour's drive from my crib.
The WTA visits Toronto in the middle of August, which means I'll have a chance to see and hear Maria Sharapova screaming her way to victory (or something).
Wimbledon's going on even as we speak, and the US Open takes place in August. Meanwhile golf has the British Open and PGA Championship to look forward to.
Soccer's English Premier League (my third favourite sports circuit on earth) kicks off in a mere six weeks. And those will be REAL games, as opposed to the four weeks of preseason bullshit that the NFL subjects it's sheep to.
And next summer sees the World Cup taking place in Germany, which is far and away the most bad ass sporting event on the planet.
So while the pigskinners, netters and puckheads strugge with the summer months, I'm loving life as a sports fan. In some ways, the winter time is the most boring season for me...there's no auto racing to be seen in December, which is simply tragic.
BTW, I'd urge any pigskin fan who for some reason are counting down the days to the first preseason tilt between the 3rd string Eagles and 4th string Bears to catch some CFL action. Who might surprise yourselves and find out that you like it.