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It's time for NeoGeo Battle Coliseum 2.

IMO, I think it's time for SNK to do a NeoGeo Battle Coliseum 2 after both KOF XIV & Samurai Spirits/Shodown.

It had good representation of series from more than just with KOF, Fatal Fury & with some Art of Fighting characters; It also had characters from other series like Metal Slug, Aggressors of Dark Kombat, World Heroes, Samurai Spirits/Shodown, The Last Blade, etc.

I think that a sequel could do it justice, especially now that there's even more characters than ever before since the game has last been released in 2005. :)


SNK will play it secure from this time, so I doubt to see it happen soon.

The chances of a sequel to MOTW are increasing though, but still, I'm sure that the next game will be samurai shodown


SNK will play it secure from this time, so I doubt to see it happen soon.

The chances of a sequel to MOTW are increasing though, but still, I'm sure that the next game will be samurai shodown
This sounds about right. SSVII, then possibly MOTW2, then if sales keep going well maybe we'll see things like Last Blade 3, NGBC2 or (in my dreams) SNK Gals Fighters 2.


I'd be all for it. Especially since the original was pretty much what SvC: Chaos (minus the Capcom part) should have been, in the first place.

I liked some of the characters they included like from the ADK and Savage Reign casts, but I'd just rather see them rolled in to KOF tbh. A new Samurai Spirits or MOTW first please.


Not now, wait few years for the new SNK to revive/grow their IPs, no point making an all star game where barely anyone recognize the characters outside old ass gamers and pachinko fans.


A new Samurai Shodown, Fatal Fury and Metal Slug need to happen first.

They should also work on a brand new IP.
No, it's time to support KOFXIV and give it enough DLC to last the entire console generation.

50 characters feels like more than enough. Save some for XV.

And I agree with most of the other people. Focus on revitalizing IPs then work on the lesser known but deserving ones : LAST BLADE 3 PLEASE


Neo Geo Battle Colisseum was awesome. It was not only a vs game but a TAG title from SNK. It was very different in that respect, but it could have gone further in many ways. An eventual sequel would be great IMO. It'd allow them to revisit the 2v2 tag genre and its always awesome when SNK does an anything goes crossover title.

After all, its nothing but a good thing when you can pair Kaede and Lee Pai Long together on a team in the same game.


I'd rather they try a new IP, but there you go.

It's a pity that all some people want out of SNK are sequels or ports of old games, but inevitable at the same time, given their illustrious history.

I'm no different - I want a new Neo Turf Masters myself.


I want them to fuse Last Blade and Samurai Showdown/Spirits then try a new IP that's not a fighting game first.
These are some high expectations GAF has of SNK in this thread. Where is all this confidence coming from?

KoF? Yeah it's coming
SSVII? Potentially? But I haven't seen the demand. Has there been a resurgence somewhere? And I don't mean GAF.
MotW2? My dream game. Would you laugh if I said I like the storyline? Geese and Kaiser got old.

LB3? I want what you are smoking.


Sketchbook Picasso
I do want a sequel, as I think it's the perfect use for the systems that KoF XI had. Those aren't KoF systems to me, but they're fun fighting systems that could basically be "SNK's MAHHHHVEL", if used right.

The size and extremity of attacks goes even beyond what KoF does, so it'd be a great way to just go crazy and turn everything up to 16.8796.

I do have to agree with Sayad with the fact that it should probably be something that comes after some time, though. Bring Ai and Yuki back to mess with the new figureheads of SNK's series. Basically, make NGBC into the Dream match series for all of SNK and NeoGeo's legacy.


I remember flipping out for this game, because they put my favorite World Heroes character, Mudman in. That usually doesn't happen to me.
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